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这个肯定是的 你说的全程应该是:中国科技论文与引文数据库(CSTPCD),又称统计源核心 《中文科技期刊数据库》收录了中国境内历年出版的中文期刊12000余种,全文3000余万篇,引文4000余万条,分三个版本(全文版、文摘版、引文版)和8个专辑(社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济管理、教育科学、图书情报)定期出版发行。《中文科技期刊数据库》已经成为文献保障系统的重要组成部分,是科技工作者进行科技查新和科技查证的必备数据库。



1, 进入中国期刊全文检索,选择检索项“主题”,输入检索词“社区管理”。选择从“2005”到“2011”,选择“更新”中的“全部数据”。

2, 选择范围中的“全部期刊”,选择匹配中的“精确”,选择排序中的“时间”,选择“每页”中的“50”,点击“检索”。

3, 检索到的结果按照时间排序,可以看到每个期刊的出版时间、作者、论文标题和摘要等相关信息。



国内领先、国际先进”水平的检索系统, 各种指标及其综合性能均大大领先于其它同类产品。

《中文科技期刊数据库》收录了中国境内历年出版的中文期刊 14000 余种,全文5700 余万篇,引文4000 余万条,分三个版本(全文版、文摘版、引文版)和8个专辑(社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济管理、教育科学、图书情报)定期出版发行。《中文科技期刊数据库》已经成为文献保障系统的重要组成部分,是科技工作者进行科技查新和科技查证的必备数据库。


《中文科技期刊数据库》收录了中国境内历年出版的中文期刊 12000 余种,全文3000 余万篇,引文4000 余万条,分三个版本(全文版、文摘版、引文版)和8个专辑(社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济管理、教育科学、图书情报)定期出版发行。《中文科技期刊数据库》已经成为文献保障系统的重要组成部分,是科技工作者进行科技查新和科技查证的必备数据库。


《中文科技期刊数据库》收录了中国境内历年出版的中文期刊 12000 余种,全文3000 余万篇,引文4000 余万条,分三个版本(全文版、文摘版、引文版)和8个专辑(社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济管理、教育科学、图书情报)定期出版发行。《中文科技期刊数据库》已经成为文献保障系统的重要组成部分,是科技工作者进行科技查新和科技查证的必备数据库。

















包含社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济 管理、教育科学和图书情报等方向的期刊均有收录~



包含社会科学、自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济 管理、教育科学和图书情报等方向的期刊均有收录~


One, database of periodical of Chinese science and technology, calculate Chinese core periodical?

This affirmation yes the whole course that you say should be: Paper of Chinese science and technology and quotation database (CSTPCD) , call statistical source core again " database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the Chinese periodical that collected Chinese churchyard past years to publish more than kinds 12000, full text more than 3000, quotation more than 4000, distribute a version (full text edition, abstract edition, quotation edition) with 8 special (information of science of sanitation of science of technology of social science, science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education, books) publish regularly. " database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the main component that has made document guarantee a system, it is the necessary database that Scientists and Technologists undertakes science and technology of Cha Xinhe of science and technology checks.

2, database of periodical of ability of the liberal art in how retrieving?

Can retrieve database of periodical of Chinese science and technology according to the following measure:

1, enter Chinese periodical full text to retrieve, choice retrieval " theme " , input retrieval word " community government " . Choose from " 2005 " to " 2011 " , choice " update " medium " full data " .

2, in choosing limits " all periodical " , in choosing to match " accurate " , in choosing sort " time " , choose " every page " medium " 50 " , click " retrieve " .

3, the result that retrieves according to time sort, the pertinent information such as caption of the publication time that can see every periodical, author, paper and summary.

Ask an attention, above method is not exclusive retrieval method, you also can be like learning to search the means such as catalog of periodical of engine, SCI to retrieve database of periodical of Chinese science and technology through other way.

3, what level is database of periodical of Chinese science and technology?

Home banner, international is advanced " horizontal retrieval system, all sorts of index and its integral performance all precede greatly at other congener product.

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the Chinese periodical that collected Chinese churchyard past years to publish more than kinds 14000, full text more than 5700, quotation more than 4000, distribute a version (full text edition, abstract edition, quotation edition) with 8 special (information of science of sanitation of science of technology of social science, science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education, books) publish regularly. " database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the main component that has made document guarantee a system, it is the necessary database that Scientists and Technologists undertakes science and technology of Cha Xinhe of science and technology checks.

4, database of periodical of Chinese science and technology, what to calculate to collect?

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the Chinese periodical that collected Chinese churchyard past years to publish more than kinds 12000, full text more than 3000, quotation more than 4000, distribute a version (full text edition, abstract edition, quotation edition) with 8 special (information of science of sanitation of science of technology of social science, science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education, books) publish regularly. " database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the main component that has made document guarantee a system, it is the necessary database that Scientists and Technologists undertakes science and technology of Cha Xinhe of science and technology checks.

5, what does database of periodical of Chinese science and technology calculate to collect?

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the Chinese periodical that collected Chinese churchyard past years to publish more than kinds 12000, full text more than 3000, quotation more than 4000, distribute a version (full text edition, abstract edition, quotation edition) with 8 special (information of science of sanitation of science of technology of social science, science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education, books) publish regularly. " database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the main component that has made document guarantee a system, it is the necessary database that Scientists and Technologists undertakes science and technology of Cha Xinhe of science and technology checks.

6, is database of periodical of Chinese science and technology core periodical?

Either. Some periodical do not belong to core periodical, it is a periodical only choose a database. Core periodical catalog logs onto the contribute kind with particular inquiry telling a network, or understanding of connection editorial office.

7, is database of periodical of Chinese science and technology water print?

Either. Database of periodical of Chinese science and technology is not water print.

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " belong to mix model periodical, the Chinese periodical that if collected Chinese churchyard calendar year,publishs 12, more than kinds 000, full text more than 3000, quotation more than 4000, distribute an edition (full text edition, abstract edition, quotation edition) with 8 special (information of science of sanitation of science of technology of social science, science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education, books) publish regularly.

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " the main component that has made document guarantee a system, it is the necessary database that Scientists and Technologists undertakes science and technology of Cha Xinhe of science and technology checks.

8, is the publisher of database of periodical of Chinese science and technology?

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " publisher is: Limited company of information of Chongqing dimension general.

This database is pledged by major check personnel to the question records abstract data to have qualitative check, ensure the quality of data of original text version, go up with word foundation in subject indexing, wove synonym library, homonymic author library edits regularly, conduce to raise document check to be led completely.

This database is used extensively at library of institution of higher learing, public library, news research organization, information referral center, place of scientific research courtyard, company business, medical establishment, the many domains such as library of middle and primary school.

9, does database of periodical of Chinese science and technology attribute national level?

Database of periodical of Chinese science and technology attributes national level.

" database of periodical of Chinese science and technology " it is China's biggest digital periodical database, this library gets the wide attention of group of information of Chinese home books and widespread recognition, already had at present include area of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan inside user of 6000 Yu Jiada orgnaizations, it is one of core resource that Chinese digital library builds, college library document ensures main component of the system, also be scientific research worker undertakes check of science and technology and science and technology check new necessary database.

10, is database of periodical of Chinese science and technology national level?

Database of periodical of Chinese science and technology, namely: Dimension general database, also be 4 retrieve one of websites greatly,

Include inside provincial, national level, journal, the periodical such as core is collected.

Include a society the periodical of the direction such as science of sanitation of science of science, technology of science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education and books information all has collect ~

Database of periodical of Chinese science and technology, namely: Dimension general database, also be 4 retrieve one of websites greatly,

Include inside provincial, national level, journal, the periodical such as core is collected,

Include a society the periodical of the direction such as science of sanitation of science of science, technology of science, project, agriculture, medicine, economy management, education and books information all has collect ~
