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  • 结婚证是一对新人在法律上结为夫妻的官方证明。它通常由政府机关颁发,证明双方已经按照当地法律规定完成了婚姻登记的所有程序。结婚证上通常包含新人的姓名、出生日期、结婚日期和地点等信息,有时还包括双方父母的名字。在许多国家,结婚证不仅是婚姻关系的法律证明,也是办理其他法律事务(如财产共有、税收优惠、移民等)的重要文件。  


    - Marriage Certificate: 结婚证 - Matrimony: 婚姻 - Spouse: 配偶 - Wedding: 婚礼 - Legal Union: 法律结合 - Nuptial: 婚姻的 - Vows: 誓言 - Ceremony: 仪式 - Registrar: 登记官 - Pre-marital: 婚前的 - Post-marital: 婚后的 - Joint Property: 共同财产 - Marriage License: 结婚许可证  


    1. They applied for a marriage certificate after their wedding ceremony.    (他们在婚礼仪式后申请了结婚证。) 2. The marriage certificate serves as legal proof of their union.    (结婚证作为他们结合的法律证明。) 3. Please present your marriage certificate when applying for joint bank accounts.    (申请共同银行账户时,请出示您的结婚证。) 4. The couple had a civil ceremony and received their marriage certificate from the local registrar's office.    (这对夫妇举行了民事仪式,并从当地登记官办公室领取了结婚证。)  


    Marriage certificates are an essential document for couples who wish to formalize their relationship legally. It is a formal record of the marriage, typically issued by a government authority, and it contains vital information such as the names of the spouses, their birth dates, and the date and place of marriage. This certificate is not only a symbol of love and commitment but also a necessary document for various legal and administrative purposes, such as property ownership, tax benefits, and immigration processes. In many cultures, obtaining a marriage certificate is a significant step that marks the beginning of a new life together.   结婚证是希望合法化其关系的夫妇所必需的文件。它是婚姻的正式记录,通常由政府机构颁发,包含了诸如配偶姓名、出生日期以及结婚日期和地点等重要信息。这份证书不仅是爱情和承诺的象征,也是财产所有权、税收优惠和移民流程等各种法律和行政事务中必需的文件。在许多文化中,获得结婚证是标志着共同生活开始的重要一步。