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1. **正面朝向:** 佛像应该正面朝向房间的主要入口或者窗户,以示迎接光明和正能量。

2. **高处:** 佛像应该放置在高处,象征着佛陀的崇高地位和智慧。如果有条件,可以将佛像放置在佛龛或特制的高台上。

3. **尊重:** 在佛像附近应该保持清洁和整齐,不应该放置杂物或者其他物品,以示对佛陀的尊重。

4. **避免背向:** 应避免将佛像背对着门或者窗户摆放,这被认为是不吉利的。

5. **避免直接对着床:** 如果佛像放置在卧室,避免将佛像直接对着床,以免破坏睡眠环境。

6. **与其他物品的摆放:** 佛像应该独立摆放,避免与其他神像或者宗教符号摆放在一起,以免产生混淆或不尊重的情况。



Of figure of Buddha of wooden tower consecrate put should mix according to Buddhist tradition normally culture is consuetudinary. Generally speaking, figure of Buddha should place the midpoint in the tower, namely the most conspicuous position, the respect that shows pair of Buddha and revere. When putting figure of Buddha, need notices the following:

1.** front faces towards: ** figure of Buddha should the main entrance of openly front room or window, receive in order to show light and energy.

2.** altitude: ** figure of Buddha should be placed pinnacled, the great place of indicative Buddha and wisdom. If conditional, can place figure of Buddha go up in niche for a statue of Buddha or tailor-made high table.

3.** esteem: ** should maintain around figure of Buddha cleanness and orderly, should not place sundry other perhaps goods, in order to show the respect to Buddha.

4.** avoids a back to: ** should avoid to carry figure of Buddha on the back to the door or the window is put, this is considered as ominous.

5.** avoids direct to the bed: ** if figure of Buddha is placed in the bedroom, avoid figure of Buddha direct to the bed, lest destroy Morpheus environment.

6.Of ** and other goods put: ** figure of Buddha should be put independently, avoid with other God or religious symbol is put together, lest arise promiscuous or not valued circumstance.

Put figure of Buddha to need to be handled neatly according to the individual's belief and actual condition, but above principle can serve as reference.
