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《模仿游戏》(The Imitation Game),是由莫腾·泰杜姆执导,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、凯拉·奈特莉等主演的传记电影。





艾伦·图灵是现代计算机科学之父,在24岁时奠定了计算机的理论基础。二战期间,他为盟军破译密码,为结束战争做出巨大贡献。战后,他开创性地提出人工智能的概念,并做了大量的前期工作。因同性恋问题事发,被迫注射激素,后来吃毒苹果而死。他吃毒苹果的原因 至今不明,一代科学大师,是自杀、他杀还是不小心,成为20世纪的谜。


























  在接受了一年的政府强制激素治疗后,阿兰.图灵于1954年6月7 日自杀身亡。








  《模仿游戏》(The Imitation Game),是由莫腾·泰杜姆执导,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、凯拉·奈特莉等主演的传记电影。影片改编自安德鲁·霍奇斯编著的传记《艾伦·图灵传》,讲述了“计算机科学之父”艾伦·图灵的传奇人生,故事主要聚焦于图灵协助盟军破译德国密码系统“英格玛”,从而扭转二战战局的经历。该片获得第87届奥斯卡金像奖最佳改编剧本奖,以及包括最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳女配角在内的7项提名。于2015年7月21日在中国大陆上映。







One, imitate game is whole the story of a play or opera analytic?

" imitate game " (The Imitation Game) , be by not vacate · Taidumu hold guide, bennidikete Kangbaibaji, triumphant the Nai that pull · is special the biographical film of the main actor such as Li.

Film is adapted surprise suddenly from Andrew · this compiling biography " Turing passes Allan · " , told about " the father of computer science " the legend life that Allan · pursues clever, reason victim wants focusing to assist allied forces to break system of interpret Germany password at Turing " Yinggema " , turn round the experience of war situation of World War II thereby.

During World War II, the password system of Germany of allied forces suffer from " Yinggema " cannot defeat interpret, the government called together a batch of mathematician, logician to undertake be defeatinged secretly seeing the job, allan · scheme is clever (Bennidikete Kangbaibaji is acted the role of) namely among them one of. Broken solution plans to just began, turing sufferred in order to rest · Alexander (the horse repairs · Gu Di to act the role of) the group that head member the repulsion with the leader, luckily military situation Situerte of 6 bureaus director · Meng Xisi (mark · Si Telang is acted the role of) the machine that helps his project approving consider to break interpret code, and Turing became chief, recruited new member to fine jade · carat is overcome (triumphant the Nai that pull · is special Li is acted the role of) the work that begins hardship. Fine jade be confused very quickly went up to pursue clever, as a result of the solidarity with her all-time member that help all groups, defeat successfully after two years solved De Jun password. Turing for a time with fine jade be engaged, but hid a secret however, because of this secret he undergoes impersonal treatment finally...

2, the film, imitate game good-looking?

Film is adapted surprise suddenly from Andrew · this compiling biography " Turing passes Allan · " , told about " the father of computer science " the legend life that Allan · pursues clever, reason victim wants focusing to assist allied forces to break system of interpret Germany password at Turing " Yinggema " , turn round the experience of war situation of World War II thereby.

Spirit of Allan · graph is the father of contemporary computer science, the theoretical foundation of the computer was laid when 24 years old. During World War II, he breaks interpret code for allied forces, make enormous contribution to end a war. Afterwar, he initiates sexual ground to advance the idea of artificial intelligence, did much early days work. Because of homosexual problem accident, be forced to inject hormone, eat poisonous apple later and die. The account that he takes poisonous apple up to now unidentified, generation science Great Master, it is the suicide, homicide still does not take care, become the puzzle of 20 centuries.

Turing has a lot of contribution to the development of artificial intelligence, in addition, the model of famous picture sudden wit that Tulingdi gives was the logistic work way of contemporary computer to lay a foundation. Still be worth to watch very much so.

3, imitate game gut detailed to solve?

Film is adapted surprise suddenly from Andrew · this compiling biography " Turing passes Allan · " , told about " the father of computer science " the legend life that Allan · pursues clever, reason victim wants focusing to assist allied forces to break system of interpret Germany password at Turing " Yinggema " , turn round the experience of war situation of World War II thereby.

4, what does the game that imitates dinosaur have?

Dinosaurian and magical action. Children dinosaur game.

Dinosaur seeks to live on island

5, which game does Wo Erxue courtyard imitate?

The game that you say 1. cries " blackart with a ha surprises "

2. " Wo Erxue courtyard " and " blackart Ha Ji " it is the representative that clean out rice at present

3. imitates who without who, two game are Euramerican there had done, clean out Mi Han to change

4. should say game, I support Wo Er ~ at present

Ps: Me also is breathed out strange senior player, from take inside measure play now, but after playing fertile Er recently, feel Ha Ji grows besides the character Q outside, still be inferior to Wo Er (although the task is quite dull, can be to be able to let you want to play go down)

6, do 5 years old imitate behavioral handy-dandy?

Stone scissors cloth, stone scissors cloth, change a what ah, change a what ah?

Left hand changes scissors, the right hand changes scissors, change a small white hare, jump jump.

Stone scissors cloth, stone scissors cloth, change a what ah, change a what ah?

Left hand changes scissors, the right hand changes stone, change a small tortoise, climb climb.

Stone scissors cloth, stone scissors cloth, change a what ah, change a what ah?

Left hand becomes cloth, the right hand changes cloth, change a floret dog, bark is tearful.

Stone scissors cloth, stone scissors cloth, change a what ah, change a what ah?

Left hand becomes cloth, the right hand changes cloth, change a small butterfly, fly fly.

7, pass through what game does live wire imitate?

Pass through live wire is imitated fear elite CS instead, take gun game to imitate CS entirely so

8, the film " imitate game " the interpreter of final caption?

The interpreter is as follows:

After compulsive hormone treats the government that accepted a year, a Lan. Turing dies at committing suicide on June 7, 1954.

Die at the age of is 41 years old.

1885 -- 1967 have 49 thousand queer about, be sentenced to be serious and act indecently towards blame by British law.

Yi Lisha white queen absolved Turing 2013, in order to commemorate his unprecedented achievement.

The historian reckons the Yinggema that defeat solution makes the war shortens two years superabundant, save the life of more than 14 million people.

Afterwar 50 one's remaining years still are regarded as governmental secret.

Turing's job inspired a few acting people to devote oneself to to study scientific at that time members of a family is medium " plan sharp machine " .

Today, we say for " computer " .

" imitate game " (The Imitation Game) , be by not vacate · Taidumu hold guide, bennidikete Kangbaibaji, triumphant the Nai that pull · is special the biographical film of the main actor such as Li. Film is adapted surprise suddenly from Andrew · this compiling biography " Turing passes Allan · " , told about " the father of computer science " the legend life that Allan · pursues clever, reason victim wants focusing to assist allied forces to break system of interpret Germany password at Turing " Yinggema " , turn round the experience of war situation of World War II thereby. This obtain the 87th the Oscar Award optimal adapt drama award, and include optimal film, optimal director, optimal hero, optimal female appear with anther leading player inside 7 nomination. Showed in chinese mainland on July 21, 2015.

9, the machine that the Alanturing in imitating game invents?

Cry " picture sudden wit " the prototype that is contemporary computer

10, does download game diamonds download game method?

The method that downloads game diamonds is very simple, need to open applied store only, search the name of game diamonds, click download can.

The facility that you need to affirm you is compatible this game, check this game to need how many space. Before download installs game, need allows to use the visit limits of authority of the shop, so that complete the installation of game smoothly.
