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1. 枫树:适应性强,对于阳光充足、排水良好的环境都适合生长,而且叶子颜色丰富,可以增加居住环境的美感。

2. 樱花树:在适宜的气候和土壤条件下,樱花树生长迅速,花期美丽,是屋前后的一道靓丽风景线。

3. 枣树:对土壤要求不高,耐干旱,适应性强,而且结果丰硕,可以增加果实收获的乐趣。

4. 柚子树:喜欢充足的阳光和排水良好的土壤,果实味美,营养丰富,是一种不错的选择。

5. 椰子树:如果居住地气候温暖且阳光充足,椰子树是一个非常好的选择,不仅可以提供阴凉,还可以享受新鲜的椰子果实。



House around is planted tree most of flourishing should consider many factors, include illuminate of edaphic condition, sunshine, climate to wait. Generally speaking, it is more important that the tree that chooses to suit local climate and soil is planted. A few common trees that suit house around to cultivate plant include:

1.Maple: Adaptability is strong, favorable to sunny, catchment environment suits to grow, and leaf color is rich, can increase the aesthetic feeling of living environment.

2.Oriental cherry tree: Below appropriate climate and edaphic condition, oriental cherry tree grows rapid, florescence beauty, a be house around beautiful beautiful scenery line.

3.Jujube: Not tall to edaphic requirement, be able to bear or endure arid, adaptability is strong, and result plentiful and substantial, can add the pleasure that fructification harvests.

4.Grapefruit: Like the soil with enough sunshine and good drainage, fruit is delicious, nutrition is rich, it is a kind of right choice.

5.Coco: If reside warmth of dwelling place climate and sunny, coco is a first-rate choice, can offer not only shady and cool, still can enjoy fresh coco fruit.

Plant besides these trees besides, still can mix according to local climate edaphic circumstance option is other suitable tree is planted, for example pine, ginkgo. The size after it is mature that in the growth that when cultivating, tree should notice characteristics is mixed, ensure won't affect all round building and other floral grow.
