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  • 景德镇,别称“瓷都”,是中国江西省下辖的地级市,位于江西省东北部。这座城市以其悠久的陶瓷制造历史和卓越的陶瓷艺术而闻名于世。景德镇的陶瓷工艺始于汉代,到了宋代,因其生产的青白瓷质地优良,被宋真宗赐名为“景德镇”。景德镇的陶瓷以其“白如玉,明如镜,薄如纸,声如磬”的特点而著称,深受国内外市场的青睐。此外,景德镇还拥有丰富的自然资源和多样的地形地貌,包括山地、平原和河流,气候属于亚热带季风气候,四季分明。


    1. Jingdezhen - 景德镇 2. Porcelain Capital - 瓷都 3. Ceramics - 陶瓷 4. Kiln - 窑 5. Celadon - 青瓷 6. Underglaze Blue - 青花瓷 7. Handicrafts - 手工艺品 8. Cultural Heritage - 文化遗产 9. Artisan - 工匠 10. Historical City - 历史城市 11. Subtropical Monsoon Climate - 亚热带季风气候 12. Natural Resources - 自然资源 13. Geographical Features - 地理特征 14. Mountainous - 山地的 15. River Basin - 河谷地带


    1. Jingdezhen is renowned worldwide for its exquisite porcelain and centuries-old ceramic-making tradition.    景德镇因其精美的陶瓷和悠久的制陶传统而闻名于世。   2. The city's celadon and underglaze blue porcelain are highly valued for their artistic and historical significance.    该城市的青瓷和青花瓷因其艺术和历史价值而备受珍视。   3. Jingdezhen's artisans have passed down their ceramic-making skills through generations, preserving a rich cultural heritage.    景德镇的工匠们代代相传他们的制陶技艺,保留了丰富的文化遗产。   4. The subtropical monsoon climate of Jingdezhen contributes to the ideal conditions for crafting high-quality porcelain.    景德镇的亚热带季风气候为制作高质量陶瓷提供了理想的条件。


    Jingdezhen, known as the "Porcelain Capital," is a city in Jiangxi Province, China, celebrated for its long-standing ceramic industry. With a history dating back to the Han Dynasty, Jingdezhen's porcelain is renowned for its fine quality and unique beauty. The city's craftsmen have honed their skills over generations, creating a legacy that is both a source of pride and a significant cultural heritage.   The porcelain from Jingdezhen is characterized by its "white as jade, bright as a mirror, thin as paper, and resonant as a chime." These pieces are not only appreciated for their aesthetic appeal but also for their historical significance. The city's location in the northeastern part of Jiangxi Province, with its mountainous terrain and river basins, provides a natural setting that complements the ceramic-making process.   Jingdezhen's climate, classified as subtropical monsoon, offers favorable conditions for the production of porcelain. The city's rich natural resources and diverse geographical features have also contributed to its development as a center for the ceramic arts. Today, Jingdezhen continues to be a hub for ceramic artists and a destination for those who appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of traditional Chinese porcelain.   景德镇,被誉为“瓷都”,是中国江西省的一个城市,以其悠久的陶瓷工业而闻名。这座城市的陶瓷历史可以追溯到汉代,以其精美的质量和独特的美感而著称。景德镇的工匠们代代相传,创造了一个既令人自豪又具有重大文化价值的遗产。   景德镇的陶瓷以其“白如玉,明如镜,薄如纸,声如磬”的特点而闻名。这些作品不仅因其审美吸引力受到赞赏,也因其历史意义而备受重视。这座城市位于江西省东北部,拥有山地地形和河谷,为陶瓷制作过程提供了自然的背景。   景德镇的亚热带季风气候为陶瓷生产提供了有利条件。丰富的自然资源和多样的地理特征也为陶瓷艺术中心的发展做出了贡献。如今,景德镇仍然是陶瓷艺术家的聚集地,也是那些欣赏传统中国陶瓷美丽和工艺的人的目的地。