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1. 备置供品:准备好各式祭品,如牲畜、水果、点心等。

2. 烧纸钱:用纸张制成现金、衣物等物品,然后焚烧送给亡灵。

3. 上香拜祭:在家庭祖先牌位或灵堂前上香,虔诚祭拜。

4. 放生:有些地区会在这一天放生,寓意解救亡灵。

5. 点放孟婆汤:象征为亡灵解除在阴间的业障和痛苦。



It is below about medium yuan of introduction of consecrate:

In yuan consecrate is Chinese tradition folk-custom is consuetudinary one of, basically be in the traditional Chinese calendar will undertake this days 15 in July. Be in this day, people can plan all sorts of offerings, if, fruit, cake, joss sticks and candles, consecrate gives government office medium the soul of a deceased person. This is for sacred with solace the soul of deceased relatives and friends, let them be in Acheron get food and articles for daily use make offerings to.

Medium the main measure of yuan of consecrate includes:

1.: of equipment buy offerings? ? of Lang of outskirt of urgent negative enzymatic have a nightmare is like domestic animals, fruit, mug-up to wait.

2.Burn: of paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead? ? of Ren Qie of mace of contraction of ⒁ of Zhen of the paper on cover straw fat shoot a glance at burns next give the soul of a deceased person.

3.Go up the sweet: that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for? Brag Pu of faze of Yi プ Chang changes Gu door or window frame people shipboard? devotional hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to.

4.: of free captive animals? Anxiety of cook of Su of fleabane of  of travel ┑ She flags the soul of a deceased person of rescue of clique? implied meaning.

5.Does the dot put: of soup of mother-in-law of the first month? Pure yo of collect of shrimp of of lineal descent of bursa of Lai of Qiong of show off of  of Xie of couch of Juan of Jia Chi  ?

Anyhow, in yuan the section is Chinese tradition consuetudinary medium main festival, carry the kind of sacred the soul of a deceased person, the recall that conveys pair of person that die and chase after think of.
