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1. **朝向:** 有些风水学派认为,朝向良好的房子可以吸引到更多的阳光和正能量。通常来说,南向或东南向的房子被认为是较为吉利的。

2. **布局:** 房子的布局应该通畅、宽敞,不要有过多的拐角或障碍物,这样有利于正能量的流动。避免将门直接对着楼梯或厕所,这样被认为是不吉利的布局。

3. **环境:** 房子周围的环境也很重要,最好是清洁、安静的环境,避免附近有污染或是破败的建筑。

4. **色彩:** 一些颜色被认为是有利于提升家中气场和运气的,比如明亮的色彩如白色、浅蓝色等,能够给人带来清新和舒适的感觉。

5. **装饰:** 在家中放置一些绿植、艺术品或风水摆件,可以起到调和气场的作用,有助于提升家里的运气。



Geomantic doctrine thinks, the factor that affects the lot in the home has a lot of, the head that includes a building, layout, environment. Generally speaking, the following may be thought to conduce to the luck in promotion home:

1.** front: ** has some of geomantic school to think, the house with good head can be attracted more sunshine and energy. Normally for, south to or southeast to the house is considered as relatively auspicious.

2.** layout: The layout of ** house should be unobstructed, capacious, do not have overmuch corner or fraise, such is helpful for the flow of energy. Avoid the door direct to stair or toilet, be considered as ominous layout so.

3.** environment: The environment all round ** house is very important also, had better be cleanness, quiet environment, avoid around have pollution or be dilapidated building.

4.** colour: A few color of ** are considered as to be helpful for promoting the gas in the home field and fortune, for instance bright color is like white, shallow blue to wait, can bring to the person pure and fresh with cozy feeling.

5.** adornment: ** is placed in the home a few green plant, artwork or geomantic place, can have the effect of harmonic gas field, conduce to the luck in promotion home.

However, these ideas may differ somewhat in different culture and area, also do not have scientific evidence to be able to prove its effectiveness. Important is the cleanness in maintaining the home neat, maintain good state of mind and positive life attitude, this may be compared geomantic more important.
