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1. 主神牌位(如祖先牌位、家庭神灵牌位)通常放在最中间,代表最尊贵的地位。
2. 神仙、祖先或其他重要的神灵牌位放在主神牌位的两侧,按照尊卑排列。
3. 子孙牌位通常放在主神牌位的下方,代表对祖先的尊敬和纪念。
4. 其他家庭成员的牌位则根据他们的尊卑关系进行排列,通常放在主神牌位或子孙牌位的侧面。



The permutation of consecrate memorial tablet depends on normally particular religion or custom habit. In Chinese traditional culture, use the following means to undertake permutation commonly:

1.Advocate divine memorial tablet (like ancestral memorial tablet, domestic deities memorial tablet) put in normally most among, represent the most exalted position.
2.Immortal, ancestor or other and important deities memorial tablet are put in advocate the two side of divine memorial tablet, arrange according to honour low.
3.Descendants memorial tablet is put in normally advocate the lower part of divine memorial tablet, represent the respect to the ancestor and commemoration day.
4.The memorial tablet of other family member undertakes permutation according to their honour low relation, put in normally advocate the flank of divine memorial tablet or descendants memorial tablet.

Those who need an attention is, the likelihood has different area and different religion to range way differently, best basis of place consuetudinary undertake arranging with the tradition.
