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1. **祭拜神龛或祭坛:** 在家中设置一个小型的神龛或祭坛,放置斯露莎的象征物品,如她的雕像、画像或图腾。在特定的日期或时间,向她献上蜡烛、鲜花、香或其他供品,并表达敬意和祈祷。

2. **祭祀仪式:** 可以定期举行祭祀仪式来向斯露莎致敬。这些仪式可以包括祈祷、献祭、舞蹈或音乐等活动,以传达敬意和感恩之情。

3. **心灵祈祷:** 无需特定的仪式,可以通过心灵祈祷的方式向斯露莎祈求保佑、指引或庇佑。

4. **遵循她的教导:** 斯露莎可能有一些关于道德、生活方式或其他方面的教导,信徒可以尽量遵循这些教导,以示尊重和信仰。



Consecrate Si Lousha (perhaps cry " Suersa " ) can undertake according to the individual's belief and tradition. Generally speaking, she can pass consecrate the following means:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to shrine or altar: ** installs shrine of a diminutive or altar in the home, place indicative article of Si Lousha, be like her statuary, picture or totem. In specific date or time, present cerated candle, flower, sweet or other offerings to her, convey devoir and pray.

2.** sacred ceremony: ** can hold sacred ceremony to greet regularly. These ceremonies can include to pray, the activity such as sacrificial, dancing or music, in order to relay devoir and the feeling that be thankful.

3.** heart prays: ** need not specific ceremony, the means that can pray through the heart petitions to Si Lousha bless, how-to or bless.

4.** abides by her teach: ** Si Lousha may have a few about morality, lifestyle or other side teach, believer can abide by these teaching as far as possible, in order to show esteem and belief.

As a whole, consecrate Si Lousha is a kind of kind that expresses belief and respect, can choose the pattern that fit according to the individual's belief and actual condition.
