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1. **准备供品**:准备一些供品,如清水、鲜花、水果、香烛等。这些供品代表着尊敬和虔诚。

2. **净手净心**:在供奉佛像之前,先洗净双手,然后用清水洗脸,保持内心的清净和虔诚。

3. **摆放佛像**:将草印佛像放在供桌或者供奉的位置上,确保佛像稳固而端庄。

4. **点烛香**:点燃香烛,向佛像敬香,表达尊敬和虔诚之情。

5. **献供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌前,可以依次向佛像献上。

6. **虔诚祈祷**:在供奉过程中,闭目默念或者诵经,表达虔诚的祈祷和愿望。

7. **诚心礼拜**:向佛像行三礼,即双手合十,俯身至地,表示谦恭和敬仰。

8. **心存感恩**:供奉结束后,向佛像表达感恩之情,感谢佛陀的加持和庇佑。



Consecrate grass imprints figure of Buddha needs a few basic measure and note. Above all, the place that you need a cleanness comes consecrate figure of Buddha, had better be a special family hall for worshipping Buddha or altar. Next, undertake according to the following measure:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan a few offerings, wait like clear water, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles. These offerings are being represented respect and devotional.

2.** of clean heart of ** relieve oneself: Before consecrate figure of Buddha, first abluent both hands, wash a face with clear water next, those who maintain a heart is kosher and devotional.

3.** puts ** of figure of Buddha: Imprint grass figure of Buddha is put in altar or of consecrate locally, ensure firm and figure of Buddha is dignified.

4.** nods candle sweet ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, to Jing Xiang of figure of Buddha, express respect and religious feeling.

5.** displays offerings ** : Put ready offerings before altar, OK and ordinal display to figure of Buddha on.

6.** prays piously ** : In consecrate process, the silent that close eye reads aloud or Song classics, express devotional prayer and desire.

7.** of ** sincere chapel: Salute to figure of Buddha, namely both hands put the palms together, fu body reachs the ground, express to be mixed civilly revere.

8.** heart puts be thankful ** : After consecrate ends, express the feeling that be thankful to figure of Buddha, thank Buddha add hold and bless.

Above is consecrate grass imprints the basic measure of figure of Buddha, state of mind should maintain in consecrate process awe-stricken and devotional, express the respect to Buddha and belief with this.
