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高 顿财经 CPA 的整体实力还是很强的,教材队伍有上财的副教授、硕导等;同时有面授和网课,可选择性强,工作忙可以选择学习网课,掏出手机就学习,等候地铁、就餐等待等零碎的时间都可以用来学习。




同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  高顿财经作为国内财经培训领导品牌,一致致力于满足学生最根本的需求,为财经类学子提供更好的职业发展。高顿ACCA未来财经精英训练营,每年在ACCA官方的支持下,已经连续举办四届。一是帮助同学们提供更好的职业发展;二是为合作雇主输送一批高质量,高水平的在校大学生,建立储备人才库,希望同学能够通过我们的筛选,参与到我们的7天财经职业发展活动当中。高顿祝您生活愉快!












1.完全交互式学习内容 教师以不同的基准评估学员,为学员制定合理的学习方案,保持良好的互动。同时学员可以自由地重复课程和重温早期刷新内容并建立自己的一个主题的理解。

2.社区学习 中公ACCA采用基于社区的学习原则,提供学习数千人。鼓励学生张贴问题和答案通过社区提问。您可以发布信息和询问,便于ACCA的讨论学习。并与导师互动,解决问题的方式。

3.追踪进度 在过程中的任何阶段,您可以询问进度的问题。除了给你收到的互动练习和测试的个人得分,中公会提供给你如何准确通关ACCA考试的建议。











One, does CPA of Gao Du finance and economics groom actual strength how?

The integral actual strength of CPA of Gao Du finance and economics is very strong still, teaching material team has on the associate professor of money, large guides etc; At the same time the face is awarded with net class, optional choose sex is strong, the job is busy can choose to learn net lesson, draw out skill machine go to school to review, await the subway, repast to wait to wait for fragmentary time to be able to use study.

2, how does Gao Du finance and economics groom?

Had groomed, basically be to look comfortable unwell oneself. Fiscal of Gao Du finance and economics Mr. Yu Gang very suffer a student to love, plump very lovely, and lecture is humor and humorous, classmates attend class tired when can tell the jest related finance and economics to listen to everybody, and some people do not like, felt to hand in money to learn knowledge namely, will not listen to taletelling. My individual feels proper to recreation can advance study. The CPA class of Gao Du finance and economics has try those who listen, you can listen, believe oneself feeling.

3, does elite of finance and economics of future of Gao Du ACCA train battalion how?

Classmate hello, very glad to be solved for you! Gao Du finance and economics grooms as domestic finance and economics leader brand, devote oneself to consistently to satisfy the student's basiccest requirement, for finance and economics kind the student offers better professional progress. Elite of finance and economics of future of Gao Du ACCA trains battalion, fall every year in the support of ACCA government, had held 4 continuously. It is to help classmates offer better professional progress; 2 it is to be cooperative employer to carry a batch of high quality, of Gao Shuiping in school undergraduate, build reserve talent warehouse, hope classmate can pass our filtration, among the activity of development of profession of 7 days of finance and economics that participates in us. Gao Du wishs you the life is happy!

4, Gao Du ACCA and in rich ACCA which are good?

Gao Du, no matter be a persons qualified to teach, education, teaching material is compared in rich wants tower above a lot of, with respect to the brand character, gao Du, also swing the rich in going out far a street

5, what does the teacher that CPA of Gao Du finance and economics grooms have?

Main teacher has: Economic standard is Xie Zhu, accountant it is Yu Gang, financial cost management is Wu Jinggong, concise it is Zhang Quan spring, audit it is Gao Duirong, company combat readiness and risk management are Gao Xiaojuan

6, how does the finance and economics of school of Gao Du net groom?

ACCA grooms charge is to be in besides ACCA exam charge, pay gives groom the curricular expenses of the orgnaization, specific charge decides according to curricular type, net class price is in many 2000 commonly, much door adds up to a newspaper to have certain privilege, particular value can seek advice from Gao Du finance and economics.

7, how does accountant of Gao Du finance and economics groom after all?

Gao Du compares press close to now the youth's education, it is Gao Du very quite relatively the face teachs a teacher to be recorded continuously net school, particularly era is entered feeling. East abstruse be collection of recorded broadcast room, can cut the point that attends class to the student not quite.

Quality of domestic talking persons qualified to teach, education is the actually strongest is Gao Du, east abstruse because publish CPA teaching material,be, name is big, but curricular quality is very general really, mortgage problem is done not have this year in; Gao Du is to do groomed orgnaization technically, what go up in persons qualified to teach and education is more dedicated, percent of pass has safeguard.

8, in how does ACCA of fair finance and economics groom?

The ACCA of fair finance and economics grooms in still is pretty good, a few dominant position says below.

1. is completely alternant teacher of type study content with what differ fiducial evaluate student, make sound study plan for student, those who keep good is interactive. At the same time student can repeat course and the understanding that review inchoate refresh content and establish his theme freely.

Fair ACCA uses the study principle that is based on community in 2. community study, provide study thousands of person. Encourage student paste problem and answer to pass community query. You can release information and inquiry, the discussion of facilitating ACCA learns. Interact with the adviser, settle the way of the problem.

3. tracks rate of progress any phase in the process, you can ask the question of plan. Notch besides the individual of the interactive exercise that gets to you and test, consortium offers you in how accurate a proposal that passes ACCA exam.

9, does Gao Du groom tuitional why so expensive?

Pause high groom tuition is very expensive, it is the force of persons qualified to teach that grooms because of Gao Du very fierce, add Gaodupei the major inside example is social heat major. Gaodupei is invited with high salary inside example, a few Mijilin's Great Masters of abroad, cake Great Master of France. The force of persons qualified to teach that grooms because of Gao Du namely is fierce, renown division gives Gao Tu, so, the tuition that high end grooms also is the most expensive inside course of study of person of the same trade. Gao Du grooms force of persons qualified to teach is abundant, tuition is so expensive.

10, does the Acca of school of Gao Du net groom how much is charge roughly?

The Acca of school of Gao Du net grooms charge is more than 10000 roughly.

Will to you calculate the holding cost that calculates ACCA exam need signing up first (by the charge that signs up to calculate to you ahead of schedule, such the most economic) : F1-f3 charge is 72*3=216 pound, f4-f9 is 100*6=600 pound, p1-p7 is 125*5=625 pound. This was September 2018 the means of computation of ACCA exam charge before,

Because in September 2018 P1 and P3 can incorporate, do not know to moment exam cost can change what kind of,

At present so 14 exams expend altogether 1441 pound.

First one-time pay registers year of cost 79 pound; ACCA year expend 97 pound, annual pay year cost, according to 4 years deadline is taken an examination of.

At present exchange rate is RMB of 1 pound =8.9632, all taking an examination of be over add first time to sign up must the charge of pay is 1441+79+97*4=1908 pound *8.9632=17100 yuan RMB,
