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  • 车厘子(樱桃)中的铁含量并不高,每100克含有的铁量仅为0.3~0.4毫克。成年人每天的铁摄入量建议在10毫克左右,女性可能需要更多。因此,要通过食用车厘子达到铁中毒的程度,需要摄入的量远远超过正常饮食可能达到的水平。此外,车厘子中的铁是非血红素铁,其吸收率较低,因此通过食用车厘子导致铁中毒的可能性非常小。


    Cherries - 车厘子/樱桃
    Iron poisoning - 铁中毒
    Iron intake - 铁摄入量
    Non-heme iron - 非血红素铁
    Absorption rate - 吸收率
    Toxic dose - 毒性剂量
    Dietary guidelines - 膳食指南
    Myth - 谣言/误解


    The myth that eating too many cherries can lead to iron poisoning is not scientifically supported. 吃太多车厘子会导致铁中毒的说法没有科学依据。

    Cherries contain a low amount of iron, making iron poisoning from consuming them highly unlikely. 车厘子含有的铁量很低,因此通过食用它们导致铁中毒的可能性非常小。

    The iron in cherries is non-heme iron, which has a lower absorption rate in the human body. 车厘子中的铁是非血红素铁,在人体内的吸收率较低。

    According to dietary guidelines, the recommended daily iron intake for adults is around 10 milligrams. 根据膳食指南,成年人每天建议的铁摄入量约为10毫克。

    To reach a toxic dose of iron from cherries, one would have to consume an unrealistic amount of cherries. 要通过食用车厘子达到铁的毒性剂量,需要摄入不切实际的车厘子数量。


    The concern about iron poisoning from consuming cherries is largely a myth. Cherries, while a nutritious fruit, contain only a minimal amount of iron—approximately 0.3 to 0.4 milligrams per 100 grams. This is significantly lower than the recommended daily iron intake for adults, which is around 10 milligrams. Moreover, the iron found in cherries is non-heme iron, which is not as readily absorbed by the body as heme iron found in animal products. To put it into perspective, one would have to eat an enormous quantity of cherries to even approach the threshold for iron poisoning, which is highly improbable under normal circumstances. Therefore, enjoying cherries as part of a balanced diet should not pose any risk of iron poisoning.


    上一篇:Energy Transition - 能源转型