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在家做的美食? 在家自制美食?英文双语对照


在家做的美食? 在家自制美食?英文双语对照


鸡胸脯肉 2块、鸡蛋 2个、淀粉 2汤匙、面包糠 3汤匙、食盐 1/2茶匙、胡椒粉 1/2茶匙、植物油 200毫升















































2. 烤玉米饼:把玉米饼放入烤盘中,加入洋葱、辣椒、洋葱、番茄片、碎芝士和碎火腿,撒上少许橄榄油,然后放入烤箱中烤制。







4、 西瓜翠衣汤:西瓜洗净后切下薄绿皮,加水煎煮30分钟,去渣加适量白糖,凉后可饮;



One, the cate that does in the home?

Flesh of pigeon breast chest 2, egg 2, 2 spoon of starch, biscuit is branny teaspoon of 1/2 of 3 spoon, salt, pepper 1/2 teaspoon, plant is oily 200 milliliter


1, flesh of pigeon breast chest is washed clean, cut even man

2, the chicken that has cut is fourth, add Qing Dynasty of salt, pepper, egg to bloat 15 minutes

3, prepare fluid of amylaceous, entire egg, biscuit branny

4, the gallinaceous man that has bloated is ordinal touch fluid of amylaceous, egg, wrap again above the bag is branny

5, the green compact that has made puts dish inside

6, vegetable oil is put in boiler, oily 6 when becoming heat, put stuck the green compact blast with branny biscuit to make

7, scamper is expressed to gallinaceous man the face is golden, fish out drop strikes oil can.

2, is cate abstained in the home?

Regard a Sichuan as the person, what like least of all is knead dough, but be during epidemic situation, during closing, do not have a thing to be able to work, only pleasure makes all sorts of cate namely. The steamed stuffed bun of fleshy clip steamed bun, steamed stuffed bun, dumpling, Xinjiang that bake, thin-skinned steamed stuffed bun, crusty pancake... changing a flower to do, during epidemic situation, used two bags of faces, experienced also the competence of knead dough. Now, still make bit of cooked wheaten food from time to time. Also cannot take a bag of side one year before, now a year a few bags of faces.

3, the homework that can you do in the home?

Be versed in single-handed, oneself can buy raw material to do next from the self-study on the network.

2 conduct financial transactions, learn the knowledge of conduct financial transactions with be accumulated certain first, reoccupy minority money goes trying, the attention is prevented cheat.

3 nearsightedness frequency, oneself should learn to write script, film and editing and rearrangement, insist to update everyday, also can have results.

4, the cate that can dormitory pannikin do?

Flesh of braise in soy sauce, the egg fries tomato, leek scrambles egg, wood needs the flesh.

5, is delicious cate done in the home?

Chicken of braise in soy sauce is ungual

Raw material: Gallinaceous ungual 750g, chinese prickly ash a small, anise two, cassia bark two flake, sweet leaf two flake, rock candy 10g, cooking wine one spoon, often draw 3 spoon, unripe draw two spoon, 13 sweet half teaspoon, ginger two.


1, get ready feed material and all sorts of flavor.

2, after gallinaceous claw is rinsed clean, one by one is cut go fingernail.

3, half boiler clear water is put in boiler, enter gallinaceous claw, conflagration boils succeed add boils 3 minutes.

4, rinse gallinaceous ungual fish out clean with going from place to place water, drop works.

5, gallinaceous claw falls into boiler, put clear water to had built gallinaceous claw roughly.

6, after be being boiled, add one spoon two cooking wine, ginger, 3 spoon often are smoked and two spoon are born smoke.

9, load Chinese prickly ash, anise, cassia bark, sweet leaf entirely tea bag bag, put into boiler.

10, put crystal sugar, join half teaspoon 13 sweet.

Soup of lotus seed chop

Material: Chop, lotus seed, ginger, salt, gourmet powder, pepper.

Practice: 1, lotus seed uses cold water bubble 30 minutes.

2, take arenaceous pot, enter right amount clear water, ordinal put chop, lotus seed, ginger piece, salt, after suffer from excessive internal heat burns boil, cast aside go face rise foam, build upper cover, turn small fire stews about 1 hour, uncover a lid to transfer into refined salt, pepper, gourmet powder can.

6, what cate can green do?

Green is burned holothurian, sweet green bean curd, green Chinese onion fries hotpot...

7, is cate means become in the home?

Buy semi-manufactured goods the egg flogs or potato, use flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil of air blast boiler, coke chicken wing, the baking pan that use phone bakes pie, bake cutlet with oven

8, the festive lantern that can you do in the home?

1. is done with gules paperboard cylindrical center.

The red of 2. square and maize paperboard reduce different size.

3. general paperboard is stickup rise.

4. cuts out in thin oilpaper rectangular strip does tassel.

5. surrounds the scrip into the circle, join place with double-faced glue cling.

6. is OK finally the bead that young woman student likes most on adornment, sparkling gilt-edged festive lantern with respect to make it.

9, the Western-style food that can you make in the home?

Answer: The Western-style food that can make in the home includes:

1. Zhi person wrap around Sa: Prepare to wrap around Sa dough, person sauce of Zhi of the butter that make, join Italian sausage, tomato, dawdle and olive, scatter on the Italy with mincing a few Zhi person and black pepper, in putting oven next, bake make.

2.The hoecake that bake: Put hoecake bake dish in, join onion, chili, onion, tomato piece, break Zhi person and broken ham, scatter on a few olive oil, in putting oven next, bake make.

3. Italian face: Prepare leaf of a few basil and garlic, in putting them into a caldron, fry sweet, join tomato juice, brown sugar, pepper and dry herb, boil after boiling, thoroughly cook Italian face, scatter finally on break Zhi person and basil leaf can.

4. strawberry pasty: Prepare a simple dough, next strawberry piece, mincing Brazilian benefit nutlet and sweet butter is put into dough, become dough roll the round cake with even thickness, in putting oven finally, bake make can.

10, the drink that can you make in the home?

1, hawkthorn soup: hawkthorn piece 50 grams add 100 grams, smoked plum 3, 5 kilograms of water are boiled sodden, put Bai Ju to spend the fish out after 100 grams are burned, put right amount white sugar next, cool hind can drinkable;

2, iced watermelon dew: watermelon flay, go seed, flesh cuts set prescription man, enter even juice the iced inside the basin. Add water to be boiled with right amount rock candy, white sugar next, cast aside go float foam, inside park freezer. In iced syrup pouring watermelon man when edible can;

3, a thick soup of coconut juice tremella: Tremella is sent with Wen Shui after 30 grams are abluent, eliminate is crustaceous, with coconut juice 125 grams, rock candy reachs water right amount, boil is become namely;

4, boiling water of watermelon emerald green coating: Next thin green skins are cut after watermelon is abluent, add water decoction 30 minutes, go broken bits adds right amount white sugar, cool hind but drink;

5, lotus leaf cool tea: Will bright lotus leaf rips flake half pieces, with the rhizome of large-headed atractylodes 10 grams, each 6 grams boil wrinkled giant hyssop, licorice 20 minutes in all, join right amount white sugar, cool hind but drink.

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