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1. **富贵画**:如富贵花鸟、富贵山水等,通常描绘富裕、繁荣的景象,象征着财富和好运。

2. **金蟾图**:金蟾是财运的象征,画上金蟾通常被认为可以吸引财富。

3. **聚宝盆**:象征着聚财纳福,将财富聚集到一起的意象。

4. **发财树**:通常是一种繁茂的树木,寓意着财源滚滚,生意兴隆。

5. **瑞兽图**:如龙、麒麟等祥瑞动物的画作,被视为能够带来好运和保护。



According to traditional and geomantic doctrine, some pictures are made be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune. A few common choices include:

1.** riches and honour draws ** : Wait like landscape of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of riches and honour, riches and honour, depict the scene of rich, prosperity normally, indicative fortune become reconciled carries.

2.** of graph of ** gold Chan: Jin Chan is money carry is indicative, the Jin Chan on the picture is thought to be able to draw money normally.

3.** cornucopia ** : Symbolic move gets together money enjoy a life of comfort, collect money image.

4.** gets rich tree ** : It is a kind of exuberant tree normally, the implied meaning is worn exchequer billow, the business is thriving.

5.** of graph of ** luck animal: If the picture of the auspicious sign animal such as dragon, kylin is made, be regarded as can bring lucky with protection.

No matter choose what kind of picture to make, should mix according to the individual's be fond of devotional, and household environment and culture setting will decide. Important is to should let his feel comfortable and cheerful, because the mood of this kind of front also conduces to,attract lucky.
