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  挨金似金,挨玉似玉。  八成熟,十成收;十成熟,二成丢。  把舵的不慌,乘船的稳当。  白米饭好吃,五谷田难种。  百日连阴雨,总有一朝晴  百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。  败家子挥金如粪,兴家人惜粪如金。  帮人要帮到底,救人要救到头。  帮助别人要忘掉,别人帮己要记牢。  饱带饥粮,晴带雨伞。  爆饮爆食易生病,定时定量保康宁。  背后不商量,当面无主张。  笨人先起身,笨鸟早出林。  鞭打的快马,事找的忙人。  边学边问,才有学问。  病从口入,寒从脚起。  病从口入,祸从口出。  病好不谢医,下次无人医。  病急乱投医,逢庙就烧香。  病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。  病人心多,忙人事多。  补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。  不担三分险,难练一身胆  不当家不知柴米贵,不养儿不知父母恩  不到江边不脱鞋,不到火候不揭锅。  不懂装懂,永世饭桶。  不给规矩,不成方圆。  不会烧香得罪神,不会讲话得罪人。  不会做小事的人,也做不出大事来。  不见兔子不撒鹰。  不经冬寒,不知春暖  不可不算,不可全算。  不磨不炼,不成好汗。  不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气  不怕不识货,只怕货比货。  不怕穿得迟,就怕脱得早。  不怕家里穷,只怕出懒汉。  不怕路长,只怕心老。  不怕乱如麻,只怕不调查。  不怕慢,就怕站;站一站,二里半。  不怕年老,就怕躺倒。  不怕人不敬,就怕己不正。  不怕人不请,就怕艺不精。  不怕山高,就怕脚软。  不怕少年苦,只怕老来穷。  不怕事难,就怕手懒。  不怕天寒地冻,就怕手脚不动。  不怕学不成,就怕心不诚。  不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。  不怕一万,只怕万一。  不入虎穴,焉得虎子。  不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。  不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。  不图便宜不上当,贪图便宜吃大亏。  不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。  槽里无食猪拱猪,分脏不均狗咬狗。  草若无心不发芽,人若无心不发达。  馋人家里没饭吃,懒人家里没柴烧。  常赌无赢家。  常骂不惊,常打不怕。  常说口里顺,常做手不笨。  常在有时思无时,莫到无时想有时。  长江不拒细流,泰山不择土石。  长五月,短十月,不长不短二八月。  长兄如父,老嫂比母。  朝里有人好做官,家里有狗好看门。  车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。  车有车道,马有马路。  撑痢疾,饿伤寒。  撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。  秤能称轻重,话能量人心。  秤砣虽小,能压千斤  吃不穷,穿不穷,不会打算一世穷。  吃不言,睡不语。  吃吃喝喝,人走下坡。  吃饭吃米,说话说理  吃饭打湿口,洗脸打湿手。  吃饭防噎,走路防跌。  吃饭先喝汤,老了不受伤。  吃饭象条龙,做活象条虫。  吃过的馍馍不香,嚼过的甘蔗不甜。  吃酒不吃菜,必定醉得快。  吃米带点糠,老小都安康。  吃人家的嘴短,拿人家的手短。  吃一堑,长一智。  迟干不如早干,蛮干不如巧干。  尺有所短,寸有所长。  宠狗上灶,宠子不孝。  出汗不迎风,走路不凹胸。  出家三天,佛在面前;出家三年,佛在西天。  出门看天色,炒菜看火色。  出门靠朋友,在家靠父母。  出门问路,入乡问俗。  船头坐得稳,不怕风来颠。  船载千斤,掌舵一人。  疮怕有名,病怕没名。  创业百年,败家一天。  吹嘘自己的人,等于在宣传他的无知。  聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。  从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。  从小差一岁,到老不同年。  粗茶淡饭能养人,破衣破裤能遮寒。  粗饭养人,粗活益身。  粗丝难织细绢,粗人难做细活。  寸草铡三刀,料少也长膘。  打不干的井水,使不完的力气。  打柴问樵夫,驶船问艄公  打虎要力,捉猴要智。  打架不能劝一边,看人不能看一面。  打蛇打七寸,挖树先挖根。  打铁看火候,庄稼赶时候。  打鱼的不离水边,打柴的不离山边。  打鱼靠网,打狼靠棒。  大处着眼,小处着手。  大路不走草成窝,好歌不唱忘记多。  大蒜是个宝,常吃身体好。  大王好见,小鬼难求。  大意失荆州,骄傲失街亭。  单丝不成线,独木不成林。  胆大走遍天下,胆小寸步难行  弹琴知音,谈话知心。  当断不断,反受其乱。  当局者迷,旁观者清。  当用时万金不惜,不当用时一文不费。  当着矮人,别说矮话。  刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。  到什么山上砍什么柴,到什么火候使什么锤。  道儿是人走出来的,辙尔是车轧出来的。  道虽近,不行不至;事虽小,不做不成。灯不拨不亮,理不辩不明。  灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。  滴水成河,粒米成箩。  弟兄不和邻里欺,将相不和邻国欺。  点灯爱油,耕田爱牛。  东西越用越少,学问越学越多。  冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不老医生开药方。  冬天既然已经到了,春天还会远吗?  豆腐多了一泡水,空话多了无人信。  痘要结,麻要泄。  读书不想,隔靴挠痒。  读书须用心,一字值千金。  赌钱众人骂,读书众人夸。  端人家碗,服人家管。  多下及时雨,少放马后炮。  多行不义必自毖。  恶人心,海底针。  恶有恶报,善有善报。  儿大不由爷,女大不由娘。  儿大分家,树大分杈。  耳不听不烦,眼不见不馋。  耳听为虚,眼见为实。  饭后百步走,活到九十九。  饭前一碗汤,气死好药方。  放虎归山,必有后患。  愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。  蜂多出王,人多出将。  逢恶不怕,逢善不欺。  富人过年,穷人过关。  隔行如隔山。  工欲善其事,必先利其器。  狗朝屁走,人朝势走。  狗急跳墙,人急悬梁。  狗记路,猫记家。  姑娘讲绣花,秀才讲文章。  鼓不打不响,钟不敲不鸣。  鼓不敲不响,理不辩不明。  鼓要打到点上,笛要吹到眼上。  刮风走小巷,下雨走大街。  瓜无滚圆,人无十全。  乖子看一眼,呆子看到晚。  关西出将,关东出相。  官不贪财,狗不吃屎。  广交不如择友,投师不如访友。  锅不打不漏,话不说不透。  国乱思良相,家贫思贤妻。  过了芒种,不可强种。  过头话少说,过头事少做。  寒从足下起,火从头上生。  寒门出才子,高山出俊鸟。  好吃甜的,找卖糖的;好吃酸的,找卖醋的。  好处着手,坏处着想。  好狗不跳,好猫不叫。  好狗不咬鸡,好汉不打妻。  好鼓一打就响,好灯一拨就亮。  好汗护三村,好狗护三邻。  好汉死在战场,懒汉死在炕上。  好花开不败,好事说不坏。  好记性不如烂笔头。  好酒红人面,财帛动人心。  好客的朋友多,好说的废话多。  好马不停蹄,好牛不停犁。  好事不出门,恶事传千里。  好事不瞒人,瞒人没好事。  好铁要经三回炉,好书要经百回读。  好种出好苗,好树结好桃。  和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。  河长多滩,路长多弯。  河有两岸,事有两面。  虎不怕山高,鱼不怕水深。  虎吃人易躲,人吃人难防。  虎到中堂,家败人亡。  虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。  虎死不变形,狼死不变性。  画人画虎难画骨,知人知面难知心。  话不要说死,路不要走绝。  话多了不甜,胶多了不粘。  会打会算,钱粮不断。  会怪怪自己,不会怪怪别人。  会过不会过,少养张口货。  会说的惹人笑,不会说的惹人跳。  会说的说一句,不会说的说十句。  会笑的人笑到最后。  会写的坐着,会唱的站着。  火大无湿柴,功到事不难。  火烤胸前暖,风吹背后寒  火烧一大片,水流一条线。  火要空心,人要虚心。  火越烧越旺,人越干越壮。  货买三家不吃亏,路走三遭不陌生。  积善三年人不知,作恶一日远近闻。  积少成多,积恶成祸。  挤疮不留脓,免受二回痛。  家常饭好吃,常调官难做。  家合万事兴。  家人说话耳旁风,外人说话金字经。  家有千口,主事一人。  家有一老,犹如一宝。  兼听则明,偏听则暗。  见强不怕,遇弱不欺。  姜是老的辣,醋是陈的酸。  交人交心,浇树浇根。  骄傲来自浅薄,狂妄出于无知。  脚长沾露水,嘴长惹是非。  教人教心,浇花浇根。  解铃还须系铃人。  戒酒戒头一盅,戒烟戒头一口。  今日有酒今朝醉,明天倒灶喝凉水。  近河莫枉费水,近山莫枉烧柴。  近山知鸟音,近水知鱼性。  近朱者赤,近墨者黑。  尽信书不如无书。  经常用的钥匙总是闪光的。  井掏三遍吃甜水,人走三省见识广。  井越掏,水越清;事越摆,理越明。  静时常思己过,闲谈莫论人非。  酒杯虽小淹死人。  救人救到底,摆渡到岸边。  决心要成功的人,已经成功了一半。  君子报仇,十年不晚  君子动口,小人动手。  开水不响,响水不开。  开头饭好吃,开头话难说。  砍柴上山,捉鸟上树  看菜吃饭,量体裁衣。  看自己,一朵花;看别人,豆腐渣。  炕上有病人,地上有愁人。  靠山吃山,靠水吃水。  刻薄不赚钱,忠厚不折本。  口说不如身到,耳闻不如目赌。  快马不用鞭催,响鼓不用重捶。  懒汉下地事多,懒驴上套屎多。  懒人急在嘴上,勤人急在腿上。  懒人用长线,拙人用弯针。  浪再高,也在船底;山再高,也在脚底。  浪子回头金不换。  劳动出智慧,实践出真知。  老猫不在家,耗子上屋爬。  冷粥冷饭好吃,冷言冷语难受。  礼多人不怪,油多不坏菜。  立如松,坐如钟,卧如弓,行如风。  力是压大的,胆是吓大的。  良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。  良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。  量大福大,心宽屋宽。  邻舍好,无价宝。  留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。  流水不腐,户枢不蠹。  六月不热,五谷不结。  龙无云不行,鱼无水不生。  路不平,众人踩;事不平,大家管。  路湿早脱鞋,遇事早安排。  路遥知马力,日久见人心。  路有千条,理只一条。  驴骑后,马骑前,骡子骑在腰中间。  麻雀落田要吃谷,狐狸进屋要偷鸡。  麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。  马好不在叫,人美不在貌。  骂人骂脏口,打人打伤手。  骂人无好口,打人无好手。  买瓜看皮,扎针看孔。  买鸡看爪,买鸭看嘴。  买锣要打,买伞要撑。  买卖不成仁义在。  买卖不懂行,瞎子撞南墙。  买时得买,卖时得卖。  卖瓜不说瓜苦,卖盐不说盐淡。  卖主怪脚,买主怪鞋。  满招损,谦受益。  慢病在养,急病在治。  猫跟饭碗,狗跟主人。  猫怕过冬,狗怕过夏。  毛毛雨,打湿衣裳;杯杯酒,吃垮家当。  没钱时挨饿,有钱时摆阔。  没有不上钩的鱼,没有不上竿的猴。  没有大粪臭,哪来五谷香。  美不美,家乡水;亲不亲,故乡人。  蜜多不甜,油多不香。  苗多欺草,草多欺苗。  苗好一半谷,妻好一半福。  明枪好躲,暗箭难防。  明人不做暗事,真人不说假话。  磨刀不误砍柴功。  磨刀不用看,全仗一身汗。  莫馋人富,莫嫌人穷。  莫吃过头饭,莫说过头话。  莫看强盗吃肉,要看强盗受罚。  莫学灯笼千只眼,要学蜡烛一条心。  谋官如鼠,得官如虎。  母大儿肥,种好苗壮。  南方吃雁,北方吃蛋。  南甜北咸,东辣西酸。  男大当婚,女大当嫁。  男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。  男要俏,一身皂;女要俏,三分孝。  内行看门道,外行看热闹。  你敬人一尺,人敬你一丈。  逆水行舟,不进则退。  年纪不饶人,节令不饶天。  念书不用功,等于白搭工。  娘家的饭香,婆家的饭长。  鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。  鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。  鸟无翅不飞,鱼无水不游。  宁吃半餐,不吃断餐。  宁吃飞禽四俩,不吃走兽半斤。  宁给好汉拉马,不给懒汉作爷。  宁叫顿顿稀,不叫一顿饥。  宁叫嘴受穷,不叫病缠身。  宁可锅里放坏,不可肚里硬塞。  宁可认错,不可说谎。  宁可正而不足,不可邪而有余。  宁可种上丢,莫望不种收。  宁可做过,不可错过。  宁苦干,不苦熬。  宁舍一锭金,不舍一年春。  宁添一斗,莫添一口。  宁在锅里争,不在碗里争。  宁走封江一指,不走开江一尺。  宁走十步远,不走一步险。  宁做蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴  牛不知角弯,马不知脸长。  牛能拉犁,狗能看家。  牛要脚圆,猪要脚粗。  抛弃时间的人,时间也抛弃他。  朋友千个少,冤家一个多。  皮之不存,毛将焉附。  品行是一个人的内在,名誉是一个人的外貌。  平路跌死马,浅水溺死人。  欺人是祸,饶人是福。  欺山莫欺水,欺人莫欺心。  妻贤夫祸少,子孝父心宽。  棋错一着,满盘皆输。  千补万补,不如饭补。  千方易得,一效难求。  千里不捎针,万里没轻担。  千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。  千里之行,始于足下。  千人千脾气,万人万模样。  谦虚的人学十当一,骄傲的人学一当十。  前三十年睡不醒,后三十年睡不着。  强扭的瓜果不甜。  强中更有强中手,能人背后有能人。  巧言不如直道,明人不必细说。  亲不过父母,近不过夫妻。  秦岭山脉一条线,南吃大米北吃面。  勤能补拙。  勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。  擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。  擒贼先擒王。  清官难断家务事。  清明忙种麦,谷雨种大田。  情人眼里出西施。  穷家难舍,熟地难离。  全是生姜不辣,全是花椒不麻。  拳不离手,曲不离口。  人爱富的,狗咬穷的。  人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。  人不亏地皮,地不亏肚皮。  人不缺地的工,地不缺人的粮。  人不在大小,马不在高低。  人到四十五,正是出山虎。  人多出韩信,智多出孔明。  人多出正理,谷多出好米  人多智谋广,柴多火焰高。  人各有能有不能。  人各有心,物各有主。  人合心,马合套。  人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。  人活七十稀,请教不为低。  人急投亲,鸟急投林。  人家夸,一朵花;自己夸,人笑话。  人敬有的,狗咬丑的。  人老眼昏,鹰老爪钝。  人怕饿,地怕荒。  人怕话多,活怕人做。  人怕没脸,树怕没皮  人怕伤心,树怕剥皮。  人怕信心齐,虎怕成群。  人强人欺病,人弱病欺人。  人勤病就懒,人懒病就勤。  人勤地长苗,人懒地长草。  人生一世,草生一秋。  人是实的好,姜是老的辣。  人是铁,饭是钢,地里缺肥庄稼荒。  人是铁,饭是钢,三日不吃饿得慌。  人瘦脸皮黄,地瘦少打粮。  人投人,鸟投林。  人往高处走,水往低处流。  人微言轻。  人无笑脸休开店,会打圆场自落台。  人无远虑,必有近忧。  人误地一时,地误人一年。  人心换人心,八两换半斤。  人心齐,泰山移。  人要实心,火要空心。  人有人言,兽有兽语。  人有失手,马有失蹄。  人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。  人在福中不知福,船在水中不知流。  人在世上炼,刀在石上磨。  人争一口气,佛争一炷香。  人中有吕布,马中有赤兔。  日长事多,夜长梦多。  日里不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。  日里闲游,夜里熬油。  日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。  日图三餐,夜图一宿。  若要不怕人,莫做怕人事。  若要断酒法,醒眼看醉人。  若要好,大让小。  若要好,问三老。  若要健,天天练。  若要人不知,除非己莫为。  若要人下水,自己先脱衣。  若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。  撒网要撒迎头网,开船要开顶风船。  三百六十行,行行出状元。  三分吃药,七分调理。  三分靠教,七分靠学。  三分种,七分管。  三里不同乡,五里不同俗。  三年不喝酒,家里样样有。  三年不上门,当亲也不亲。  三年清知府,十万雪花银。  三人四靠,倒了锅灶。  三人同心,黄土变金。  三人同行,必有我师。  三早抵一工,三补抵一新。  砂锅不捣不漏,木头不凿不通。  山大无柴,树大空心。  山大压不住泉水,牛大压不死虱子。  山高树高,井深水凉。  山里孩子不怕狼,城里孩子不怕官。  山外有山,天外有天。  山有高低,水有深浅。  山中无老虎,猴子称大王。  闪光的不全是金子。  善恶不同途,冰炭不同炉。  善恶随人作,祸福自己招。  上顿不吃饱,下顿省不了。  烧的香多,惹的鬼多。  少不惜力,老不歇心。  少吃多滋味,多吃坏肠胃。  奢者富不足,俭者贫有余。  舍不得苗,抱不到瓢。  射人先射马,擒贼先擒王。  身不怕动,脑不怕用。  生气,是拿别人的错误惩罚自己。  绳锯木断,水滴石穿。  省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。  失败是成功之母。  失之毫厘,谬以千里。  虱多不痒,债多不愁。  十帮一易,一帮十难。  十个梅子九个酸,十个官儿九个贪。  十个钱要花,一个钱要省。  十里认人,百里认衣。  十年栽树,百年歇凉。  什么藤结什么瓜,什么树开什么花。  食鱼要肥,食肉要瘦。  食在广州,住在苏州。  世上无难事,只怕有心人。  事大事小,身到便了。  事莫做绝,话莫说尽。  事怕合计,人怕客气。  是草有根,是话有因。  是饭充饥,是衣遮体。  是好说不坏,是坏说不好。  是金子总会闪光的。  手怕不动,脑怕不用。  手舞足蹈,九十不老。  熟能生巧,巧能生精。  树怕剥皮,人怕护短。  双手是活宝,一世用不了。  水大漫不过船,手大遮不住天。  水大湿不了船,火大烧不了锅。  水滴石穿,坐食山空。  水满自流,人满自夸。  水能载舟,亦能覆舟。  水停百日生虫,人闲百日生病。  水涨船高,风大树摇。  水至清则无鱼,人至察则无徒。  睡着的人好喊,装睡的人难喊。  顺的好吃,横的难咽。  顺藤摸瓜,顺水求源。  顺着鸡毛找鸡,顺着蒜皮找蒜。  说归说,笑归笑,动手动脚没家教。  说人别说短,打人别打脸。  说书的嘴快,演戏的腿快。  送君千里,终须一别。  它山之石,可以攻玉。  贪别人个花,误自己个家。  贪得一时嘴,受了一身累。  贪小失大,惜指失掌。  讨饭怕狗咬,秀才怕岁考。  天不生无用之人,地不长无名之草。  天不严寒地不冻,人不伤心泪不流。  天不言自高,地不语自厚。  天才和懒惰结伴,等于一事无成。  天冷不冻织女手,荒年不饿勤耕人。  天时不如地利,地利不如人和。  天无二日,人无二理。  天无一月雨,人无一世穷。  天下无难事,只怕有心人。  天下衙门朝南开,有理无钱莫经来。  天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。  条条道路通罗马。  铁冷了打不得,话冷了说不得。  听话听音,看人看心。  听人劝,吃饱饭;识人教,武艺高。  土中生白玉,地内出黄金。  团结一条心,黄土变成金。  外举不避仇,内举不避亲。  玩物丧志。  忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉。  未饱先止,已饥方食。  未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。  喂牛得犁,喂马得骑。  文官动动嘴,武官跑断腿。  文戏靠嘴,武戏靠腿。  屋里不烧火,屋外不冒烟。  无风不起浪,无鱼水不深。  无巧不成书。  无事田中走,谷米长几斗。  无事嫌夜长,有事嫌日短。  无梭难织布,无针难绣花。  无油无盐,吃死不甜。  武官会杀,文官会刮。  物离乡贵,人离乡贱。  物以类聚,人以群分。  勿贪意外之财,勿饮过量之酒。  吸不张口,呼不闭口。  细水长流,吃穿不愁。  细水长流成河,粒米积蓄成箩。  夏吃大蒜冬吃姜,不用医生开药方。  夏走十里不黑,冬走十里不亮。  先钉桩子后系驴,先撒窝子后钓鱼。  先胖不会胖,后胖压塌床。  先睡心,后睡眼。  闲人叫冷,忙人叫热。  小病不治,大病难医。  小洞不补,大洞叫苦。  小鬼跌金刚,小鼠断大绳。  小人记仇,君子感恩  小人自大,小溪声大。  小伤风三日,大伤风七天。  小时偷针,大了偷金。  歇肩莫歇长,走路莫走忙。  泻药轻煎,补药浓熬。  心要常操,身要长劳。  信了肚,卖了屋。  行百里者半于九十。  行船趁顺风,打铁趁火红。  行船靠舵,赶车靠鞭。  行要好伴,居要好邻。  秀才饿死不卖书,壮士穷途不卖剑。  秀才谋反,三年不成。  秀才遇到兵,有理说不清。  虚心的人学十当一,骄傲的人学一当十。  学而不厌,诲人不倦。  学好千日不足,学坏一日有余  学好三年,学坏三天。  学问勤中得,富裕俭中来。  牙不剔不稀,耳不挖不聋。  言者无罪,闻者足戒。  掩饰一个缺点,又暴露了另一个缺点。  眼不见,差一半。  眼见为实,耳听为虚。  眼是孬汉,手是好汉。  杨柳发青,百病皆生。  痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。  药不治假病,酒不解真愁。  药对方,一口汤;不对方,一水缸。  要捕鱼,先织网;要搭桥,先打桩。  要打当面鼓,不敲背后锣。  要得惊人艺,须下苦功夫。  要想长寿,先戒烟酒。  要知山中事,须问打柴人。  要知下山路,须问过来人。  业精于勤荒于嬉,形成于思毁于随。  夜夜防贼,年年防歉。  一饱为足,十饱伤人。  一笔画不成龙,一锹挖不出井。  一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。  一顿吃伤,十顿吃汤。  一顿省一口,一年省一斗。  一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。  一个朋友一条路,一个冤家一堵墙。  一个巧皮匠,没有好鞋样;两个笨皮匠,彼此有商量;  三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮。  一壶难装两样酒,一树难开两样花。  一回经蛇咬,三年怕草绳。  一家不知一家,和尚不知道家。  一家养女百家求,一马不行百马忧。  一马不配两鞍,一脚难踏两船。  一年之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。  一人传虚,百人传实。  一日不读口生,一日不写手生。  一日练,一日功,一日不练十日空。  一日三笑,不用吃药。  一天省下一两粮,十年要用仓来装。  一天省一把,十年买匹马。  一天一根线,十年积成缎。  一问三不知,神仙没法治。  一言既出,驷马难追。  一叶遮目,不见泰山。  一夜不宿,十夜不足。  一有百有,一穷百穷。  一羽示风向。一草示水流。  一针不补,十针难缝。  一争两丑,一让两有。  衣不如新,人不如故。  衣服不洗要脏,种田不犁要荒。  艺高人胆大。  用人不疑,疑人不用。  用珠宝装饰自己,不如用知识充实自己。  由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。  有病早治,无病早防。  有菜半年粮,无菜半年荒。  有柴有米是夫妻,无柴无米各东西。  有车就有辙,有树就有影。  有多大本钱,做多大生意。  有多大的脚,穿多大的鞋。  有饭休嫌淡,有车休嫌慢。  有福同享,有难同当。  有借有还,再借不难。  有理的想着说,没理的抢着说。  有理走遍天下,无理寸步难行。  有粮当思无粮难,莫到无粮思有粮。  有钱难买老来瘦。  有钱三十为宰相,无钱八十做长工。  有肉嫌毛,有酒嫌糟。  有山必有路,有水必有渡。  有上坡必有下坡,有进路必有出路。  有时省一口,缺时当一斗。  有事叫公公,无事脸朝东。  有心烧香,不论早晚。  有一兴必有一败,有一利必有一弊。  有则改之,无则加勉。  有志不在年高。  有志不在年高,有理不在会说。  有志不在年高,无志空长百岁。  有志漂洋过海,无志寸步难行。  有志者立长志,无志者常立志。  有麝自然香,不用大风扬。  鱼生火,肉生痰,青菜豆腐保平安。  玉不琢,不成器;人不学,不知理。


Endure Jin Shijin, endure Yu Shiyu. Eight maturity, 10 into close; 10 maturity, 2 into lose. Those who hold the rudder is not confused, by ship reliable. Rice meal is delicious, food crops cropland is planted hard. 100 days connect overcast and rainy, always have it is better to see for oneself rather than to hear for many times of fine of in one day, 100 see be inferior to working. Gold of black sheep brandish is like dung, dung of cherish of the person that allow the home is like gold. Side person should be helped after all, save a person to want to save in the end. Help others wants to forget, others is helped oneself should write down prison. The full grain that bring crop failure, the fine carries umbrella. Explode drink explodes feed Yi Sheng disease, time ration protects Kang Ning. Do not discuss rear, do not have a view face to face. Woodenhead rises first, stupid bird goes out early forest. Flogging post-horse, the busy person that the thing seeks. The edge learns an edge to ask, just have knowledge. Get ill by the mouth, cold rise from the foot. Get ill by the mouth, out of the mouth comes evil. . Cure of ill good don't mention it, next time unmanned cure. Try anything when in a desperate situation, feng Miao with respect to burn joss sticks. If hill falls,disease comes, disease goes be like reel off raw silk from cocoons. Patient heart is much, busy human affairs is much. Filling leakage takes the advantage of Tian Qing, read take the advantage of young. Do not carry 3 minutes of risk, bravery of hard experienced a suit is not n/COL the head of a family do not know Chai Migui, do not raise do not know parental favour to be less than Jiang Bian not to take off a shoe, do not uncover boiler to duration. Do not understand outfit understand, aeon big eater. Do not give established practice, do not become circumference. Won't burn joss sticks offends a mind, won't speak malefactor. Won't do the person of bagatelle, also do not do give an important matter to come. Do not see bunny does not scatter an eagle. Not Jing Donghan, do not know spring warm cannot not calculate, cannot calculate completely. Do not grind not refine, do not become good sweat. Do not be afraid that 100 things are unfavorable, be afraid of depress do not be afraid of not know all about the goods, be afraid that goods compares goods only. Do not be afraid of wear behindhand, be afraid of early. Do not be afraid of the end in the home, be afraid of a slug only. Do not be afraid that the way is long, be afraid that the heart is old only. Do not be afraid that chaos is like hemp, be afraid of only do not investigate. Do not be afraid of slow, be afraid of a station; Station, 2 lis half. Do not be afraid of aged, be afraid of lie down. Not terrible and irreverent, be afraid that oneself is frame-up. Not terrible do not ask, be afraid of art not essence of life. Do not be afraid that hill is tall, be afraid that the foot is soft. Do not be afraid that the teenager is sufferred from, be afraid of only often come poor. Not be afraid of getting into trouble is difficult, be afraid that the hand is lazy. Do not be afraid that the day freezes coldly, be afraid that hands or feet is not moved. Do not be afraid of learn to won't do, be afraid of a heart not sincere. Do not be afraid that knowledge is shallow, be afraid that ambition is short. Do not be afraid of 10 thousand, be afraid of only in case. Do not enter dangerous place, yan Dehu child. Do not carry a carring pole not to know to weigh, do not walk along long way not to know far. Do not hear old person talk, be in an unfavorable situation it is before. Do not pursue cheap do not be duped, covet petty gain eats to have a deficit greatly. Do not laugh fill, do not laugh broken, laugh at a day to won't pass only. Pig of the arch that feed a swine is not had in groove, divide the spoils not all dogfight. If grass does not sprout involuntarily, if the person is inadvertently underdeveloped. The meal is done not have to eat in attractive home, bavin is done not have to burn in dawdler home. Often bet without win the home. Often scold not Jing, often hit do not be afraid of. Often say to be arranged in the mouth, often make a hand not stupid. Often be in think of sometimes when notting have, not arrive when notting have, think sometimes. The Yangtse River not refus brooklet, father-in-law not choose earth stone. Long in May, short October, not long not 28 months short. Long elder brother is like father, old elder brother's wife compares a mother. Good secure an official position of the somebody in face, there is dog fine look after the house in the home. The car has a way surely to the front of hill, the boat arrives nature of either end of a bridge is straight. The car has roadway, the horse has a street. Maintain dysenteric, hungry typhoid fever. Support audacious person dead, starved to death and recreant ghost. The balance can weigh weight, word capabilities will of people. Although the counterbalance is small, can press hoisting jack to eat not poor, wear not poor, won't plan generation is poor. Eat not character, sleep not language. Eat eat and drink drink, the person steps down slope. Have a meal have rice, talking argue has a meal hit wet mouth, wash a face to lay damp hand. Have a meal prevent choke, prevent on foot drop. Have a meal to drink boiling water first, old do not get hurt. Have a meal resemble a dragon, do cestode of look exactly like. Has taken steamed bun steamed bread is not sweet, has chewed sugar cane is not sweet. Eat wine not to take course, sure drunk fast. Dot of belt having rice is branny, grown-ups and children is in good health. The mouth that has a family is short, the hand of home of make things difficult for others is short. Eat one chasm, long one wisdom. Chi Gan is inferior to working early, act recklessly is inferior to work ingeniously. Feet somewhat short, inch grow somewhat. Bestow favor on the kitchen on the dog, bestow favor on child disobedient. Perspire not with the wind, walk not sunken bosom. Become a monk or nun 3 days, buddha is in before; Become a monk or nun 3 years, buddha is in Western Paradise. Go out see time, the fried dish watchs igneous scene. Go out rely on a friend, parents leans in the home. Go out ask the way, ask common into countryside. Bow sits firmly, do not be afraid that wind comes bump. The boat carries hoisting jack, steer a boat one person. Sore is afraid of famous, disease is afraid of do not have a name. Do poineering work hundred years, defeat the home one day. Vaunting oneself person, be equal to the ignorance that publicizing him. Clever depend on learning, the talent depends on accumulating. Enter excessive from frugal easy, it is difficult to enter frugal from excessive. Differ a year old as a child, arrive to often differ year. Homely fare can raise a person, broken garment defeats pants can keep out is cold. Thick meal raises a person, body of rough work beneficial. Thick silk knits fine thin silk hard, boor does skilled work hard. Cun Cao cut up with a hay cutter 3 knives, material is little long also fat. Hit not dry well water, the effort that does not make. Hit bavin to ask axman, sail the boat asks boatman hits a tiger to want power, catch monkey to want wisdom. Fight cannot persuade at the same time, see a person cannot see one side. Hit a snake hit 7 inches, dig a tree first uproot. Forge iron sees a crucial moment, crops drives time. Those who fish do not leave water side, make a surname do not leave hill side. Fish rely on a net, hit a wolf to rely on a club. Be in have sth in mind greatly, small part begins. The highroad does not go careless to become a nest, good song is not sung forget much. Garlic is a treasure, it is good to often have the body. King is good see, impish beg hard. Carelessness breaks Jing Zhou, pride breaks street booth. Monofilament won'ts do line, one person alone cannot accomplish much. Audacious take the world, recreant can not move a step the bosom friend that play musical instrument, conversational intimate. Should break ceaseless, get its chaos instead. Authorities person fan, the onlookers see most clearly. When use 10 thousand gold not hesitate, undeserved do not expend with Shi Yiwen. Before atomy, never mention it short sentence. The knife is not ground want to rust, the person does not learn to want to lag behind. Chop what bavin to what hill, make to what duration what hammer. Path the person goes, car make friends comes out rhyme Er. Although the path is close, be no good do not come; Although the thing is small, do not do. The lamp is not dialed not bright, manage not argue is unidentified. The light is not bright, VIP is dialed; The thing is unidentified, VIP says. Drop water becomes a river, bead rice becomes a bamboo basket. Bully of brothers disaccord neighborhood, bully of photograph disaccord neighbour. Light a lamp love is oily, agrarian Tian Ainiu. The thing uses less more, knowledge learns more more. The winter eats turnip summer to take a surname, prescribe of not old doctor. Since the winter had arrived, is spring still met far? Bean curd became much one bubble water, empty talk became much unmanned letter. Blain wants a written guarantee, hemp wants release. Read not to think, lie between boots to flinch urticant. Read beard intention, one word is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Gamble everybody is scolded, read everybody boast. Carry family bowl, take family valve. Many timely rain, put belated action or advice less. Much travel is disloyal surely from caution. Evil person heart, marine needle. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, be apt to has cable of be apt to. big not by father, female big not by the woman. break up greatly, cultivate big branching. Ear does not listen not irritated, the eye disappears not greedy. Ear listens for empty, the eye sees for solid. The 100 paces after the meal go, live to be ninety-nine. Anteprandial a bowl of soup, enrage good prescription dead. Let the tiger run away, have future trouble surely. Indignant with foolish begin, end in order to regret. Bee many king, the person is much piece will. Meet evil do not be afraid of, meet be apt to not bully. Wealthy person spends the New Year, poor pass a barrier. Difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart. Labour desire be apt to its thing, surely first benefit its implement. Dog face fart goes, person government power goes. A cornered beast will do something desperate, person urgent hang oneself from a beam. The dog marks a distance, the cat writes down the home. The girl tells embroider, the scholar says an article. Beat do not hit not noisy, the bell is not knocked do not cry. Beat do not knock not noisy, manage not argue is unidentified. Beat should hit to the dot, flute should be blown to the eye. Blow off-street, rain ave. Melon is not had rounded, the person is not had 10 complete. Good child glance, booby sees evening. Close go out on the west will, east of Shanhaiguan goes out. The official is not avaricious, the dog does not eat excrement. Wide hand in be inferior to choosing friends, seek instruction from a master is inferior to visitting friend. Boiler is not hit do not leak, the word does not say to be not appeared. The country considers fine look in disorder, domestic deficient Sai Xian wife. Crossed Grain in Ear, cannot plant by force. Word crossing a head says less, thing crossing a head is done less. Cold rise from you, fire go up from the beginning unripe. Cold door gives a talent, the high mountain gives handsome bird. Delicious sweet, look for those who sell sugar; Of delicious acid, look for those who sell vinegar. Advantage begins, disadvantage consider. Good dog does not jump, good cat does not cry. Good dog does not bite chicken, brave man is not hit wife. Nice sound a dozen noisy, good lamp shines one batch. Good sweat protects 3 villages, good dog protects 3 adjacent. Brave man dies in battlefield, slug dies on kang. Fine flower leaves indefectible, the favour says not bad. Good memory is inferior to sodden ability to write. Face of good wine a favourite by sb in power, wealth changes popular feeling. Hospitable friend is much, good saying gibberish is much. Good without a stop, good ox keeps plowing. The favour does not go out, evil thing travels a long distance. The favour does not hide the truth from a person, hide the truth from a person to do not have a favour. Good iron wants via 3 melt down, good book wants to be read via 100. Good plant a good young plant, good a peach-shaped thing of good tree bear. Bonze does not say ghost, there is rice in bag. The river grows much beach, the road grows much turn. The river has two sides, the thing has two sides. The tiger is not afraid that hill is tall, the fish does not fear depth of water. The tiger eats a person to hide easily, the person eats a person to be prevented hard. The tiger arrives central scroll, the home defeats a person to die. Hu Shouxiong heart is in, person poor keep in mind is not short. The tiger absolutelies refuse to to be out of shape, wolf dead fixity. Tiger of the picture that draw a person paints spirit hard, know a person to know difficult intimate. The word does not want fix definitely, the route does not go absolutely. The word became much not sweet, glue became much do not stick. Can hit can calculate, v/arc land tax is ceaseless. Can blame oneself quite, won't blame others quite. Can pass won't pass, raise dehisce money less. Meet what saying provoking laugh, what won't say is provoking jump. Can say say, won't say say 10. The person that can laugh laughs finally. Can write sitting, the station that can call is worn. Fire does not have wet bavin greatly, result to the thing not difficult. Before fire bakes a bosom, warm, wind blows backside cold baked wheaten cake a big, current a line. Fire wants hollow, the person wants modest. Fire is burned more jump over flourishing, the person does stronger more. Goods buys 3 to not be in an unfavorable situation, the route goes 3 meet with not unfamiliar. Accumulate be apt to 3 years the person does not know, a day of far and near hears do evil. Many a little makes a mickle, accumulate evil into disaster. Crowded sore does not leave pus, avoid suffer 2 times painful. Meal of the daily life of a family is delicious, often move an official to be done hard. The home adds up to all things to promote. The wind other family conversation ear, classics of word of alien conversation gold. The home has 1000, advocate thing one person. The home has one old, be just as one treasure. Hold <> concurrently listen criterion bright, slant listen dark. See do not be afraid of by force, encounter weak not bully. Ginger is old hot, vinegar is old acerbity. Hand in person lay one's heart bare, irrigate a tree to irrigate a root. Pride comes from dilettante, madcap stem from ignorance. Length of foot touchs dew, the mouth is long provoke dispute. Teach a person to teach a heart, irrigate a flower to irrigate a root. Jie Ling still must fasten bell person. Head of abstinence give up one handleless cup, head of give up of smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline readily. There is alcoholic drink now now is drunk, will pour kitchen to drink cold water tomorrow. Close river not waste water, close hill not crooked burns bavin. Close hill knows bird news, close water knows piscine sex. One takes on the color of one's company, close Chinese ink person black. The book that use up a letter is inferior to having a book. Always flash via commonly used key. The well is drawn out 3 times take comfort, the person goes 3 provinces experience is extensive. Jing Yue is drawn out, shui Yueqing; The thing is placed more, manage is jumped over bright. Static think of constantly oneself over- , chat not talks person blame. Although goblet is small adj/LIT wide the dead. Save a person after all, ferry bank. Determination wants successful person, had succeeded half. Gentleman revenges, 10 years not late gentleman uses an opening, lilliputian starts work. Boiled water is not noisy, noisy water does not leave. Begin meal is delicious, begin word it's hard to say. Chop Chai Shangshan, catch the tree on the bird to see dish have a meal, act according to actual circumstances. See oneself, a flower; See others, bean curd broken bits. There is a patient on kang, there is anxious person on the ground. Backer has mountain, rely on water draft. Acerbity do not make money, honest and tolerant not lose money in business. The mouth says to be inferior to arriving personally, hear of is betted as eye. Post-horse need not flog urge, noisy strike need not be beaten again. Work of slug go to the fields is much, excrement is covered on lazy ass much. Dawdler is urgent on the mouth, diligent the person goes up urgently in the leg. Dawdler is used long term, clumsy person uses curved needle. Billow is again tall, also alow; Hill is again tall, also be in plantar. Priceless of return to the fold. Work goes wisdom, practice gives genuine knowledge. Grimalkin is not in the home, the house on mouse climbs. Cold congee cold meal is delicious, sarcastic comments is afflictive. Ceremony much person is not strange, oily much not bad food. Li Rusong, be like,sit bell, be like,lie bend, be like wind all right. Force is to press big, bravery is to frighten big. Fine character a 3 winters are warm, person of evil language injury is cold in June. Benefit of good medicine tastes bitter at disease, benefit of good advice is harsh to the ear at going. Quantity great good fortune is great, heart wide house is wide. Neighbor is good, without valence treasure. Stay so that green hill is in, do not be afraid of do not have bavin to burn. Running water not corrupt, a door-hinge is never worm-eaten. Not hot in June, food crops does not written guarantee. Long Moyun is no good, piscine anhydrous is not unripe. The way is wrong, everybody walks; The thing is wrong, everybody is in charge of. The road is wet take off a shoe early, when anything crops up early arrangement. Time reveals a person's heart, time reveals a person's heart. The road has 1000, manage. After the ass rides, before Ma Qi, mule rides in the waist among. Spadger falls cropland should eat cereal, the fox should steal chicken into house. Although spadger is small, completely of the five internal organs. Ma Hao is not crying, person beauty is absent appearance. Name-calling scolds dirty mouth, hit a person to maul a hand. Name-calling does not have good mouth, hit a person not to have ace. Buy melon to treat a skin, give or have an acupuncture treatment sees opening. Buy chicken to see claw, buy duck to see the mouth. Buy gong to want to hit, buy an umbrella to want to maintain. Buying and selling does not become Ren Yi to be in. Buying and selling not know the business, a blind person bumps south wall. When buying, must buy, when selling, must sell. Sell melon not to say melon is sufferred from, sell salt not to say salt is weak. Seller blames a foot, buyer blames a shoe. Enrol caustic completely, modest is benefited. Slow disease is being raised, acute disease is being treated. The cat follows rice bowl, the dog follows host. The cat fears pass the winter, the dog has been afraid of summer. Drizzle, make wet clothing; Cup cup wine, eat break down family belongs. When doing not have money, starve, when having money, parade his wealth. Without the fish that does not swallow the bait, did not go up the monkey of pole. Smelly without human excrement, which come food crops is sweet. Beautiful, home town water; Do not kiss in person, birthplace person. Honey is much not sweet, oil is much not sweet. Seedling much bully is careless, seedling of careless much bully. Cereal of seedling good in part, wife blessing of good in part. Bright gun is good hide, attack by a hidden enemy is prevented hard. Bright person does not do dark thing, true person does not say lie. Grind a knife not to chop Chai Gong by accident. Grind a knife to need not look, battle completely a suit sweat. Not attractive rich, not disrelish person end. Not had eaten head meal, not had said head word. Not see robber eat the meat, want to see robber be punished. Not learn a lantern 1000 eyes, want to learn candle be of one mind. Seek the official is like rat, get Guan Ruhu. Mu Daer is fat, kind good Miao Zhuang. South eats wild goose, north eats an egg. Na Tian north is salty, east hot on the west acerbity. Male become greatly marriage, female should marry greatly. Male be afraid of wrong travel, female be afraid of marry poor man. Male want spruce, a suit black; Female want spruce, 3 minutes of filial piety. Adept guard the entrance, dilettante watch the scene of bustle. You respect a person one feet, the person respects you one a unit of length. Boat of travel of against the current, do not enter retreat. Age not Rao Ren, climate and other natural phenomena of a season not Rao Tian. Study not diligent, be equal to no use labour. The rice of a married woman's parents' home is aromatic, the meal of husband's family is long. Bird Gui Youyi, the person is expensive have keep in mind. Bird beauty is in feather, person beauty is in laborious. The bird does not fly without the wing, piscine anhydrous does not swim. Eat half food rather, do not eat food. Eat fowl rather four, do not take four-footed animal half jins. Draw a horse to brave man rather, do not make father to slug. Make pause suddenly rather rare, do not call crop failure. Call the mouth to get end rather, do not call disease to pester a body. Would rather put bad in boiler, cannot in abdomen good stuff. Would rather acknowledge a mistake, cannot lie. Would rather and insufficient, cannot unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease and superabundant. Would rather plant on lose, mo Wang is not planted close. Would rather have done, cannot miss. Peace is hardworking, boil not painstakingly. Abandon one ingot gold rather, do not abandon a year spring. Add pipeful rather, not add. Contend for in boiler rather, do not contend for in the bowl. Walk along Feng Jiang to point to rather, do not go away river one feet. Take 10 steps rather far, not danger of make a move. Do ant leg rather, do not learn spadger mouth ox not to know horny turn, the horse does not know a face to grow. Niu Nengla is plowed, the dog can be special. The ox wants crural circle, the pig wants a base thick. Abandon the person of time, time also abandons him. Friend 1000 little, enemy a many. Pi Zhi is not put, wool adds Yan. Moral is a person is immanent, reputation is one the individual's appearance. Calm way drops dead horse, the dead of shallow water be addicted to. Bully person is disaster, rao Ren is blessing. Bully hill not bully water, bully person not bully heart. Wife virtuous husband disaster is little, child heart of filial piety father is wide. The step is wrong one, plateful all is defeated. 1000 fill 10 thousand fill, fill as the meal. 1000 easy, one effect is begged hard. A thousand li not needle of take along sth to sb, 10 thousand lis are not carried gently. The bank of a thousand li, break through Yu Yi acupuncture point. The travel of a thousand li, only then at you. 1000 people 1000 disposition, 10 thousand people 10 thousand about. Modest person learns 10 when one, la-di-da learns to be become 10. Sleep before 30 years not to wake, hind sleep 30 years to be not worn. The melon and fruit that twists by force is not sweet. Strong in have more strong in hand, able person backside has able person. Artful character is inferior to straight line, bright person need not dilatancy. Do not cross parents in person, do not cross husband and wife nearly. Mountain range of mountain of the Qin Dynasty a line, rice north eats to take a side south. Can fill frequently clumsy. Diligent it is a ready source of money, frugal is cornucopia. Capture dragon to want go into business, hit a tiger to want to go up hill. Capture a thief first king. The honest and upright official decides household issue hard. Pure Brightness is busy kind of wheat, grain Rain is planted land for growing field crops. Xi Shi goes out in lover eye. Poor home is abandoned hard, cultivated land leaves hard. It is ginger completely not hot, it is Chinese prickly ash completely not hemp. The fist does not leave a hand, music does not leave an opening. Person love is rich, the dog bites end. Person cannot appearance photograph, seawater cannot fight a quantity. The person is not deficient ground, the ground is not deficient belly. The person does not lack the skill of the ground, the ground is not short of the person's grain. The person is absent size, the horse is absent on any account. The person arrives 45, give Shan Hu just about. Many Han believes the person, wisdom many Kong Ming. The person is much give valid reason, gu Duo gives good rice person much resourcefulness is wide, bavin much blaze is tall. The person has each can have cannot. Person each are intentional, content has each advocate. The person adds up to a heart, ma Ge is covered. The person fools ground, the ground fools belly. The person is living 70 rare, consult do not be low. Person urgent seek refuge with relatives, the bird is cast urgently forest. Family boast, a flower; Him boast, person jest. The person respects some, the dog is bitten ugly. Person old eye faints, accipitral old claw is blunt. The person is afraid of hunger, the ground fears crop failure. The person is afraid that the word is much, work is terrible do. The person is afraid of do not have a face, the tree is afraid that the person that do not have a skin is afraid of sad, the tree is afraid of decorticate. The person is afraid that confidence is neat, the tiger is afraid of group. Bully of person strong person is ill, person of bully of person weak disease. The person is diligent disease is lazy, person lazy disease is diligent. The person is diligent the ground grows a young plant, the person grows grass lazily. Life generation, grass is unripe one autumn. The person is solid good, ginger is old hot. The person is iron, the meal is steel, fat crop crop failure is short of in the ground. The person is iron, the meal is steel, 3 days do not eat hunger confused. Person thin face is yellow, the ground is thin make food less. The person sends a person, the bird is cast forest. The person goes toward altitude, water flows toward small part. The words of the lowly person carry little weight. The person rests without smiling face set up shop, can mediate a dispute to fall oneself stage. The person does not have foresight, have close concern surely. Person by accident temporarily, the ground by accident person a year. Popular feeling changes popular feeling, 79 change half jins. Popular feeling is neat, the father-in-law moves. The person wants sincere, fire wants hollow. Person somebody character, animal has animal sign. The person has accidentally drop, the horse has break hoof. The person jumps over play lazier, the mouth eats greedier more. The person does not tell good fortune in blessing, the boat does not know to flow in water. Person on earth refine, the knife is ground on stone. The person is contended for at a heat, buddha is contended for wick sweet. Philtrum has Lv Bu, ma Zhong has bare rabbit. Day long work is much, a long delay may cause trouble. Guilty thing is not done in day, knock in the middle of the night heart not Jing. The idle in day swims, oil is boiled in night. Go every day, do not be afraid that the; in ten million often is done, do not fear ten million thing. Day pursues 3 eat, nocturnal graph lodges for the night. If otherwise is terrible, not do fear ways of the world. If want wine way, wake soon intoxicate. If be close friends, let greatly small. If be close friends, ask 3 old. If want be good at, drill every day. If VIP does not know, unless personal Mo Wei. If VIP enters the water, oneself first strip. If want the body strong, meal is chewed into the oar. Net should cast directly net, embarkation should open vessel of against the wind. 360, give Number One Scholar all right all right. Take medicine 3 minutes, recuperate 7 minutes. Rely on 3 minutes to teach, rely on 7 minutes to learn. Plant 3 minutes, 7 be assigned personal responsibility for. 3 lis of different countryside, 5 lis of different common. Do not drink 3 years, all in the home has. Do not come 3 years, also should not kiss in person. 3 years Qing Dynasty tells seat of government, 100 thousand snowflake are silver-colored. 3 people 4 lean, poured boiler kitchen. 3 people are homocentric, loess changes gold. 3 people travel together, have my division surely. 3 support one project early, 3 fill touch anew. Arenaceous boiler is not pounded do not leak, wood does not certain be illogical. Hill does not have bavin greatly, the tree is large hollow. Hill does not press spring greatly, the ox is pressed greatly not dead pedicular. Shan Gaoshu is tall, well deep water is cool. The child in hill is not afraid of a wolf, the child in the city is not afraid of an official. There is mountain outside hill, universal one day. Hill has on any account, water has depth. The tiger is not had in hill, the monkey weighs king. Flashy not be gold completely. Good and evil is different road, glacial charcoal is different furnace. Good and evil is made along with the person, misfortune him good fortune is enrolled. Pause on not satiate, be not saved suddenly below. Those who burn is sweet much, the ghost that offend is much. Little not hesitate force, often do not rest heart. Have much taste less, have bad intestines and stomach more. Excessive person rich inadequacy, frugal person deficient is superabundant. Hate to part with a seedling, do not hold gourd ladle in the arms. Shoot a person to shoot a horse first, capture a thief first king. Do not be afraid of personally move, the head is not afraid of with. Angry, it is wrong him penalty that takes others. The rope curiums wood is broken, constant effort brings success. The province eats meat meat to have, the province is worn every day new. Failure is the mother of the success. The just right that lose, erroneous with a thousand li. Cootie does not itch more, debt is much not anxious. 10 sides one easy, a gang 10 difficult. 10 plum nine is acerbity, 10 officials nine is corrupt. 10 money want a flower, a money wants a province. 10 lis know a person, a hunderd li identifies the garment. Plant a tree 10 years, hundred years enjoy the cool in some shade. What cane writtens guarantee what melon, cultivates what flower. Feed a fish to want fertilizer, feed the flesh to want thin. Feed in Guangzhou, live in Suzhou. Tickler is not had on the world, be afraid of a person with high aspirations and determination only. Issue major issue is small, arrive personally. Thing not leave no room for manoeuvre, the word not says. The thing is afraid of aggregate, the person is afraid of polite. It is grass has a root, it is because of,the word has. It is meal allay one's hunger, it is garment block body. It is good say not bad, it is bad say bad. Gold always can flash. The hand is afraid of do not move, the head is afraid of need not. Happy to dance, 90 not old. Skill comes from practice, can lay seed opportunely. The tree is afraid of decorticate, the person is afraid of shield a shortcoming of fault. Both hands is a bit of a clown, generation have more than is needed. Water has not overflowed a boat greatly, hand large block does not live day. Water is big wet not boat, fire cannot burn boiler greatly. Constant effort brings success, sit the sky that feed hill. Water full take its natural course, the person is full boastful. Water can carry a boat, can Fu boat. Water stops unripe bug 100 days, person idle falls ill 100 days. When the river rises the boat goes up too, wind large tree shakes. One should not demand absolute purity, the person does not have apprentice to examine. Asleep person is nice cry, install sleeping person to cry hard. Those who arrange is delicious, horizontal difficult pharynx. Track down by following clues, downstream seeks a source. Look for chicken down chicken feather, look for garlic down garlic skin. Say to return say, laugh return laugh, start work move a foot to do not have family education. Say the person nevers mention it short, hit a person not to make a face. The have a loose tongue of storytelling, acting leg is fast. A thousand li sending gentleman, have to fasten. Its Shan Zhishi, can attack jade. Corrupt other people is beautiful, by accident oneself a home. Have an insatiable desire for temporarily the mouth, got a single person tired. Covet a little and lose a lot, cherish points to lose a control. Beg for food is afraid that the dog is bitten, the scholar is afraid of year old one's deceased father. The day does not give birth to twerp, the ground does not grow anonymous grass. The day does not freeze not freezingly, not sad tear does not banish the person. Day not character from tall, the ground not language from thick. Talent and lazy accompany, be equal to accomplish nothing. The weather is cold do not freeze Girl Weaver hand, hungry not hungry plough frequently person. Climate is inferior to favourable geographical position, favourable geographical position is inferior to support of the people. The day does not have 2 days, the person does not have 2 manage. The day is not had in January rain, the person does not have generation end. The world does not have tickler, be afraid of a person with high aspirations and determination only. The world leaves south face of goverment office in feudal China, the justifiable Mo Jinglai that do not have money. Something unexpected may happen any time, the person has unexpected good or bad fortune. Road connects Rome. Iron became cold hit must not, the word became cold unspeakable. Obedient listen sound, see a person see a heart. Listen to a person to persuade, satiate meal; Know person teaching, skill in wushu is tall. Bai Yu is born in earth, gold goes out inside the ground. Unitive be of one mind, loess becomes gold. Lift outside do not avoid enemy, lift inside do not avoid close. Excessive attention to plaything saps the will. Forget today's person will by will forget tomorrow. Not full stop first, already be hungry just is fed. Not late first seek temporary lodging, crow sees a day early. Feed Niu Deli, groom must ride. Civilian move touch the mouth, military officer runs leg. Civil play relies on the mouth, fierce play relies on a leg. Do not make a fire in house, outside house not fumy. There are no waves without wind, without fish and water not deep. Without do not become a book opportunely. The tanaka that do not have a thing goes, a few bottles Gumi is long. Disrelish night to grow without the thing, occupied disrelish day weak point. Without shuttle difficult weaving, without needle difficult embroider. Do not have salt without oil, eat dead not sweet. Military officer can be killed, civilian meeting is blown. Other people is expensive from countryside, the person leaves country base. Things of one kind come together, person with group cent. Do not have an insatiable desire for accident money, not the wine of overdrink. Suck not dehisce, breathe out not to close a mouth. Economize to avoid running short, food and clothing not anxious. Economize to avoid running short becomes a river, bead rice accumulates a bamboo basket. Summer eat garlic winter to take a surname, need not doctor prescribe. Xia Zou 10 lis not black, the winter walks along 10 lis not to shine. Nail ass of the department after stake first, scatter a nest first child hind fishing. First fat won't fat, hind fat pressure collapse bed. Sleep first heart, the eye sleeps after. Idler cries cold, busy person calls heat. Ailment is not treated, bad medicine of a serious illness. Small hole does not fill, large hole complain of suffering. Impish drop King Kong, small rat breaks big string. Lilliputian bear grudges, gentleman is thankful Lilliputian is proud, brook reputation is big. Small catch a cold 3 days, big catch a cold 7 days. The hour steals a needle, big steal gold. Mo Xiechang of take the load off one's shoulder for a rest, not go busy on foot. Cathartic small fry, invigorator is thick boil. The heart wants to often be held, the body should grow fatigue. Believed abdomen, sold house. Travel a hunderd li person half at 90. Sail a boat is taken the advantage of downwind, forge iron is taken the advantage of fiery. Sail a boat relies on helm, drive a car to rely on whip. Be close friends all right companion, house be close friends adjacent. Scholar hunger absolutelies refuse to to sell a book, hero poor road does not sell a sword. Scholar rebel, won't do 3 years. The scholar is encountered arms, rational says not clear. Modest person learns 10 when one, la-di-da learns to be become 10. Have an insatiable desire to learn, be tireless in teaching. Learn inadequacy 1000 days, learn bad one day superabundant learn from good examples 3 years, learn bad 3 days. Knowledge is diligent medium, come in rich frugal. Tooth not get rid of is not rare, ear is not dug not deaf. Character person innocent, enough Buddhist monastic discipline of the person that hear. Mask a weakness, exposed another weakness again. The eye disappears, need an in part. The eye sees for solid, ear listens for empty. The eye is bad Chinese, the hand is brave man. Willow is paly, 100 disease are all unripe. Urticant want oneself to catch, good want others boast. Medicine does not treat false disease, wine indissolubles true anxious. Medical the other side, a soup; Incorrect square, one water jar. Want to fish, knit a net first; Want to build the bridge, first pile. Want to call present strike, do not strike backside gong. Good is breathtaking art, need next hard time. Want macrobian, first wine of smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline. Want to know the thing in hill, must ask dozen of Chai Ren. Want to know downhill way, must ask a n experienced person. Barren of Yu Qin of essence of course of study at play, form Yu Sai to destroy at following. Nocturnal night prevents a thief, prevent crop failure year after year. One full for sufficient, person of 10 full injuries. One strokes does not become dragon, one shovel is not dug give a well. A inch of time a inch of gold, money can't buy time. Eat suddenly, 10 have boiling water. Save suddenly, save pipeful one year. A fence 3 picket, a brave man is helped 3 times. A friend a road, an enemy a wall. An artful cobbler, without; of good shoe pattern two stupid cobbler, each other have discuss;   3 smelly cobbler, surpass Zhu Geliang. One crock holds different liquor hard, one tree opens different flower hard. Bout classics snake is bitten, be afraid of careless rope 3 years. One does not know, bonze does not know the home. A hunderd schools of a foster daughter is begged, one horse is no good 100 horses care. One horse does not deserve two saddle, one foot steps two boats hard. The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring, of lifetime plan in Yu Qin. One person passes empty, 100 people are passed solid. One day does not read a mouth to be born, one day does not write lack practice and skill. A day of practice, a day of result, one day does not drill 10 days of sky. One day 3 laugh, need not take medicine. A day of province leaves 9 food, want 10 years to be installed with the storehouse. One day saves, buy a horse 10 years. One Tian Yigen line, accumulate damask 10 years. Be utterly ignorant, the immortal did not rule by law. One character goes out already, what has been cannot be withdrawn. One leaf block looks, do not see a father-in-law. Do not lodge for the night overnight, 10 night are insufficient. One have 100, one end 100 end. One shows wind direction. One grass shows flow. Stitch does not fill, 10 needles are seamed hard. Contend for two ugly, let two have. The garment is inferior to new, the person is inferior to reason. The dress is not washed should dirty, farm is not plowed want be out of practice. Art tall person is audacious. Choose and employ persons not doubt, doubt person need not. Decorate oneself with gem, be inferior to enriching oneself with knowledge. You Jian enters excessive easy, it is difficult to enter frugal by excessive. Treat early unhealthily, prevent early without disease. Have grain of course half an year, without barren of course half an year. Having Chai Youmi is husband and wife, do not have meter of each thing without bavin. The car has idea, the tree has a picture. Have how old capital, do how old the business. Have how old foot, wear how old shoe. The meal rests disrelish weak, the car rests disrelish slow. Blessing is enjoyed together, have become hard together. Have borrow have still, refinance is not difficult. Wanting justifiably to say, did not manage grabbing say. Rational takes the world, unjustifiable can not move a step. Grain should be thought of it is difficult to do not have grain, not arrive to be thought of without grain have grain. Money is bought hard often come thin. Rich 30 for prime minister in feudal China, without money 80 make farm laborer hired by the year. The flesh disrelishs wool, wine disrelishs flooey. Hill has a way surely, have water surely cross. Have have surely uphill declivous, have have an outlet surely into the road. Save sometimes, when be short of, become pipeful. Occupied call husband's father, without thing face Chao Dong. Intentional burn joss sticks, no matter morning and evening. One is promote surely one is defeated, one benefit has one disadvantage surely. Have what change, without increase strive to do what is beyond one's power. Annals is absent year tall. Annals is absent year tall, rational is absent can say. Annals is absent year tall, the sky that do not have annals is 100 years old long. Annals bleachs ocean to cross the sea, can not move a step without annals. The person that have keep in mind establishs lasting mark, chang Lizhi of the person that do not have annals. Nature having musk deer is sweet, need not fresh gale raise. The fish makes a fire, the meat is raw phlegmy, green vegetables bean curd is protected restful. Jade not carve, won't do implement; The person does not learn, do not tell truth.

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