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开始BOSS会召唤出3个刺球到版图上,以剔状的移动方式(加速跑)越过右边的刺球和王,到达BOSS上方, 再停1~2秒让刺球因惯性滚向右边,以争取活动空间。




每次吸着BOSS时保持相约距离,不要太近,免得BOSS牵着你转弯时,用下压攻击的地震波震开你; 太远,会脱离,导致吸不到。


















1. 在地图上找到第一个任务点。一旁有张纸条,翻开来可以看到提示,需要找到四张漂流瓶的图片。

2. 游戏中有很多漂流瓶可以捡拾,找到四张图片。

3. 所有图片都收集完毕后,回到第一个任务点,把图像放到三个对应的Location中。第一个Location会自动弹出对话框,第二个在窗台上,需要用跳跃抵达,第三个需要在后面的小房间开启门才能进入。


1. 在地图找到第二个任务点,场景中有一张地图,需要找到标记点。

2. 在标记点附近会有一个 5 米高的巨人的骸骨,在骸骨上可以找到一个袋子,拿到草木植物和银板。

3. 分别破坏场景中的草丛和乱堆物得到草木和骨头。将银板和骨头放入锅中加水制作银箔骨。

4. 制作好防护符后,使用草木制作一个图腾。

5. 回到第二个任务点,守卫用水将防护符填充能量,放入图腾,按照提示将图腾摆放在光圈之中,即可完成任务。
















与此同时,展开基地发展。如果敌人若派坦克攻击你,用磁能和犀牛解决即可。 把两辆履带车顺着小路向上拉,会遇到一辆IFV,解决即可。把没装恐怖分子的履带车放到前面掩护转满恐怖分子的履带车。接着把两辆履带车拉到心灵信标的脚下,越近越好。

















One, pet the world strategy of task of dreamland of 2 clever animal?

If using long wind first from the city east the exit of lower part goes out, southeasterly just go all the time, through phoenix town, meeting somebody alludes the thing of that mysterious girl. About the compare notes of fistfight, in countless move in overflowing kind of work

The hero that has occurrence love is divided still have 8 gods hut in addition, big snake! !

Works of God all has clever. Game king. Card; is right. Wait for you to experience that scene definitely

Will bring you boundless might and happy ~

2, heaven task of 2 young dragon?

Wind dragon, the job of wind dragon is better do.

The silver in the task is silver piece.

To pet administrator that buys feed feed, drill it lets can divide experience to be able to upgrade accordingly when class, did a dragon task to be able to ride to 55 class.

3, house of Ren Tiantang ghost 2 strategies?

1, account of get rid of is mobile

Begin BOSS conference call to give 3 thorn ball to arrive on domain, the mobile means with shape of get rid of (run quickly) the thorn ball that negotiates right and king, reach BOSS upper part, stop 1~2 second to let thorn again because the ball is inertial boil to right, in order to strive for mobile space.

2, maintain ambulate

Do not stay in the leftest end, maintain ambulate and do not illuminate BOSS, in order to wait for exert bear down on one with the weight of Mount Taishan.

3, manage a distance

Maintain when sorption BOSS every time make an appointment to be apart from, not too close, when lest BOSS is pulling you to turn, open your; with next seismic wave shake that press charge too far, can break away from, bring about do not suck.

4, set foot on diving tower

The way that has golden Chu accordingly goes, diving tower is set foot on.

5, wall of dash against ice glides

Have three ice wall, dash against most below one ice wall glides.

4, is the heart terminative heaven and Tartarean task strategy?

Do not have intentional clever terminative heaven and Tartarean task strategy, be as follows only

Red alert 2 hearts are terminative compare original arm of services exercise restraint more strict, t1T2 unit majority can accomplish sheet to turn over only and double instead.

Soldier of dogface level allied forces, arouse arms, You Lixin arms, cavalry arms can turn over dogface only, and knight of hand of dogface of reshipment soldier, air defence, bow, spear cannot turn over dogface but can antitank with air defence, build ability appreciably to increase instead but insufficient also.

T1.5-T2 begins existence to be able to build the dogface unit that returns dogface part-time instead, light is arris dogface, for instance eruptive knight of engineer, dune, female hunter.

To tank, of the foundation stand for war tank can antitank, cannot turn over dogface, build ability to also compare difference instead. T1.5 begins to appear to T2 OK and puissant the unit that returns only, for instance the illusive tank of the European Union can compare fundamental tank more antitank, of Su Jun destroy a god to carry attack city and instead dogface capability is stronger, the west wind artillery of Pacific Ocean a group of people of same interest and the autocycle that Scorpio organizes are OK and long-range antitank.

Can have the job first, be familiar with the principle that arm of services restrains gradually, gradually can begin.

5, heaven 2 most money (gold coin) the task?

The pay that guesses red bead task to may get is top, top prize is 44e returns how much be.

Other jobs did not want. If you play stand-alone edition, job of direct gold coin is top also have Long Dao only, if the person of physical department, go monastery is hit classical can change money

6, does night mark the job all right 2 strategies?

" night is written down all right " cent of the 2nd task is two phase, it is a strategy below:

The task one: Search a picture.

1.Place of the first task is found on the map. Have piece of scrip aside, break up to be able to see hint, need finds the picture of 4 pieces of seaborne bottle.

2.It is OK to there is very much seaborne bottle in game picking up, find 4 pieces of pictures.

3.All pictures are collected after ending, return site of the first job, put picture in 3 corresponding Location. The first Location can give a dialog box from move, the 2nd goes up in windowsill, need to be arrived at with leap, the 3rd needs ability of door of retrospective cubby open to enter.

The task 2: Make prevent phylactery

1.Place of the 2nd task is found in the map, there is a piece of map in setting, need finds mark place.

2.What there can be a 5 meters tall giant around mark dot is skeletal, in skeletal on can find a bag, take wood plant and silver board.

3.The brushwood in destroying setting respectively and huddle content gets the wood and bone. Will silver board and bone are put into boiler to add water to make silver foil bone.

4.Had made after preventing phylactery, use wood makes a totem.

5.Return site of the 2nd job, beefeater will prevent phylactery fill energy with water, put the totem, put the totem according to clew in aperture, can finish the job.

Hope this strategy is helped somewhat to you.

7, boast strategy of task of 2 National Day?

" boast 2 " strategy of National Day task: Above all, finish day-to-day job to be able to win corresponding award, day-to-day job includes to finish carbon, dozen strange, collect etc.

Next, every week 3, 6, of day in a limited time the task also is main promotive source. Finally, remember entering National Day activity, if challenge BOSS, lottery to wait, can obtain precious prop and equipment. The proposal finishs the job with friend group group more, improve efficiency.

8, red alarm strategies of 2 Su Jun task?

Gules alarm 2 Su Jun jobs are whole strategy:

Destroy allied forces navy and gigantic artillery piece while, in right next horn are used giant cuttlefish atttacks sea scorpion compulsively to block dauntless class battleship. Elite combat troops enters car of air defence pedrail and rhinoceros tank from go among the house, keep away from as far as possible the allied forces army that patrol, destroy time machine the machine gun blockhouse all around.

The first part:

After dauntless class battleship destroys gigantic artillery piece, go right next horn, the others navy eliminates allied forces navy, with giant the backtrack course that cuttlefish atttacks sea scorpion compulsively to block dauntless class battleship. After army is landed, police dog extinguishs the fire that the United States that patrol commons soldier and draws grey ursine tank, elite combat troops enters car of air defence pedrail and rhinoceros tank from go among the house.

Keep away from as far as possible the allied forces army that patrol, rhinoceros tank destroys time machine the blockhouse of 3 machine gun all around, elite combat troops destroys a when remain, the others army is covering at the same time the engineer is occupational 3 power plants of top left corner. Dauntless class battleship arrives near diabolical island on call, rhinoceros tank and elite combat troops are covering and airborne the engineer is occupational left the 4th power plant of next horn.

The 2nd part:

Dinosaurian times gives car of air defence pedrail experienced level, promote floating rate. The tyrannosaurus of top left corner can be taken can not take.

The 3rd part:

Car of air defence pedrail finds Su Jun base, dauntless class battleship destroys interior controller.

Send car of a pedrail to go our terrorist mixes rescue to explode oneself lorry. Begin organizing into groups, magnetism can tank, rhinoceros tank is made up 1, car of air defence pedrail is made up 2, terrorist is made up 3 put pedrail car inside, explode oneself the lorry is made up 4, base car is made up 0. Pull all troop to map top left corner, namely alliance sees small map) later, the clique explodes oneself the lorry goes down alley, destroy the battle blockhouse that is located in alley upper part. Dogface won't be hurt by radiation place, solve them with pedrail car.

Meanwhile, launch base development. If the enemy is like clique tank to atttack you, can solve with rhinoceros with magnetism can. Pull two pedrail cart up down Xiaolu, can encounter an IFV, solve can. Put the pedrail car that did not assemble terrorist in front covering turn the pedrail car of full terrorist. Below the foot that drags two pedrail car to interior beacon then, had jumped over nearly more.

Attention, do not release terrorist, tower of arris letting light plays the base of the base of pedrail Che Jun of terrorist

9, heaven 1 pet?

Catch BB to go in the woods of Europe luck right more, inside also won't atttack actively quite, island of conversation of fox, Hashiji, Shengbaina, ursine, force stalking or branch gets a dog to have: then? Gun of ⒗ of  of × divide evenly is afraid of pull > Du Bin of? of dam of sodium salty speech is cruel go I am not clear about hare to catch a dog to must want to float now eye flesh, the panda that bunny returns useful money to buy with the turnip (those who burn money to use) was opposite still have a cat, I drive force of the more Hashiji that look, ursine, Du Bin, division, sheperd dog in silver is physical attack, other be blackart (should answer blue, charge is high) with respect to these, return forgive requesting an audience insufficiently

10, heaven how does You Xinchong content get 2 hands?

Doll trojan

Pygmean craftsman contains one of equipment, need grade achieves 50 level ability to make.

Energy reduces unit

Pygmean craftsman contains one of equipment, need grade achieves 60 level ability to make.

Doll knight

Pygmean craftsman contains one of equipment, need grade achieves 70 level ability to make.

Be worth what carry is, it is OK that atomy contains equipment of buying and selling, nevertheless blame of need of the material that make is bound decide oh.


Joyous joyous it is the lesser panda that biting nipple only.

Fu bud elegant darling

Fu bud elegant darling is Lei Ya of world BOSS Fu confuse your edition, get with Fu Lei Yachang exactly like. Imagine, BOSS of a world follows him to enter swing Chang Lafeng of world true dispute! Allegedly Fu bud elegant darling has been one of the most welcome pet, the queenlike in new version exists, not one of! Almost everybody wants.
