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1. **水培发财树**:在透明的花瓶或容器中养护一棵发财树,保持水的清洁和充足,这有助于促进其生长和茂盛,象征着财源滚滚。

2. **阳光充足**:确保发财树所在的位置能够接受充足的阳光,阳光充足有利于植物的生长,也符合“财源滚滚”的象征。

3. **位置摆放**:将发财树放置在风水上有利的位置,比如屋子的财位或者门口。这有助于增加其象征财富的能量。

4. **配以金色或红色物品**:在发财树的周围摆放金色或红色的物品,如金色的钱币、红色的绸带或红包等,有助于增强其财富气场。

5. **定期修剪**:定期修剪发财树的枝叶,保持其形态整齐,有助于促进生长和活力。



Get rich what the tree is regarded as indicative fortune become reconciled to carry in Chinese traditional culture is indicative, but should let get rich tree " flourishing " , can consider the following:

1.** Shui Peifa money cultivates ** : In transparent vase or container conserve gets rich tree, the cleanness that carries water and enough, this conduces to promote its to grow He Maocheng, indicative exchequer billow.

2.** sunny ** : Ensure get rich the position that establishs a place can accept enough sunshine, sunny be helpful for floral growing, also accord with " exchequer billow " indicative.

3.** position puts ** : Will get rich the tree is placed in geomantic on favorable position, for instance the money of the house or doorway. This conduces to increase its the energy of indicative fortune.

4.** matchs with ** of aureate or gules article: In get rich of the tree all round put aureate or gules goods, wait like aureate coin, red silken tape or red bag, conduce to enhance field of its wealth gas.

5.** of ** fixed clip: Fixed clip gets rich the branches and leaves of the tree, maintain its configuration is orderly, conduce to promote grow and vigor.

As a whole, get rich of the tree " flourishing " with conserve and environmental be closely bound up, be caressed meticulously and reasonable put can increase its indicative fortune and lucky effect.
