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什么叫知青文化? 什么叫知青文化啊?英文双语对照


什么叫知青文化? 什么叫知青文化啊?英文双语对照















“知青文化” 知青,是指我国20世纪60年代中和70年代末的“文化大革命”时期,在中学毕业被分配到农村“上山下乡”、“插队落户”、“接受贫下中农再教育”的初、高中青年学生,是我国特定历史条件下的一个特殊现象。期间,城镇、大、中城市的青年学生,被分配到边疆各省(区)的生产建设兵团、国营农场和农村。 知青,由于他们多数来自于大、中城市和内地,并具有一定的文化,他们的到来,既为农村带来先进文化和城市文明,又为农村的社会主义建设增添了生力军,还为加强边疆与内地的联系与交流起到了很好的作用。 知青思想活跃,工作勤奋,学习刻苦,思维敏捷,善于吸收知识营养,敢想、敢说、敢干,充满了青春活力,与边疆各族人民以及农垦职工建立了深厚的情谊。经过艰苦的磨炼,他们中有一大批在锻炼中迅速成长, 这一时期,广大知青在农村期间,以满腔的青春热血,写下了无数可歌可泣的动人篇章,创立了带有特定历史条件特征的“知青文化”。 “知青文化”不同时期主流特征:















需要门票 因为山焦知青文化园属于普通旅游景区,为了维护景区的质量和服务,需要收取门票费用以用于维护和改善景区设施建设及服务 如果您需要前往山焦知青文化园,就需要购买相应的门票,门票的价格也不会太高,享受到的服务和文化体验却是非常丰富多彩的







知识青年,简称知青,英文是educated youth,广义泛指有知识的青年,一般指受过高等教育的年轻人。特定历史时期的称谓,指从1968年代开始一直到1978年代末期自愿从城市去到农村和农垦兵团务农或建设保卫边疆的年轻人,这些人中大多数实际上只获得初中或高中教育。







One, what calls educated youth culture?

"Educated youth culture "

Educated youth, it is to point to 20 centuries of our country 60 time counteract 70 time end " the Great Cultural Revolution " period, in the middle school graduation is allocated country " go and work in the countryside and mountain areas " , " go and settle in the countryside " , " accept reeducate of poor and lower-middle peasants " first, student of high school youth, it is a below condition of our country specific history special appearance. During, town, big, medium young student of the city, be allocated border area is saved each (area) farm of manufacturing construction large unit, state-operated and country.

Educated youth, as a result of them majority comes from at big, medium city and inland, have certain culture, their arrival, bring advanced culture and urban culture for the country already, the socialistic construction that is a country again increased new force, still had very good effect to strengthen the connection of border area and inland and communication.

Educated youth thought is active, the job is assiduous, study is assiduous, thinking is nimble, be good at absorbing intellectual nutrition, have the courage to think, dare say, dare work, was full of green vigor, built deep friendly feelings with people of border area every nationality and farming cultivate worker. Through difficult training, there is one in them large quantities of fast in taking exercise are crash long,

This one period, broad educated youth is during the country, with the green warm blood of have one's bosom filled with, wrote down the moving canto of countless move one to praises and tears, founded to contain feature of specific history condition " educated youth culture " .

"Educated youth culture " feature of different period mainstream:

1. with " old 3 " for main delegate

2. is main theme with memoir

3. has intense critically sex and sociality

4. is had constructive, those who reflect is the value that teachs gender and commonweal sex

5. warmth, rational

6. educated youth is unborn

2, what calls educated youth culture?

"Educated youth culture " educated youth, it is to point to 20 centuries of our country 60 time counteract 70 time end " the Great Cultural Revolution " period, in the middle school graduation is allocated country " go and work in the countryside and mountain areas " , " go and settle in the countryside " , " accept reeducate of poor and lower-middle peasants " first, student of high school youth, it is a below condition of our country specific history special appearance. During, town, big, medium young student of the city, be allocated border area is saved each (area) farm of manufacturing construction large unit, state-operated and country. Educated youth, as a result of them majority comes from at big, medium city and inland, have certain culture, their arrival, bring advanced culture and urban culture for the country already, the socialistic construction that is a country again increased new force, still had very good effect to strengthen the connection of border area and inland and communication. Educated youth thought is active, the job is assiduous, study is assiduous, thinking is nimble, be good at absorbing intellectual nutrition, have the courage to think, dare say, dare work, was full of green vigor, built deep friendly feelings with people of border area every nationality and farming cultivate worker. Through difficult training, there is one in them large quantities of fast in taking exercise are crash long, this one period, broad educated youth is during the country, with the green warm blood of have one's bosom filled with, wrote down the moving canto of countless move one to praises and tears, founded to contain feature of specific history condition " educated youth culture " . "Educated youth culture " feature of different period mainstream:

1. with " old 3 " for main delegate

2. is main theme with memoir

3. has intense critically sex and sociality

4. is had constructive, those who reflect is the value that teachs gender and commonweal sex

5. warmth, rational

6. educated youth is unborn

3, entrance ticket of courtyard of culture of Great Harmony educated youth?

Courtyard of culture of Great Harmony educated youth is mixed in this world slope village, courtyard of educated youth culture does not want entrance ticket money, can look around casually. When the service wears Culture Revolution on personnel, naval blue moon's path carries core on the back, courtyard has educated youth dining room, buffet, educated youth history remembers a house, still have office of a literary show, still have enjoy the cool thatched shack, spring all around babble flowing, there is gules lantern in greenery travel, wide world is able to develop his skill to full, seem to return that time again.

4, how does garden of culture of educated youth of hill broadleaf plant go?

Beautiful closes field of fruit of educated youth of city hill broadleaf plant and farm open up becomes travel tourist attraction now, call culture of educated youth of hill broadleaf plant garden. Distance beautiful closes the urban district 11 kilometers. Nonstop without the bus, have special railway line, beautiful involves car of special railway line of pond small house,

Additional, to beautiful Guan Xihe station has regular bus, probably half hour distance.

5, where does garden of culture of hill anxious educated youth close in beautiful?

Garden of culture of hill anxious educated youth is located in Guangdong to save beautiful to shut city only then Jiao Zhen of the hill that promote a county, be located in beautiful to shut city mid, distance beautiful closes the urban district to make an appointment with 50 kilometers, communication is easy. This culture garden is give priority to a problem with educated youth culture, revealed educated youth people the life setting of the rich and colorful that waits for a respect in rural life, labor, study and culture recreation. There is setting of educated youth dormitory, labor, culture to reveal inside garden etc be revealed richly and experience a project, let a tourist can understand the life of educated youth times and mental view deep. Come to garden of culture of hill anxious educated youth, can experience the affection with educated youth peculiar times and life experience, also can experience educated youth people the glory of the passion to the country and labor.

6, does garden of culture of hill anxious educated youth need entrance ticket?

Because garden of culture of hill anxious educated youth belongs to area of common travel scene,need entrance ticket, to defend the quality of scene area and service, past hill is anxious before if you need,improving construction of scene area establishment and service garden of educated youth culture, buy corresponding entrance ticket with respect to need, the price of entrance ticket also too won't tall, the service that enjoys and culture experience are special rich and colorful however

7, does garden of culture of educated youth of Fu Chuanping river need entrance ticket?

Want entrance ticket.

Garden of culture of educated youth of Sha Zhenping river became Fu Chuanbai popular the dot that play card, arrived especially on the weekend, this visits Mu Minglai of not little person visit, experience educated youth lives, recall one's suffering and think over the source of present happiness, experience that paragraph to be in hardship the go through the mill, youth do not have regret that enters in the act vigorously in affliction.

? ? ? ? In garden of culture of educated youth of level ground river, on mottled brick wall, educated youth works plug picture and marked gules slogan, the photograph of a piece of Zhang Fanhuang, be full of time breath " old thing " , take the person into that special time.

8, educated youth of return to one's native place and distinction of educated youth of go to the countryside?

Alleged " educated youth of return to one's native place " , it is original it is rural person, parents is a farmer, registered permanent residence also is in a country all the time, in going up, learn (junior high school or high school) hind, after becoming literate school leavers, return to one's native place should have a farmer. "Educated youth of go to the countryside " , it is the student in the city is in " go and work in the countryside and mountain areas " countryside comes in motion, became a farmer.

School leavers, abbreviation educated youth, english is Educated Youth, youth of knowledgeable of broad sense generally refer to, point to the youth that has gotten higher education commonly. The appellation of specific history period, show from 1968 era begins to take the place of to 1978 all the time the youth that evening guards border area to country and soil of farming cultivate corps or construction of one's own accord from the city, these philtrum great majority acquire junior high school or high school education only actually.

9, is educated youth of return to one's native place educated youth of go to the countryside?

Not be educated youth of go to the countryside. Because educated youth of return to one's native place is to point to the educated youth that is worked to the city by arrangement in the Great Cultural Revolution, be arranged to return a country again later, all sorts of production and the school leavers that build the task are assumed in the country. And educated youth of go to the countryside is to point to be gone to by arrangement in the Great Cultural Revolution country, participate in rural production and the school leavers that build the job. Two concepts are different. Although educated youth of return to one's native place also returned a country, but their predecessor is urban school leavers, its politics identity and educated youth of go to the countryside are different also. In addition, the task of educated youth of go to the countryside basically is labor and production, and the task of educated youth of return to one's native place criterion more side overweight technology and management, need assumes the job of the respect such as rural job and constituent management. So, educated youth of return to one's native place and educated youth of go to the countryside are different idea.

10, is opening ceremony of Cultural Festival of first educated youth in what channel?

Surprise in love art channel of recreational grand meeting.

Cultural Festival of first educated youth of countrywide is in Hainan 3 inferior at the beginning of May 2023 5 first open, the direct seeding of Cultural Festival opening ceremony also will surprise in love art channel of recreational grand meeting broadcasts.
