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1. 组织心理健康讲座:邀请心理学专家,为学生、家长和教师们开展心理健康知识讲座,让大家了解心理健康的重要性和保持心理健康的方法。

2. 班级心理辅导:每个班级配备一名专业的心理辅导老师,定期为学生们开展心理辅导,帮助他们解决在学习和生活中遇到的问题。

3. 心理健康手册:为学生、家长和教师们编写心理健康手册,介绍心理健康知识和技巧,供大家参考和学习。

4. 学生心理健康问卷调查:开展学生心理健康问卷调查,了解学生的心理健康状况和问题,并根据调查结果制定相应的心理健康教育计划。

5. 心理健康主题班会:每学期定期开展心理健康主题班会,让学生们了解心理健康知识,学习心理调适技巧,增强心理健康意识。

6. 心理健康俱乐部:建立学生心理健康俱乐部,组织学生们参加心理健康活动,增强学生们的心理健康意识和能力。

7. 心理健康咨询服务:开设心理健康咨询服务,为学生、家长和教师们提供心理咨询服务,帮助他们解决心理问题,增强心理健康能力。












1.吴明认为自己在班级中属于"尖子生",这种对自己在群体中地位的意识成为( B )

A 胜利自我 B 社会自我 C 心理自我 D 理想自我

2. 下述自我意识成分中属于自我体验范畴的有( D )A 自主 B 自立 C 自制 D 自信

3. 下述自我意识成分中属于自我调节范畴的有(B )A 自信 B 自立 C 自尊 D 自豪

4. 个体对自己的智力,兴趣,人格特征等的意识成为( C )

A 生理自我 B 社会自我 C 心理自我 D 理想自我

5. 在生活中,有些人不断的给自己提出新的目标,并努力实现它,进而不断的提高其自身水平.这种自我发展的表现成为( D )A 自我意识 B 自我监督 C 自我控制 D 自我教育

6. "对自己近阶段的表现感到欣慰和满意",这属于自我意识结构中的( D )

A 自我认识 B 自我监督 C 自我评价 D 自我体验

7. 营业员在进行心算时不能与顾客交谈,这种现象在心理学上的解释是( D )

A 人不能同时做两件事 B 心算不熟练

C 元注意水平低 D 短时记忆易被输入的信息替代而丧失

















是必要的。是必要的。中学生女生面临着各种安全风险和威胁,因此需要接受自我保护教育来提高自身的安全意识和应对能力。可以包括以下几个方面:1. 提高安全意识:教育女生要时刻保持警惕,认识到自身安全的重要性,避免轻信陌生人或随意透露个人信息。2. 学习自我防护技巧:教导女生一些基本的自我防护技巧,如避免单独行走、学会使用紧急呼救工具、学会辨别危险信号等。3. 提供实战演练机会:通过模拟真实场景的演练,让女生学会如何应对各种紧急情况,提高应对能力和反应速度。4. 加强心理辅导:女生在面对危险时可能会产生恐慌或紧张情绪,因此需要进行心理辅导,帮助她们保持冷静并做出正确的决策。5. 建立家校合作机制:学校与家长之间需要建立紧密的合作机制,共同关注女生的安全问题,及时沟通和解决可能存在的安全隐患。通过以上方案,中学生女生可以提高自身的安全意识和自我保护能力,更好地保护自己的人身安全。





1. 增强学生关注心理健康的意识和能力,提高心理健康素养。

2. 帮助学生更好地了解和认识自我,发现自身存在的心理问题,及时寻求帮助。

3. 建立学生之间和师生之间的信任和沟通,营造积极健康的学习和生活氛围。


1. 心理健康讲座


2. 心理健康自测


3. 心理健康知识竞赛


4. 心理健康分享会


5. 绘画展示


6. 心理咨询服务












One, is project of characteristic of mental health education specific plan?

About this problem, project of characteristic of mental health education is specific plan is as follows:

1.Organize mental health lecture: Invite psychological expert, develop chair of mental health knowledge for student, parent and teachers, let everybody know the importance of mental health and the method that maintain mental health.

2.Class psychology coachs: The psychology that every class deploys a major coachs teacher, begin psychology to coach for students regularly, help them solve the problem that learning and encounters in the life.

3.Mental health manual: Write mental health brochure for student, parent and teachers, introduce mental health knowledge and skill, consult for everybody and learn.

4.Questionnaire of student mental health investigates: Launch investigation of questionnaire of student mental health, understand mental health state of the student and problem, make corresponding mental health teach a plan according to findings.

5.Class of mental health theme meets: Every semester begins class of mental health theme to meet regularly, let students understand mental health knowledge, study psychology adjusts skill, enhance mental health consciousness.

6.Mental health club: Establish club of student mental health, constituent students enter mental health activity, enhance the mental health consciousness of students and ability.

7.Mental health seeks advice from a service: Open mental health to seek advice from a service, offer psychology to seek advice from a service for student, parent and teachers, help them solve psychological problem, enhance mental health ability.

2, the plan that student mental health teachs and measure?

Can divide for the following respects. Above all, the respect is taught in classroom, the content of concerned mental health can be added in teaching material, offer mental health course, offer mental health to teach knowledge for the student. Next, in campus environment, can establish psychological referral center, offer psychology to seek advice from a service for the student, strengthen mental health education of the student. In the meantime, multiform mental health activity is developed in the school, if forum of investigation of questionnaire of mental health lecture, mental health, mental health is waited a moment, develop mental health knowledge of the student and ability. Still can organize mental health club, provide the platform that psychology supports and communicates for the student, strengthen mental health education of the student. Above plan and measure can help a student strengthen mental health to teach, raise mental health level of the student, the full-scale development of stimulative student.

3, the educational target that mental health teachs?

     The total target that mental health teachs is: Improve the psychological quality of all student, develop their potential adequately, education student is hopeful, up psychological character, promote the sound development that learns stranger case.

   The specific target that mental health teachs is: Make the student knows ego correctly ceaselessly, enhance adjusting control ego, bear the ability of bilk bilk, acclimatization; Foster the student's sound moral quality and quality of good individual character psychology; Have the student of psychological worry or psychogenic disorder to minority, give science to effective psychology seeks advice and coach, make they cast off an obstacle as soon as possible, adjust ego, raise mental health level, enhance ego to teach competence.

   The main task that mental health teachs is to advance quality education in the round, enhance sex of the specific aim that school moral education works, actual effect and initiative, help student is established when problem of occurrence psychology behavior appeal consciousness, stimulative student forms healthy psychological quality, maintain the student's mental health, decrease and avoid all sorts of adverse effects of pair of their mental health; Foster health of body and mind, have innovation spirit and practice capacity, rational thinks, have the morality, literate, generation newlywed person that has discipline.

   According to " advance actively, be practical and realistic, divisional program, classification is directive " working principle, different area should according to this locality actual, do the work that good mental health teachs actively.

    - - big in city and economy developed area, want to begin mental health generally to teach the job. The teacher should be in have more comprehensive psychological theory knowledge and the technical technical ability that undertake psychology coachs and raise oneself have on quality of good individual character psychology rise significantly.

   - - conditional town middle and primary school and rural middle and primary school, should from set out actually, in a planned way, measure ground begins mental health to teach the job. Want to catch good mental health to teach backbone teacher team to build, the whole that strengthens education of regional mental health on the foundation that sums up experience at the same time pushs the work.

    - - the country that of short duration does not have a requirement and outlying area, should from set out actually, make the progress that gives the mental health education with regional middle and primary school plan; The key has caught the pilot school that a batch of mental health teach, begin what mental health teachs a teacher actively to groom the job; Advance mental health to teach the job stage by stage.

4, does mental health teach a subject?

1. Wu Ming thinks he belongs to " the best of its kind to give birth to " in class, this kind is become in the consciousness of the position in the group to oneself (B)

Ideal ego of D of ego of psychology of C of ego of society of B of A victory ego

2.What ego experiences a category is belong to to have in undermentioned self-awareness composition (free-standing C of D)A own B abstains D self-confidence

3.Ego adjustment category belongs to in undermentioned self-awareness composition have (D of self-respect of free-standing C of B)A self-confident B is proud

4.Individual the intelligence to oneself, interest, the consciousness that wait becomes character feature (C)

Ideal ego of D of ego of psychology of C of ego of society of B of A physiology ego

5.In the life, some people give him ceaselessly to raise new target, come true hard it, raise its oneself level ceaselessly then. The performance that this kind of ego grows is become (education of ego of D of control of ego of supervisory C of ego of B of D)A self-awareness

6."The expression of close to oneself phase feels gratified with satisfactory " , this belongs to self-awareness structure medium (D)

A ego knows B ego to supervise C ego to evaluate D ego experience

7.The assistant cannot chat with the client when having doing sums in one's head, the explanation of this kind of phenomenon on psychology is (D)

A person cannot do inexperience of mental arithmetic of two things B at the same time

C yuan notice short-term memory of horizontal low D is easy the information that is inputted is replaced and lose

5, does mental health teach a standard?

① has measurable safe feeling, have proper pride, valuable to the achievement of ego feeling.

② moderate land self-criticism, not beyond the mark and pretentious oneself criticize severely oneself not overly also.

③ is in daily life, have modest initiative, do not be environmental place left and right sides.

④ reason, actual, objective, have good contact with reality, the blow of the setback in can patient life, without exceeding illusion.

⑤ accepts the individual's need moderately, have the capacity that satisfies this kind of need.

6, does mental health teach caption?

The caption that mental health teachs can be " attention heart, portray health -- mental health is taught " . Because mental health is a person's integrated and healthy important facet, but the value that a lot of people ignored mental health in daily life. Because this need undertakes special mental health,education guides the people attention, mental health that maintains his. In the meantime, through mental health education can let people understand the knowledge related mental health and technical ability, and the society answers the question of the respect such as pressure, mood management and human relation effectively, model the heart of overall health thereby.

7, does mental health teach knowledge?

The content that mental health teachs has 5:

The mental health that 1 individual character develops: Self-respect, self-improvement, self-love, self-improvement, free-standing.

2 adolescence should know the change of the body and the psychology that cause from this correctly to react.

The mental health of 3 study respect, develop the interest of study, increase study interest, the target that studies clearly;

The mental health of 4 lives respect, get used to school environment, the human relation that gets along with other;

The mental health that 5 future career develops is taught.

8, does protection of ego of schoolgirl of high school student teach plan?

It is necessary. It is necessary. Schoolgirl of high school student is faced with all sorts of safe risks and menace, the safe consciousness that because this need accepts ego,protective education raises oneself and answer ability. Can include the following fields: 1. Raise safe consciousness: Educational schoolgirl always should keep vigilant, realize the value of oneself safety, avoid credulous stranger or leak individual information at will. 2. Study ego defends skill: Teach a woman student a few basic ego defend skill, if avoid,walk alone, the society is used urgent cry for help tool, society discerns danger signal. 3. Offer opportunity of actual combat drilling: Pass imitate the drilling of true setting, let a schoolgirl learn how to answer all sorts of emergency, rise answer ability and response rate. 4. Strengthen psychology to coach: The schoolgirl may generate panic or intense sentiment when facing risk, because this needs to undertake psychology coach, help their keep one's head and make correct decision-making. 5. Establish mechanism of domestic school collaboration: Need establishs close together collaboration mechanism between the school and parent, pay close attention to safe problem of the schoolgirl jointly, be communicated in time and resolve the safe hidden trouble that exists possibly. Adopt above plan, schoolgirl of high school student can increase the safe consciousness of oneself and ego protection capacity, the person that protects oneself better is safe.

9, plan of activity of month of 525 mental health?

About this problem, mobile theme: Pay close attention to mental health, care ego, care other

Mobile time: Months whole May

Mobile purpose:

1.Enhance a student to pay close attention to the consciousness of mental health and ability, raise mental health accomplishment.

2.Help student understands better and know ego, discover the psychological problem that oneself exists, seek a help in time.

3.Build mix with the accredit between teachers and students between the student communicate, build the study of active health and life atmosphere.

Mobile content:

1.Mental health lecture

During the activity, invite professional psychology doctor or psychological expert to explain mental health knowledge to the student, the symptom that includes common psychology issue, processing technique.

2.Mental health is measured oneself

Mental health is rolled out to measure questionnaire oneself on school website or date of small letter public, let a student measure mental health situation oneself, offer corresponding mental health proposal according to checking a result.

3.Contest of mental health knowledge

Be aimed at mental health knowledge, begin race of a knowledge, let a student understand mental health knowledge better through the activity, improve the knowledge of pair of mental health problems.

4.Mental health is shared meeting

Invite the student that intentional grain issue is experienced and overcomes successfully to share his experience, encourage a student to face psychological problem bravely, seek a help actively.

5.Brushwork is revealed

It is subject matter with mental health theme, constituent student plays painterly game, show work of bear the palm inside campus, let more people know mental health problem and value.

6.Psychology seeks advice from a service

During the activity, open psychology seeks advice from a service, seek advice from a service to the student of need offers psychology, help them solve psychological problem.

Mobile effect:

Carry this second activity, students will pay close attention to mental health problem more, raise mental health accomplishment, strengthen mix with the accredit between teachers and students between the student communicate, build the study of active health and life atmosphere. In the meantime, also begin what work for school mental health offer support strongly and promote action.

10, does mental health education groom skill?

(1) aggrandizement law

Aggrandizement law uses education to get used to behavior newly. The basis learns a principle, after a behavior happening, if immediately afterwards an aggrandizement is exciting, this behavior can happen again. Aggrandizement law has learned promotive way of Sijinna before us, a happy stimulation gives after a good deed, will increase the happening of behavior frequency.

(2) token rewards a law

Token is a kind of symbolistic fortifier. The card of chip, young red star, affix one's seal, tailor-made plastic money can serve as token. Want the distinction of law of area dispenses aggrandizement here. Token award law is the good deed that makes place expect when the student certainly hind, the token that the teacher sends an amount to comparative serves as fortifier. The student can change the promotive thing that has real value or activity with token. Because student age is smaller, if give the child true money, produce satiated move easily. But the promotive thing that token changes real value, every child is willing to get an award more.

(3) behavior shapes a law

Behavior is modelled point to through ceaseless aggrandizement gradually the reaction of approach target, will form some kind of more sophisticated act. For instance: Training dove looks up, just began 30 degrees, step up goes to 60 degrees, 120 degrees. Be a series of have after behavior a series of exciting. What divisional aggrandizement law needs to notice is a series of behavior, is not a behavior.
