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1. 祭坛准备:选择一个清洁整齐的地方设置祭坛,可以是一个小桌子或者供桌。在祭坛上放上祖先牌位或者照片,以及一些鲜花、水果、糕点等食品。

2. 上香祭拜:在特定的日子,比如农历的祭祖节或者每月初一、十五等日子,点燃香烛,敬献食品,虔诚地向祖先祭拜致敬。在祭拜过程中,可以说些祝福的话语,表达对祖先的尊敬和感恩之情。

3. 定期祭祀:每逢重要的节日或者祖先的忌日,都要进行定期的祭祀仪式,以示对祖先的尊敬和追思。

4. 调整祭祀内容:根据家族的传统和个人的情况,可以适当调整祭祀的内容和方式,但要保持虔诚和诚挚。

5. 传承文化:将祭祀祖先的传统代代相传,让家族成员都了解并参与其中,以保持家族文化的传承和延续。



Consecrate ancestor is Chinese tradition one of culture important and consuetudinary, have the following move normally:

1.Altar preparation: Choose a clean and orderly place to install altar, can be a small table or altar. Ancestral memorial tablet is put on altar or photograph, and the food such as a few flowers, fruit, cake.

2.Sweet hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to on: In specific date, for instance the hold a memorial ceremony for of the traditional Chinese calendar ancestor section or every months first one, 15 wait for a day, ignite joss sticks and candles, jing Xian food, do obeisance to greeting to ancestral hold a memorial ceremony for piously. The process is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for in, can say the speech of some of blessing,

3.Fixed and sacred: Whenever main festival or ancestral the anniversary of the death of a parent, should undertake periodic sacred ceremony, mix in order to show to ancestral respect chase after think of.

4.Adjust sacred content: According to the circumstance of familial tradition and individual, can adjust sacred content and pattern appropriately, but should keep devotional and cordial.

5.Inheritance culture: The traditional generation acting according to legend of will sacred ancestor, in letting familial member understands and participate in its, in order to maintain the inheritance of familial culture and continuance.

These are the basic measure of consecrate ancestor, specific details can be mixed according to the tradition of individual family the habit will undertake adjustment.
