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麦田、农民伯伯、夕阳西下这些都是在收获季节才能看到的场景 ,但是在梵高的黄色调中我们可以看到,他画出来一个我们心中的收获季节的画作,让人看过之后,内心充满了安静和踏实,这是其它画作所没有的,梵高的画就真体现了出来,一代大师死后画作卖出天价,其实他的画值那个价钱。



很多人奇怪 ,为什么梵高能画出这么充满希望梦想的画作,他不是一个内心充满失望的人呢,其实画家的画作就是内心最直接的表达,我们看到的画,几乎就是他当时所处的场景,这就是梵高画作难能可贵的地方,极少有画家能像梵高一样把自己所见所闻画家的如此富有感情,在他的每一幅黄色调画中,都是希望梦想。


Yellow is moved in the implied meaning in brushwork hope and dream, in work of a lot of Great Masters, we often can see with yellow tone gives priority to the creation of the problem, after quiet and auspicious yellow attune lets a person had looked, become be full of a hope, a lot of Great Masters like to go in the autumn field is sketchy, creation belongs to the dream of own heart.

Buddhist is in high instantly almost widely known, but the delegate that he is unsuccessful painter, a lot of people and art give birth to communication, is the first you know Buddhist is tall? Before one's death out at the elbows, but the picture after dying is made sell price giving a day however, implication picture picture does not have prospect, let a person do not become aware regretful with absurdity.

Why to want a picture? This is a very big task, but the person that paints a picture has a result, that likes a painting namely just, the painting that likes purely to see oneself namely comes down, only this just. Picture picture does not have overmuch language, oneself inner idea is in the picture, is Buddhist tall without the dream? That is you do not know he still has painted such picture.

Between our impression, the picture with fast Buddhist is very depressed, disconsolate, disappointed, make in his common picture in, it is the picture that expresses a few negative sentiments, let a person had looked to feel his heart is full of huge mood, but he also has drawn the autumn, the autumnal full of his the wording and purpose of what one writes hopes and dream, quiet and auspicious, made a person tall to Buddhist have new knowledge again.

Uncle of cornfield, farmer, the setting sun issues these on the west is the setting that sees in ability of the crown of the year, but in the maize attune with tall Buddhist we can see, he draws the picture of the crown of the year in our heart to make, after letting a person had looked, the heart was full of quiet with sureness, other draws place to do not have this, fast picture reflected Buddhist to come out really, the picture after generation Great Master is dead is made sell price giving a day, actually his picture is worth that price.

Buddhist is tall it is one of abstract delegate characters, at that time people is returned is the deviation on reasonable to abstract painting solution, bring about Buddhist advanced a series of abstract painters not very is conspicuous, sell the painter of price giving a day to have hardly before one's death, it is price giving a day sells after dying, but after the picture that has seen them repeatedly when us, actually they draw is our real heart world, do not have a person to be able to understand them at that time regrettablly only.

The autumn of Buddhist tall the wording and purpose of what one writes, dream and hope interweave, seeing dark look of be used to is, after the yellow that sees him again is moved unavoidable feel this is his picture, after had looked in detail, so he also been paintinging such picture before one's death, the dream all is between brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, color usage all is a hope, it is in his yellow tonal picture, it is our daily life, and he used paintbrush to record, art results from the life, but prep above lives.

A lot of people are strange, why high-energy picture gives Buddhist so the picture that fills hope dream is made, he is not the person that a heart fills disappointment, actually the painter's picture is made is the expression with the directest heart, the picture that we see, it is his located at that time setting almost, this is the place with can commendable feel embarrassed of Buddhist fast picture, extremely rare painter can be tall like Buddhist same the so rich feeling him knowledge painter, in each yellow tonal picture in him, it is hope dream.

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