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1. **榕树**:在中国传统文化中,榕树被认为是招财树,因为其茂盛的树叶象征着财富的累积和繁荣。

2. **松树**:松树被视为长寿、坚固和财富的象征,因为它们经受住了时间的考验,且在冬季依然翠绿。

3. **竹子**:竹子在中国文化中也是一个重要的象征物,被认为象征着坚韧、灵活和生生不息的生命力,也因此被视为吉祥的象征之一。

4. **桃树**:在中国传统文化中,桃树被认为是辟邪和带来好运的象征。桃树在春天开花结果,被视为一种新生和繁荣的象征。



In Chinese traditional culture, a few tree are thought indicative fortune become reconciled carries, but these belief are to be based on foundation of science of symbolic significance and rather than normally. A few be thought can the tree of flourishing money includes:

1.** banyan ** : In Chinese traditional culture, banyan is considered as to enrol money tree, the accumulation of the leaf because of its exuberance is indicative fortune and prosperity.

2.** pine ** : Pine is regarded as macrobian, solid with fortune indicative, because they underwent the test of time, and in winter still emerald green.

3.** bamboo ** : Bamboo also is a significant indication in Chinese culture, be thought symbolic move is tough, quick and give birth to the vitality that is born not to cease, because this is regarded as,also symbolize luckily one of.

4.** peach ** : In Chinese traditional culture, peach is considered as exorcise evil spirits and bring symbolize luckily. Peach blossoms and bear fruit in spring, what be regarded as a kind of new student and prosperity is indicative.

No matter be which kinds of tree, the symbolic significance of their flourishing money is to build what go up in culture tradition and belief, because this cultivates these tree to may bring the contented sense of a kind of mentally to people, but real money or need are gotten through effort and wisdom.
