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1. 多肉植物:多肉植物易于养护,不需要经常浇水,能够在室内良好成长,还能增添室内的绿意。
2. 薄荷:薄荷是一种香气宜人、易于种植的草本植物,可以用来调制茶水或调味食物,同时也能增添居室的清新气息。
3. 绿萝:绿萝是常见的室内观叶植物,对光照要求不高,适合放在室内明亮的位置,能够净化空气,增添室内绿意。
4. 台湾吊兰:台湾吊兰是一种适合室内养护的观叶植物,对光照和湿度要求不高,能够在室内良好生长,并具有一定的装饰效果。
5. 铁树:铁树是一种耐旱、耐寒的室内观叶植物,对光照要求不高,适合放在室内通风良好的位置,能够增添室内绿色元素。



Disposition of the schoolgirl that belong to a dog is mostly enthusiastic and lively, like socialization and freedom, because this suits,raise a few take care of easily, the plant that can increase life interest. It is a few plants that suit to belong to dog schoolgirl to raise below:

1.Meaty plant: Meaty plant easily conserve, do not need to often water, can indoors good grow, still can add indoor green idea.
2.Field mint: Field mint is a kind of aroma the delightful, herb that grows easily, can use modulation boiled water or flavor food, also can add the pure and fresh flavor of the bedroom at the same time.
3.Green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is the common indoor plant that observe a part of a historical period, not tall to illumination requirement, suit to put indoors bright position, can purify air, add indoor green meaning.
4.Taiwan bracketplant: Taiwan bracketplant is a kind of plant observing a part of a historical period that suits indoor conserve, not tall to illumination and humidity requirement, can indoors fine exceedingly is long, have certain adornment effect.
5.Sago cycas: Sago cycas is one kind is able to bear or endure the indoor plant observing a part of a historical period of drought, cold-resistant, not tall to illumination requirement, suit to put indoors drafty position, can add indoor green element.

These plants not only easily conserve, the life that still can be the schoolgirl that belong to a dog adds a few fun and vigor.
