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1. **准备神位**: 在家中选择一个清洁、安静的地方供奉神位,可以是一个小桌子或专用的神台。
2. **选择神像或神符**: 根据信仰选择要供奉的神像或神符,可以是佛像、菩萨像、家神像等。
3. **摆放供品**: 在神位上摆放供品,如水果、鲜花、香炉、香烛等。供品应当新鲜、干净。
4. **燃香祈祷**: 点燃香烛,默念祈祷或诵经,表达对神灵的尊敬和虔诚。
5. **守护神位**: 定期清理和更换供品,保持神位的清洁和整齐。



Magical because a consecrate means is devotional with the tradition different, but common move is as follows:

1.** preparation is magical a ** : A cleanness, quiet in the choice in the home place consecrate is magical, can be a small table or appropriative mind table.
2.** chooses God or ** of divine accord with: Want the God of consecrate or divine accord with according to devotional choice, can be figure of Buddha, Bodhisattva resembling, penates resembles waiting.
3.** puts offerings ** : In the god on put offerings, wait like fruit, flower, censer, joss sticks and candles. Offerings ought to fresh, clean.
4.** lights sweet pray ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, silent reads aloud pray or Song classics, the respect that expresses pair of deities and devotional.
5.** Palladium ** : Clear regularly and change offerings, maintain a spirit cleanness and orderly.

Consecrate god it is a religious ceremony, need with awe-stricken treat with sincere desire. If have the traditional habit of specific deities or regulation, also should abide by corresponding means consecrate.
