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  • 在雪天,由于路面湿滑,人们更容易摔倒。如果不慎摔倒,首先要保持冷静,避免恐慌。如果感到疼痛,尤其是关节或背部的疼痛,不要立即尝试站起来,以防加重伤势。应该先检查身体是否有任何明显的损伤,如骨折或扭伤。如果可能,尝试缓慢地移动受影响的部位,以评估伤势。如果伤势不严重,可以缓慢地站起来,寻求帮助。如果伤势严重,应立即呼叫急救服务,并保持原地不动,等待救援。在雪天出行时,穿着防滑鞋和适当的冬季服装,以及携带手机以便在紧急情况下求助,都是非常重要的。


    slippery: 滑的
    snow: 雪
    fall: 摔倒
    injury: 伤害
    fracture: 骨折
    sprain: 扭伤
    emergency services: 急救服务
    non-slip shoes: 防滑鞋
    winter clothing: 冬季服装
    mobile phone: 手机


    If you slip and fall on a snowy day, try to remain calm and assess your injuries. 如果你在雪天滑倒,试着保持冷静并评估你的伤势。
    Do not attempt to stand up immediately if you feel pain, especially in your joints or back. 如果你感到疼痛,尤其是关节或背部,不要立即尝试站起来。
    If you suspect a fracture or sprain, avoid moving the affected area and call for help. 如果你怀疑有骨折或扭伤,避免移动受影响的部位并寻求帮助。
    Always wear non-slip shoes and appropriate winter clothing when walking in snowy conditions. 在雪地行走时,始终穿着防滑鞋和适当的冬季服装。
    Keep your mobile phone with you in case of emergencies. 随身携带手机以防紧急情况。


    Slipping and falling on snowy or icy roads is a common hazard during winter. If you find yourself in such a situation, it's important to know what to do. First, take a moment to assess your condition. If you're not injured, slowly get up, making sure not to put too much weight on any potentially injured area.


    If you've injured yourself, try to move your limbs gently to determine the extent of the injury. If it's severe, stay where you are and call for emergency services. Remember, it's better to be safe than sorry. Always dress appropriately for the weather, wear non-slip shoes, and carry a mobile phone with you for emergencies.

