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1. **供奉神像:** 可以在家中或庙宇中设立关公的神像,通常摆放在高处或神龛中,以示尊崇。

2. **献供品:** 可以向关公献上各种供品,如鲜花、水果、茶叶、酒等,表示诚心和敬意。

3. **焚香祈祷:** 在供奉关公的时候,可以点香并祷告,表达对关公的尊敬和信仰。

4. **祈求庇佑:** 在祭拜关公时,可以祈求关公的庇佑,保佑家人平安、事业顺利。

5. **敬拜祭祀:** 可以定期或在特殊节日向关公进行敬拜祭祀,表达对其的崇敬和信仰。



Close fair it is one of heroes that homage gets fully in Chinese culture, consecrate closes fair the tradition with need to abide by certain normally and formal. It is a few consecrate involve general common kind below:

1.** consecrate God: ** can be in the home or establish in temple close fair God, put normally pinnacled or shrine is medium, in order to show homage.

2.** presents offerings: ** is OK to close fair display on all sorts of offerings, wait like flower, fruit, tea, wine, show sincere desire and respect.

3.** censes pray: ** closes in consecrate fair when, can nod sweet devotional, express public to closing respect and belief.

4.** is invocatory bless: ** is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for close fair when, OK and invocatory close to bless fairly, bless family restful, career is successful.

5.** Jing Bai is sacred: ** is OK fixed or in special red-letter day to close fair undertake Jing Bai sacred, expression esteems to his and devotional.

Close in consecrate fair when, the most important is earnestly and sincerely, and the consecrate pattern that follows a tradition and formal.
