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1. 祭坛准备:选择一个安静清洁的地方,摆放一个供奉神灵的祭坛。祭坛可以简单或华丽,但需要整洁。

2. 准备祭品:可以准备一些食物、水果、鲜花、香烛等物品作为祭品。根据个人的信仰和传统,祭品的种类和数量可能会有所不同。

3. 打扫清洁:在进行供奉前,要确保祭坛和供品的周围干净整洁,以示诚意和尊重。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛并将其放置在祭坛上,这象征着心诚则灵,表示诚意和敬意。

5. 祈祷致敬:在祭坛前,闭目默念或大声祈祷,表达对女娲或其他神仙的敬意和祈求。

6. 祭奠供品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭坛上,可以将食物摆放在容器中,将鲜花插在花瓶里,表示尊敬和感恩。

7. 表达愿望:在祭坛前,可以表达自己的愿望或祈求,希望神仙能够保佑自己或他人,消除困难和疾苦。

8. 结束仪式:祭祀结束后,可以熄灭香烛,清理祭坛,将祭品处理掉或保存起来,以示结束。



Female Wa is the anybody in myth of Chinese ancient time, she is considered as human first ancestor and author. Consecrate female Wa or other immortal include the following measure normally:

1.Altar preparation: Choose the place of a quiet cleanness, put the altar of deities of a consecrate. OK and simple or altar is luxuriant, but need is neat.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: Can prepare the article such as a few food, fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles to serve as oblation. According to the individual's belief and tradition, the sort of oblation and amount may differ somewhat.

3.Clean cleanness: Before undertaking consecrate, should ensure of altar and offerings all round clean and neat, in order to show sincerity and respect.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles and place its go up in altar, this indicative heart sincere clever, show sincerity and respect.

5.Pray greeting: Before altar, the silent that close eye reads aloud or pray aloud, the respect that expresses pair of female Wa or other immortal and invocatory.

6.Offerings of hold a memorial ceremony for: Put ready oblation go up in altar, can put food in container, insert the flower in the vase, express to respect and be thankful.

7.Expressive desire: Before altar, can express oneself desire or petition, hope immortal can bless oneself or other, eliminate difficulty and sufferings.

8.End a ceremony: After sacred end, can extinguish joss sticks and candles, clear altar, oblation processing is dropped or save rise, in order to show an end.

These measure are the common practice of consecrate female Wa or other immortal, specific ceremony and consuetudinary may mix because of district traditional and differ somewhat.
