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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在指定的日期和时间,准备好祭品,如鲜花、水果、香烛等,摆放在女神的神龛或供桌上。然后诚心祈求女神保佑招财守财。

2. **每日供奉:** 每天给女神供奉一些小的祭品,可以是一些水果、香烛、花朵等,表达对女神的尊敬和信仰。

3. **诚心祷告:** 在心中默念诚挚的祷告,请求女神保佑财富和好运降临。

4. **行善积德:** 在日常生活中行善积德,做一些善事来感谢女神的庇佑,比如捐助慈善、帮助他人等。

5. **保持清净心态:** 在供奉女神的过程中保持专注、虔诚的心态,相信女神的力量会带来好运和财富。


Action money defends money goddess consecrate to be able to be mixed according to the individual's belief consuetudinary will undertake. Normally the practice includes:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** is mixed in designation date time, prepare oblation, wait like flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, put the shrine in goddess or altar to go up. Petition in earnest next goddess blesses action money to defend money.

2.** daily consecrate: ** gives goddess consecrate a few small sacrificial offerings everyday, can be a few fruits, joss sticks and candles, flower, express the respect to goddess and belief.

3.** sincere desire is devotional: ** reads aloud cordial prayer in the silent in the heart, request goddess blesses fortune and lucky advent.

4.Accumulate virtue of ** do good works: ** is in daily life accumulate virtue of do good works, do thing of a few be apt to to come to those who thank goddess bless, for instance other of contributory charity, help.

5.** maintains kosher state of mind: ** holds dedicated, devotional state of mind in the process middleman and guarantor of consecrate goddess, the force that believes goddess can be brought lucky with fortune.
