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什么是经济舱综合征 Economy Class Syndrome, ECS


什么是经济舱综合征 Economy Class Syndrome, ECS

  • 经济舱综合征(Economy Class Syndrome, ECS)是指长时间乘坐飞机经济舱座位时,由于空间狭小导致下肢血液循环受限,可能引发的一系列健康问题。这种情况可能导致深静脉血栓(Deep Vein Thrombosis, DVT)的形成,这是一种血液在深静脉中异常凝固的状况。如果血栓脱落并随血流到达肺部,可能会引发肺栓塞(Pulmonary Embolism, PE),这是一种紧急医疗状况,可能危及生命。为了预防经济舱综合征,建议乘客在飞行期间定期活动双腿,保持适当的水分摄入,并在可能的情况下选择有更多腿部空间的座位。


    Economy Class Syndrome (ECS): 经济舱综合征
    Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): 深静脉血栓
    Pulmonary Embolism (PE): 肺栓塞
    blood clot: 血块
    circulation: 循环
    cramped space: 狭小空间
    leg movement: 腿部活动
    hydration: 水分摄入
    aisle seat: 靠过道座位


    Prolonged sitting in cramped spaces, such as in economy class, can lead to Economy Class Syndrome. 长时间坐在狭小的空间里,比如经济舱,可能会导致经济舱综合征。
    To prevent blood clots, it's important to move around and stretch your legs during a long flight. 为了预防血块形成,长途飞行期间重要的是要活动并伸展双腿。
    Staying hydrated can also help reduce the risk of developing Economy Class Syndrome. 保持水分摄入也有助于降低发展经济舱综合征的风险。
    If you're at a higher risk, consider booking an aisle seat for easier leg movement. 如果你的风险较高,考虑预订靠过道的座位以便更容易活动腿部。

    Economy Class Syndrome is a health concern that arises from long periods of sitting in the confined spaces typical of economy class seating on airplanes. This condition can lead to deep vein thrombosis, where blood clots form in the legs due to restricted movement and poor circulation.

