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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在特定的节日或家族重要的纪念日,家族成员会聚集在一起,进行祭拜仪式。他们会在家庭祭祀台前摆放家谱,并燃起香烛,表达对祖先的尊敬和敬意。

2. **祭品:** 家族成员会准备一些祭品,如水果、糕点、酒水等,放在家谱旁边。这些祭品代表着对祖先的供养和怀念。

3. **祈祷和诵经:** 家族成员可能会进行祈祷和诵经,以祈求祖先的保佑和庇佑。他们可能会诵读家族的家训或传统经文,传承家族的价值观念和智慧。

4. **清理和维护:** 家谱作为家族的宝贵资料,需要得到妥善的清理和维护。定期检查家谱的完整性和保存状况,确保它能够传承下去。



Consecrate family tree has through the following means normally:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** is in specific festival or familial and important fete, collect of familial member assemble is together, undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony. They can be in the family puts family tree before sacred stage, light a joss sticks and candles, express the respect to the ancestor and respect.

2.** oblation: ** familial member can plan a few sacrificial offerings, wait like water of fruit, cake, wine, put by family tree. These oblation are representing pair of ancestors make offerings to and yearn for.

3.** prays and Song classics: ** familial member may undertake prayer mixing Song classics, with invocatory ancestor bless and bless. They may the domestic model with familial chant or traditional lection, the viewpoint of value with familial inheritance reads aloud He Zhihui.

4.** clears and safeguard: ** family tree serves as familial valuable data, need to appropriate clears and be safeguarded. The integrality that checks family tree regularly and save a state, ensure it can inheritance goes down.

The means of these consecrate family tree can help familial member carry the respect to the ancestor and memory, the tradition with familial at the same time inheritance and viewpoint of value read aloud.
