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1. **准备场所**:选择一个清静、洁净的地方摆放佛龛,最好是避免在厕所、厨房等不洁净的地方。

2. **选择佛龛**:根据个人的信仰和偏好选择适合的佛龛。可以是含有密宗传承的佛像或塑像,也可以是佛教经典或法器。

3. **清洁佛龛**:在供奉之前,要先清洁佛龛,确保其表面干净整洁。

4. **准备供品**:供奉密宗佛龛需要一些供品,如水、鲜花、香、果实、酥油灯等。供品的选择和数量可以根据个人的喜好和能力来确定。

5. **供奉仪式**:在准备好供品之后,可以进行供奉仪式。可以开始时点燃香烛,然后将供品摆放在佛龛前,并虔诚地念诵经文或祈祷。

6. **日常供养**:除了定期进行供奉仪式外,还应该每天保持佛龛的清洁,并定期更换供品,以示虔诚和尊敬。



The consecrate of niche of close Zong Fo needs certain ceremony and preparative work. Generally speaking, niche of consecrate close Zong Fo needs the following measure:

1.** prepares spatial ** : Choose a quiet, clean place to put niche for a statue of Buddha, had better be to avoid to wait for not clean place in toilet, kitchen.

2.** chooses ** of niche for a statue of Buddha: Choose the niche for a statue of Buddha that suit according to the individual's belief and preference. Can be the figure of Buddha that contains close Zong Chuancheng or statue, also can be Buddhist classical or musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass.

3.** of ** clean niche for a statue of Buddha: Before consecrate, niche for a statue of Buddha of Yao Xianqing clean, ensure its surface is clean and neat.

4.** prepares offerings ** : Niche of consecrate close Zong Fo needs a few offerings, wait like lamp of water, flower, sweet, fructification, ghee. The choice of offerings and amount can decide according to the individual's be fond of and ability.

5.** of ** consecrate ceremony: After preparing offerings, can undertake consecrate ceremony. Can ignite joss sticks and candles in the begining, put offerings next before niche for a statue of Buddha, recite lection piously or pray.

6.** makes offerings to daily ** : Besides undertaking consecrate ceremony regularly, return the cleanness that should maintain niche for a statue of Buddha everyday, change regularly offerings, mix in order to show piously respect.

Above is the basic measure of niche of consecrate close Zong Fo, particular way can be mixed according to actual condition of the individual devotional habit undertakes adjustment.
