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  • 《第五人格》(Identity V)是由网易移动游戏公司开发的一款非对称性对抗竞技类手机游戏。游戏于2018年4月2日在中国大陆的安卓端与iOS端开启不删档内测,并最终于4月12日正式在中国大陆全平台公测。游戏采用了蒂姆-伯顿式的哥特画风,人物采用线缝制的布偶设定。玩家将分别扮演监管者和求生者双方,前者在攻击上有极大的先天优势,拥有强大的“搜索、追逐”能力,要阻止并抓住至少三人才能获胜。而后者虽然弱小,但有着人数和资源优势,依靠有利的地形和复杂的地图进行潜伏、分工合作,并有一定的反制措施,至少三人逃跑才能宣告胜利。游戏在iOS、Android、PC三个平台均有客户端,并有相对独立运营的中国服务器、亚洲服务器和欧美服务器。   "Identity V" is a mobile game developed by NetEase Games, which falls under the category of Asymmetrical Battle Arena (ABA). The game was initially released in China for Android and iOS on April 2, 2018, and officially launched on all platforms in China on April 12, 2018. It features a Tim Burton-esque gothic art style with characters designed as stitched dolls. Players take on the roles of either the Regulator or the Survivors. The Regulator has a significant advantage in attacking and must capture at least three of the four Survivors to win. The Survivors, though weaker, have the advantage of numbers and resources, using the terrain and complex map to hide, cooperate, and counteract the Regulator's moves, with at least three of them needing to escape to declare victory. The game is available on iOS, Android, and PC platforms, with separate servers for China, Asia, and the Americas.   游戏简介: 《第五人格》是一款集合解谜与战斗的多人非对称对抗手游。玩家在游戏中扮演侦探奥尔菲斯,收到一封神秘的委托信后,进入恶名昭著的庄园调查一件失踪案。在进行证据调查过程中,玩家可以选择扮演监管者或求生者,展开激烈的对抗。游戏以1V4的非对称性对抗玩法为核心,属于有内购的免费游戏。游戏在iOS、Android、PC三个平台均有客户端,并有相对独立运营的中国服务器、亚洲服务器和欧美服务器。   "Identity V" is a multiplayer asymmetrical battle arena mobile game that combines puzzle-solving and combat. Players take on the role of Detective Orpheus, who enters a notorious manor to investigate a missing person case after receiving a mysterious commission letter. During the investigation, players can choose to play as either the Regulator or the Survivors, engaging in intense battles. The game is centered around a 1V4 asymmetrical battle arena gameplay and is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. It is available on iOS, Android, and PC platforms, with separate servers for China, Asia, and the Americas.
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