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1. **供品**:可以供奉水果、鲜花、香烛等物品。水果可以选择富含汁液的水果,如苹果、桔子等;鲜花可以选择清新香气的花朵,如百合、玫瑰等;香烛则可以选择纯净的香味,如檀香、梅花香等。

2. **祈祷**:在供奉的同时,可以默默祈祷,表达自己的虔诚和愿望。

3. **清洁**:定期清洁供奉的地方,保持清净整洁,以示尊重。

4. **敬拜**:在心中敬拜孤仙姑,表达对她的崇敬和信仰。



Gu female immortal is the independent female faery in home pointing to celestial being, the consecrate with normally certain need in order to show respect. You can be mixed according to your belief the tradition undertakes consecrate, common practice includes:

1.** offerings ** : Can the article such as consecrate fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles. The fruit can choose to contain a lot ofthe fruit of juice, wait like apple, orange; The flower can choose the flower of pure and fresh aroma, wait like lily, rose; Joss sticks and candles can choose pure fragrance, if white sandalwood, wintersweet is sweet,wait.

2.** prays ** : In consecrate while, can pray silently, those who convey oneself is devotional with the desire.

3.** clean ** : The place of fixed and clean consecrate, keep kosher and neat, in order to show respect.

4.** of ** Jing Bai: The female immortal that do obeisance to Gu is respected in the heart, expression esteems to hers and devotional.

Anyhow, consecrate Gu female immortal needs true purpose and deferential manner, esteem is traditional, those who convey oneself is devotional.
