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1. **金色物品**:金色代表着财富,因此摆放一些金色的物品,如金色的装饰品、摆件或金色的装饰画,有助于增加财运。

2. **植物**:一些植物被认为能够带来好运和财富。比如,吉祥草、幸运竹、吊兰和绿萝都是常见的用来提升财运的植物。

3. **水景**:在家中摆放水景,如流水或水池,被认为能够带来财运。水象征着财富的流动和积聚。

4. **风水镜**:风水镜被认为有驱邪和聚财的作用,可以摆放在家中的一些特定位置,如门口或是财位。

5. **水晶**:水晶被认为有吸引财富和正能量的作用,可以选择摆放一些水晶制品,如水晶球或水晶摆件。



The goods that puts fortune of a few delegates and prosperity can conduce to the money carry in promoting the home. It is the article that is thought to be able to draw money on a few traditions below:

1.** of ** aureate article: Aureate delegate is worn fortune, because this puts a few aureate goods, like aureate adornment, place or aureate adornment picture, conduce to increase money use.

2.** plant ** : A few plants are thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune. For instance, lucky grass, lucky bamboo, bracketplant and green trailing plants are common the plant that uses promotion money motion.

3.** of ** water scene: Water view is laid in the home, be like running water or cistern, be thought to be able to bring money luck. The flow of water is indicative fortune and accumulation.

4.** of ** geomantic lens: Geomantic lens is thought to have exorcise and get together the action of money, can put a few specific positions in the home, be like a doorway or be money.

5.** crystal ** : Crystal is thought to have attract fortune and the action of energy, can choose to put a few crystal product, place like crystal ball or crystal.

No matter put what goods, the key depends on yourself's belief and intention. In maintaining the home neat with order one of main factors that also are promotion money carry.
