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第一章 总  则

第一条 为了加强非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作,传承北京历史文脉,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,推进全国文化中心建设,根据《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》,结合本市实际,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称非物质文化遗产,是指各族人民世代相传并视为其文化遗产组成部分的各种传统文化表现形式,以及与传统文化表现形式相关的实物和场所。包括:







第三条 本市对本行政区域内的非物质文化遗产采取认定、记录、建档等措施予以保存,对体现中华优秀传统文化,具有历史、文学、艺术、科学价值的非物质文化遗产采取传承、传播等措施予以保护。

第四条 非物质文化遗产保护应当贯彻新发展理念,坚持以人民为中心,以社会主义核心价值观为引领,坚持政府主导、社会参与,推动非物质文化遗产活态传承、融入生产生活、创造性转化与创新性发展。

第五条 市、区人民政府应当加强对非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作的组织领导,完善体制机制和政策保障;将非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划和计划;将非物质文化遗产保护、保存经费列入本级财政预算,科学安排、规范使用;加强非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作专业队伍建设,完善人才培养机制。

第六条 市、区人民政府应当建立健全非物质文化遗产工作联席会议制度。联席会议审定非物质文化遗产保护、保存政策及工作规划,审核非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录,协调处理非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作中的重大事项。

第七条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门负责本行政区域内非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作,组织落实保护、保存工作规划及联席会议确定的重大事项;组织制定本级代表性项目保护规划,并对保护规划的实施情况进行监督检查。



第八条 市文化和旅游主管部门建立非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作专家参与机制和专家库,邀请相关领域的专家参与调查、评审、政策咨询等工作。

第九条 本市鼓励成立非物质文化遗产相关行业组织,支持其研究、挖掘、宣传相关非物质文化遗产的历史文化内涵,并依法开展行业服务、加强行业自律、维护行业的合法权益。

第十条 本市鼓励和支持在非物质文化遗产保护领域开展国内外的合作与交流。

第十一条 本市鼓励和支持公民、法人和其他组织依法参与非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作。


第二章 调查与保存

第十二条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门负责对本行政区域内的非物质文化遗产的种类、数量、分布、生存环境、保护现状等情况进行调查,并予以认定、记录、建档。


第十三条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当综合运用图片、文字、录音、录像、数字化多媒体等形式,建立规范化的非物质文化遗产档案及相关数据库。



第十四条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当对代表性项目的内容、表现形式、核心技艺和传承实践情况等进行全面、真实、系统的记录。记录的标准和工作程序,由市文化和旅游主管部门组织制定。

第十五条 本市鼓励公民、法人和其他组织依法进行非物质文化遗产调查,并将调查报告、实物图片、资料复制件等送交文化和旅游主管部门。

第十六条 境外组织或者个人在本市行政区域内进行非物质文化遗产调查的,应当按照国家和本市有关规定执行。

第三章 代表性项目名录

第十七条 市、区人民政府建立本级代表性项目名录,将符合下列条件的非物质文化遗产项目列入名录予以保护:




第十八条 公民、法人和其他组织可以向市、区文化和旅游主管部门提出列入代表性项目名录的项目建议。



第十九条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,组织开展代表性项目的评审工作。


第二十条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当将经专家评审拟列入本级代表性项目名录的项目予以公示。公示时间不得少于二十日。


第二十一条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门根据专家评审意见、公示结果和复审意见拟订代表性项目名录,经联席会议审核后报本级人民政府批准、公布。


第四章 传承与分类保护

第二十二条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门对代表性项目可以认定代表性传承人。代表性传承人可以是个人或者团体。






第二十三条 传承代表性项目的个人或者团体可以向市、区文化和旅游主管部门申请成为代表性传承人;公民、法人和其他组织征得被推荐人书面同意,可以向文化和旅游主管部门推荐代表性传承人。


第二十四条 代表性传承人享有自主开展代表性项目的知识和技艺传授、创作、生产、宣传、展示、交流、研究等活动的权利。具有一定技术水平的代表性传承人,可以按照国家和本市有关规定申报专业技术职称。






第二十五条 代表性传承人应当坚持德艺双馨,遵守法律法规,并履行下列义务:





第二十六条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当建立评估制度,组织对代表性传承人履行义务的情况进行评估。


第二十七条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门对代表性项目可以认定项目保护单位。







第二十八条 项目保护单位应当履行下列职责:








第二十九条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当建立评估制度,组织对项目保护单位履行职责的情况进行评估。项目保护单位无正当理由不履行职责的,文化和旅游主管部门可以取消其项目保护单位资格,重新认定项目保护单位,并将原项目保护单位不履行职责情况纳入本市公共信用信息服务平台。

第三十条 教育、文化和旅游、人力资源和社会保障主管部门应当采取下列措施,培养非物质文化遗产后继人才:




第三十一条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当会同有关部门,组织代表性传承人、后继人才及相关从业者等参加相关研修、研习和培训,提高其文化艺术素养、技能水平、项目运营管理能力等。

第三十二条 本市对代表性项目按照存续状态和项目类别实行分类保护。

第三十三条 对濒临消失、传承困难的代表性项目,市文化和旅游主管部门应当建立本市急需保护的非物质文化遗产项目目录,会同有关部门制定抢救保护方案,并根据需要采取下列措施实行抢救性保护:






第三十四条 对具有生产性质和社会需求,能够借助创作、生产、流通、销售等手段转化为文化产品和文化服务的代表性项目,市、区文化和旅游主管部门会同有关部门采取认定生产性保护示范基地,协助宣传、展示、推介产品和服务等措施,实行生产性保护。


第三十五条 对代表性项目集中、形式和内涵保持完整、彰显古都文化和京味文化的特定区域,市文化和旅游主管部门应当会同有关部门和区人民政府制定专项保护规划,结合历史文化街区、名镇名村和传统村落保护,对代表性项目及其所依存的自然和人文生态环境实行区域性整体保护。

第三十六条 对老字号企业符合条件的传统技艺,市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当提出列入代表性项目名录的建议。


第三十七条 市、区文化和旅游主管部门应当会同经济信息化、财政等部门,根据历史文化名城保护的需要,将具有历史传承和地方特色、与古都文化和京味文化联系紧密的传统工艺代表性项目列入传统工艺振兴目录,在扩大传承人队伍、提高产品整体品质、拓宽销售渠道等方面予以重点支持。

第三十八条 市、区人民政府应当将具有地方特色、适宜普及推广的传统音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、曲艺、体育、杂技等代表性项目纳入基本公共文化服务目录。


第三十九条 本市加强对与代表性项目密切相关的珍稀矿产、植物、动物等天然原材料的保护,严禁乱采、滥挖或者盗猎、盗卖。鼓励依法种植、养殖与代表性项目密切相关的植物、动物。鼓励在保持传统技艺流程和核心技艺的前提下,使用与代表性项目密切相关的天然原材料的替代品。

第四十条 市、区人民政府应当加强对属于代表性项目组成部分的建筑物、构筑物、场所、遗迹及其附属物的保护,设立保护标志,并建立档案;属于文物和历史建筑的,按照相关法律法规的规定予以保护。

第五章 传播与发展

第四十一条 市、区人民政府应当结合国家文化和自然遗产日,传统节庆、庙会等民俗活动以及国际交往活动,对代表性项目和保护成果进行宣传、展示。

第四十二条 市、区人民政府应当根据需要,合理利用不可移动文物、历史建筑、工业遗址等,或者建设非物质文化遗产展示场馆,为代表性项目的保存、研究、宣传、展示、交流等提供场所。

第四十三条 非物质文化遗产保护机构、研究机构,文化馆、博物馆、图书馆、科技馆等公共文化设施的运营管理单位,应当根据各自的业务范围,有计划地开展代表性项目的宣传、展示、研究、交流等活动。


第四十四条 报刊、广播、电视和互联网媒体等应当通过专题专栏、公益广告等形式,宣传代表性项目,普及非物质文化遗产相关知识。


第四十五条 学校和其他教育机构应当按照教育主管部门的有关规定,将非物质文化遗产纳入相关教育教学活动。


第四十六条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当支持社区将非物质文化遗产保护融入社区建设,打造社区特色文化。




第四十七条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当采取措施,建立非物质文化遗产与科技、文化创意、健康等产业融合发展的合作平台,推动项目保护单位、高校和研究机构开展产学研融合和校企合作。

第四十八条 市、区人民政府及其有关部门应当建立非物质文化遗产相关文化产品和文化服务的消费促进机制,通过协助宣传推介、补贴消费等方式,引导消费者购买、体验相关文化产品和文化服务。

第四十九条 本市鼓励公民、法人和其他组织通过举办活动、资助项目、提供场所、开展研究、提供中介服务、参加志愿服务、提供法律服务等方式,参与非物质文化遗产的传播、合理利用和发展;市、区人民政府及其有关部门采取购买服务、提供信息、政策培训等方式予以支持。

第五十条 本市鼓励公民、法人和其他组织合理利用非物质文化遗产资源,开发文化产品和文化服务;政府有关部门对符合规定的项目,优先给予资金支持。



第五十一条 本市鼓励公民、法人和其他组织将其所有的非物质文化遗产相关资料、实物捐赠给本市的收藏研究机构、公共文化机构等,或者委托其收藏、保管、展出。

第五十二条 市文化和旅游主管部门应当会同科技、经济信息化等部门,组织开展与非物质文化遗产有关的科学技术研究;鼓励非物质文化遗产相关行业组织以及公民、法人、其他组织开展非物质文化遗产保护、保存方法和发展研究,对符合科研课题立项的,给予优先支持。

第五十三条 开发利用非物质文化遗产,应当尊重其内涵及表现形式,不得有歪曲、贬损等行为,不得进行虚假或者误导性宣传。

第五十四条 本市依法保护非物质文化遗产涉及的知识产权。



第五十五条 本市鼓励非物质文化遗产交流互鉴,支持举办、参加国内外非物质文化遗产宣传、展示、传播和交流活动。


第五十六条 本市鼓励其他地区代表性项目在本市传承、传播。符合首都城市战略定位、能够促进文化融合发展的其他地区省级以上代表性项目,可以按照规定享受本市代表性项目的相关优惠政策。

第六章 法律责任

第五十七条 文化和旅游主管部门及其他有关部门的工作人员在非物质文化遗产保护、保存工作中有下列行为之一的,依法予以处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:





第五十八条 违反本条例规定,在建议、申请、推荐代表性项目、代表性传承人、项目保护单位中弄虚作假的,由文化和旅游主管部门取消参评资格。已列入代表性项目名录的,由公布该名录的人民政府予以撤销;已认定为代表性传承人、项目保护单位的,由文化和旅游主管部门予以撤销,并责令其退还传承经费补助、项目保护资金。

第五十九条 违反本条例第五十三条规定,开发利用非物质文化遗产,有歪曲、贬损等行为的,由文化和旅游主管部门责令停止违法行为,消除影响;进行虚假或者误导性宣传,构成不正当竞争、虚假广告、侵犯消费者权益等行为的,按照国家有关法律、法规的规定处罚。

第六十条 违反本条例规定,《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》及其他有关法律、法规已有处罚规定的,从其规定。

第七章 附 则

第六十一条 本条例自2019年6月1日起施行。


General principles of the first chapter

The first is protected to strengthen immaterial culture bequest, save the job, arteries and veins of article of inheritance Beijing history, promote China outstanding and traditional culture, advance construction of countrywide culture center, basis " People's Republic of China is immaterial culture bequest law " , combine this city actual, enact this ordinance.

This the 2nd byelaw place calls immaterial culture bequest, it is all sorts of traditional culture that point to run in the family of every nationality people and regard its as culture bequest component expressional form, and the objective related to form of traditional culture expression and place. Include:

(One) traditional folk tales and the language that regard its as carrier;

(2) traditional art, calligraphy, music, dancing, Thespian, quyi and acrobatics;

(3) traditional craft, medicine and calendar;

(4) traditional and formal, section is celebrated wait for folk-custom;

(5) traditional sports and entertainment;

(6) bequest of other immaterial culture.

The 3rd this city is right the immaterial culture bequest inside area of politics of one's own profession is adopted maintain, record, build the measure such as archives to give save, outstanding to reflecting China traditional culture, the immaterial culture bequest that has the history, literature, artistic, scientific value adopts the measure such as inheritance, transmission to give protection.

Protection of bequest of the 4th immaterial culture ought to implement new development concept, insist to be a center with people, it is with socialistic core viewpoint of value lead, hold to governmental dominant, society to participate in, drive inheritance of active state of immaterial culture bequest, blend in production to give birth to vivid, creativity to change develop with innovation sex.

Government of people of the 5th city, division ought to strengthen the protection of pair of immaterial culture bequest, organization that saves the job to lead, perfect system mechanism and policy safeguard; Protection of bequest of will immaterial culture, save the job to bring into this class countryman economy and social development program and plan; Protection of bequest of will immaterial culture, save funds to include this class finance the budget, scientific arrangement, standard is used; Strengthen immaterial culture bequest protection, save construction of working major team, perfect talent develops a mechanism.

Government of people of the 6th city, division ought to build bequest of perfect immaterial culture system of working joint meeting. Bequest of authorized immaterial culture protects joint meeting, save policy and working program, examine and verify is immaterial culture bequest is representative project directory, harmonious processing is immaterial the culture bequest protection, major item in saving the job.

Culture of the 7th city, area and travel director branch are in charge of this administration immaterial culture bequest is protected inside area, save the job, the organization fulfils the protection, major item that saves working program and joint meeting to decide; The organization makes this form representative project protects a program, the executive circumstance that plans to protection undertakes supervisory checking.

Other concerned department is in city, area inside respective duty limits, protection of bequest of responsible immaterial culture, save relevant job.

It is good that government of people of villages and towns, street agency ought to assist culture and travel director branch to do immaterial culture bequest is protected inside area under administration, save the job.

Culture of the 8th city and travel director branch build immaterial culture bequest protection, save working expert to participate in mechanism and expert library, the expert that invites relevant domain participates in investigation, evaluation, policy to seek advice wait for the job.

The 9th this city is encouraged establish immaterial culture bequest relevant trade organization, support its the research, mining, historical culture connotation that publicizes bequest of relevant immaterial culture, begin a trade lawfully service, strengthen the industry self-discipline, legitimate rights and interests that defends a trade.

The 10th this city is encouraged and support begins domestic and international collaboration and communication in domain of protection of immaterial culture bequest.

Eleventh this city is encouraged and supportive citizen, legal person and other organization share immaterial culture heritage lawfully protection, save the job.

This city is immaterial to be in the culture bequest protection, citizen that remarkable contribution makes in saving the job, legal person and other organization, according to country and this city concerned regulation gives commend, award.

Investigation of the 2nd chapter and save

Dozenth culture of a city, area and travel director branch are in charge of be opposite the sort of the immaterial culture bequest inside area of politics of one's own profession, amount, distributing, live the circumstance such as current situation of environment, protection undertakes investigating, give maintain, record, build archives.

Other concerned department can check city, area the immaterial culture bequest inside its job domain undertakes investigating, ought to assist culture and the investigation that travel is in charge of a branch.

Thirteenth culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to use the form such as multimedia of picture, character, recording, kinescope, digitlization integratedly, build the archives of immaterial culture bequest of standardization and relevant database.

Culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to reach record relevant data information to wait to be made public to the society through Internet platform, consult for the public, the except that ought to keep secret lawfully.

City culture and travel director branch ought to the database that city, area the relevant data information of immaterial culture bequest brings into whole town to unite.

Culture of the 14th city, area and travel director branch ought to are opposite the circumstance of craft of form of the content of representative project, expression, core and inheritance practice record that has comprehensive, true, system. The standard of the record and working program, by city culture and travel director branch the organization is made.

The 15th this city encourages citizen, legal person and other organization to undertake immaterial culture bequest is investigated lawfully, duplicate picture of findings report, objective, data wait for deliver culture and travel director branch.

Be organized outside the 16th condition or the individual undertakes inside area of this city administration immaterial culture bequest is investigated, ought to carry out about the regulation according to country and this city.

The 3rd chapter is representative project directory

Government of people of the seventeenth city, division establishs this level representative project directory, include directory to give the item of immaterial culture bequest that accords with following condition protection:

(One) reflect China outstanding and traditional culture;

(2) have the history, literature, artistic, scientific value;

(3) have terrain distinguishing feature and in this administration there is larger force inside area.

The 18th citizen, legal person and other organization are OK the project proposal that is in charge of a branch to put forward to include representative project directory to culture of city, area and travel.

In the project of immaterial culture bequest that culture of city, area and etc of travel director branch concern a branch to be able to discover from investigation, put forward to include the project of representative project directory the proposal.

Division people government is OK from this area in representative project directory, recommend the item that includes city class representative project directory to city culture and travel director branch.

Culture of the 19th city, area and travel director branch ought to follow open, fair, just principle, the organization begins the evaluation of representative project to work.

Culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to organize an expert to be opposite proposal, recommend the item that includes representative project directory to undertake evaluating. The specific measure that the expert evaluates is united by city culture and travel director branch make.

The project that culture of the 20th city, area and travel director branch ought to draft classics expert evaluation to include this class representative project directory gives fair show. Fair show time to be not gotten little at 20 days.

Fair during showing, citizen, legal person and other organization can be mixed to culture travel director branch is written demur. Culture and classics of travel director branch examine those who think to be necessary, ought to organize an expert to have review a case, give reexamine opinion feedback.

Ground of culture of the 21st city, area and travel director branch is expert evaluation opinion, common show result and reexamine opinion to draft representative project directory, approve via this class people government signing up for after joint meeting examine and verify, announce.

Representative project directory ought to sign up for area class city culture and travel director branch put on record.

Zhang Chuancheng and the 4th classification are protected

Culture of the 22nd city, area and travel director branch are OK to representative project hold representative inheritance person. Representative inheritance person can be an individual or organization.

Representative inheritance person ought to accord with following condition:

(One) the immaterial culture bequest that masters its inheritance adroitly;

(2) have inside specific domain accepted representative, have bigger effect inside particular area;

(3) develop inheritance activity actively.

Same representative project has two above individual or the money before the organization is accorded with of rated condition, can maintain at the same time for representative inheritance person.

The 23rd inheritance is representative the individual of the project or the organization is OK be in charge of a branch to apply for to become representative inheritance person to culture of city, area and travel; Citizen, legal person and other organization are asked for so that be recommended the person is written agree, can recommend representative inheritance person to culture and travel director branch.

Culture of city, area and travel director branch consult to the concerned regulation that representative project evaluates this byelaw holds representative inheritance person and give announce.

Person of the 24th representative inheritance enjoys the knowledge that develops representative project independently and craft to impart, creation, production, conduct propaganda, reveal, the right of the activity such as communication, research. Have the representative inheritance person of certain technology level, can declare professional technology title about the regulation according to country and this city.

Culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to according to need, take following step, give to representative inheritance person give aid to:

(One) offer the knowledge that is used at representative project and craft to impart, show the inheritance location that waits for an activity;

(2) grant the funds that develops inheritance activity allowance;

(3) aid financially begin conduct propaganda, reveal, communication, arrange publish the special activity such as concerned data;

(4) the relevant problem that harmonious solution encounters in inheritance activity definitely.

Person of the 25th representative inheritance ought to hold to De Yishuang to strong and pervasive fragrance, abide by legal laws and regulations, fulfil following obligation:

(One) develop inheritance activity, develop succeed person with ability;

(2) appropriate is arranged, save relevant objective and data;

(3) participate in commonweal sex conduct propaganda, reveal, the activity such as communication;

(4) cooperate culture and travel director branch to reach concerned branch to undertake immaterial culture bequest is investigated.

Culture of the 26th city, area and travel director branch ought to be built evaluate a system, the organization fulfills compulsory circumstance to undertake assessment to representative inheritance person.

Discover via evaluating nonperformance of representative inheritance person is compulsory, culture and travel director branch ought to give clew; Do not have warrant via clew still of nonperformance obligation, can cancel its competence of representative inheritance person.

Culture of the 27th city, area and travel director branch are OK to representative project cognizance project protects an unit.

The project protects an unit to ought to have following requirement:

(One) have the data with this relatively whole project person of representative perhaps inheritance;

(2) have the capacity that make and implements plan of this representative project protection;

(3) have develop the inheritance, location that shows an activity and condition.

The requirement that this city urges the money before having to set, enterprise institution that is willing to assume some representative project to protect duty and organism, application becomes a project to protect an unit.

Culture of city, area and travel director branch consult to the concerned regulation that representative project evaluates this byelaw maintains a project to protect an unit and give announce.

The 28th project protects an unit to ought to fulfil following obligation:

(One) make and implement plan of this representative project protection;

(2) collect, the data that arranges representative project, objective builds archives;

(3) the data that protects representative project, objective, building, construct content and room;

(4) the research that develops representative project, conduct propaganda, reveal, the activity such as communication;

(5) the inheritance that is representative project and relevant activity provide requirement;

(6) report to culture of city, area and travel director branch the project protects a circumstance.

The project protects an unit to begin immaterial culture bequest to protect the job, culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to pass the means such as accessorial, award to give capital supports.

Culture of the 29th city, area and travel director branch ought to be built evaluate a system, the organization protects an unit to fulfill the circumstance of duty to undertake assessment to the project. The project protects an unit not to have warrant nonperformance duty, culture and travel director branch can cancel its project to protect unit qualification, new cognizance project protects an unit, bring into circumstance of duty of nonperformance of unit of former project protection this city communal credit information serves platform.

Thirtieth resource of education, culture and travel, manpower and branch of social security director ought to take following step, develop person with ability of succeed of immaterial culture bequest:

(One) the education of be well versed in between colleges and universities and secondary vocational school increases immaterial culture bequest in the project relevant major;

(2) the immaterial culture bequest that opens to colleges and universities and secondary vocational school is relevant and professional, implement the favourable policy such as tuitional derate according to the regulation;

(3) support representative inheritance person and colleges and universities or the secondary vocational school cooperates, encourage representative inheritance person to teach to school part-time job, build studio.

Culture of a city, area and travel are in charge of thirtieth branch ought to jointly with concerned branch, organize talent of representative inheritance person, succeed and relevant practitioner to wait attend relevant grind long, study and groom, raise its ability of government of operation of level of culture art accomplishment, skill, project.

Thirtieth 2 this city executes classified protection according to the condition that put add and project category to representative project.

Thirtieth disappears 3 times to be close to, the representative project of inheritance difficulty, the list of project of immaterial culture bequest that city culture and travel director branch ought to build this city to be badly in need of protecting, jointly with concerned division system calm rescue protects program, adopt following measure to execute rescue sex to protect according to need:

(One) seasonable compensatory and perfect record, gather relevant data and in kind;

(2) assistance recruits apprentice, give to apprentice aid financially;

(3) improvement, offer condition of inheritance of inheritance place etc;

(4) reparative rather the building closely related, build thing.

The project of immaterial culture bequest that is badly in need of protection maintains the specific measure with protection, be in charge of division system to decide by city culture and travel.

Thirtieth produces property and social demand 4 times to having, can the product of culture of method translate into such as creation of have the aid of, production, current, sale and the representative item that culture serves, culture of city, area and travel director branch adopt cognizance productivity to protect demonstrative base jointly with concerned branch, assistance is publicized, reveal, recommend the step such as product and service, execute productivity protection.

Cognizance productivity protects the specific measure of demonstrative base, be in charge of division system to decide by city culture and travel.

5 pair of representative project concentration, forms and connotation maintain thirtieth the complete, location that reveals ancient capital culture and Beijing flavour culture, city culture and travel director branch ought to be mixed jointly with concerned branch division people government makes special protection plan, village of name of block of combinative history culture, famous city and traditional dorp are protected, execute regional whole protection to the nature of representative project and its place depend on sb or sth for existence and humanitarian zoology environment.

Thirtieth accords with traditional craft of the condition 6 times to old name company, culture of city, area and travel director branch ought to put forward to include representative project the proposal of directory.

Government of people of city, division and the culture connotation that its ought to support old name company to dig traditional craft about the branch, develop Beijing characteristic product and service.

Culture of 7 city, area mixes thirtieth travel is in charge of a branch to ought to wait for a branch jointly with economic informatization, finance, according to the need that historical culture famous city protects, will have as historical inheritance and local characteristic, close together as connection of ancient capital culture and Beijing flavour culture conventional technology representative project includes conventional technology to revitalize catalog, enlarging inheritance person team, improve product whole quality, widen the respect such as sale channel gives the key supports.

Thirtieth government of people of 8 city, division ought to will have a place the representative project such as music, dancing, Thespian, quyi, sports, acrobatics brings into the characteristic, tradition that popularizes promotion aptly basic and common culture serves list.

The branch such as culture of city, area and travel, finance ought to plan as a whole this city theater resource, through arranging a show the place is mixed show period of time, offer hire allowance of ticket of allowance, carry out to wait for means, the representative project such as supportive tradition music, dancing, Thespian, quyi, sports, acrobatics is revealed exhibit act.

Thirtieth 9 protection that this city strengthens natural to waiting with the precious scarce mineral products closely related representative project, plant, animal raw material, forbidden chaos is collected, excessive is dug or pilfer hunt, steal and sell. Encourage cultivate lawfully, breed with the plant closely related representative project, animal. Encourage fall in the premise that maintains traditional craft flow and core craft, use the substitute with the natural raw material closely related representative project.

The building that government of people of the 40th city, division ought to strengthen component of representative to belonging to project, build content, place, vestigial the protection that reachs its adjunct, create protective mark, establish record; Belong to cultural relic and historical architectural, give according to the regulation of relevant law laws and regulations protection.

Transmission of the 5th chapter and development

Government of people of the 41st city, division ought to join a state culture and natural heritage day, traditional part is celebrated, the folk-custom activity such as temple fair and international association activity, undertake conduct propaganda to representative project and protective achievement, reveal.

Government of people of the 42nd city, division ought to according to need, reasonable use relics of architecture of not portable cultural relic, history, industry to wait, perhaps build immaterial culture bequest to reveal place, those who be representative project save, research, conduct propaganda, reveal, communication provide a room.

Bequest of the 43rd immaterial culture protects orgnaization, research organization, the operation of the common culture establishment such as house of culture house, museum, library, science and technology runs an unit, ought to the scope of business with respective basis, the conduct propaganda that designedly develops representative project, reveal, the activity such as research, communication.

Area of scene of park, square, travel and public traffic await area to wait have those who show space and condition is public, the conduct propaganda that ought to be representative project, reveal give support, offer advantage.

The 44th the press, broadcast, TV and Internet media ought to adopt the form such as advertisement of special subject column, commonweal, publicize representative project, popularize immaterial culture bequest relevant knowledge.

The concerned branch such as edition of informatization of city culture and travel, science and technology, economy, new scent, broadcasting television ought to support new technology, new media to transmit medium development, application in immaterial culture bequest.

The 45th school and other education orgnaization ought to be in charge of concerned regulation of the branch according to education, bequest of will immaterial culture brings into activity of relevant education education.

The knowledge of immaterial culture bequest that this city is encouraged and supports representative inheritance person, project to protect unit and expert to participate in the school to begin is taught and carry out an activity.

Government of people of the 46th city, division and its ought to support community to protect immaterial culture heritage about the branch blend in community build, make community characteristic culture.

Division people government ought to reach protection of immaterial culture bequest relevant culture product and culture service bring into basic level integrated culture center (room) service project catalog, urge conditional grass-roots unit integrated culture center (room) reveal establishment through offerring, create atelier, organization activity, establish the pattern such as cooperative platform, the conduct propaganda that is immaterial culture bequest, reveal, communication offer a condition.

This city encourages the organism such as guild, project to protect an unit to begin immaterial culture bequest in community conduct propaganda, reveal, the activity such as communication.

This city encourages the representative project that will protect our region to bring into constitution of dweller convention, autonomy, village compasses civilian is made an appointment with.

Government of people of the 47th city, division and its ought to take step about the branch, the cooperative platform that builds the industrial confluence such as originality of immaterial culture bequest and science and technology, culture, health to develop, drive a project to protect unit, college and research organization to begin produce learn to grind confluence and collaboration of school look forward to.

Government of people of the 48th city, division and its ought to build the consumption that culture product and culture serve related immaterial culture bequest to promote a mechanism about the branch, recommend through assisting conduct propaganda, the means such as allowance consumption, guide consumer to buy, culture product and culture serve related the experience.

The 49th this city encourages citizen, legal person and other organization through conducting an activity, fund a project, provide a room, begin research, provide medium service, enter volunteer service, offer legislation the means such as the service, the transmission that shares immaterial culture heritage, reasonable use and develop; Government of people of city, division and its are adopted about the branch purchase a service, offer information, policy to groom wait for means to give support.

Fiftieth this city encourages citizen, legal person and other organization reasonable use resource of immaterial culture bequest, develop culture product and culture service; The government concerns the project that the branch sets to according with, preferential give capital support.

The person that this city encourages travel already run uses resource of immaterial culture bequest to develop project of travel circuitry, travel and travel commodity.

This city is encouraged and guide financial orgnaization to wait for means through innovation banking product, use representative project to provide financial support for development.

Fiftieth this city encourages citizen, legal person and other organization its relevant data, objective donates all immaterial culture bequest to collect orgnaization of research organization, common culture to wait to this city, perhaps entrust its to collect, custodial, showpiece.

Fiftieth 2 city culture and travel are in charge of a branch to ought to wait for a branch jointly with informatization of science and technology, economy, the organization begins the technology research that concerns with immaterial culture bequest; Encourage immaterial culture bequest relevant trade organization and citizen, legal person, other organization begins immaterial culture bequest protection, save method and development research, to according with project approving of scientific research task, give first support.

Fiftieth 3 development use immaterial culture bequest, ought to respect its connotation and expressional form, must not have misrepresentation, derogate wait for behavior, must not undertake false or misdirect sex conduct propaganda.

Fiftieth 4 intellectual property that this city protects immaterial culture bequest to involve lawfully.

City culture and travel director branch ought to support jointly with concerned branch, unit of protection of person of directive representative inheritance, project, the application brand such as method of tool of the traditional craft that will involve intellectual property, production, artistic expression is registered, patent, copyright is registered.

This city supports the intellectual property protection that trade organization is unit of protection of representative inheritance person, project lawfully related immaterial culture bequest to provide guidance, seek advice, the service such as information.

Fiftieth 5 this city encourages immaterial culture bequest to communicate each other ancient bronze mirror, support is held, attend bequest of domestic and international immaterial culture conduct propaganda, reveal, transmission and communication activity.

This city is driven build protection of bequest of culture of material of Ji Fei of perfect Beijing ferry to develop a mechanism in coordination, in cross area investigation and study, conduct propaganda to reveal, the respect such as inheritance development begins deepness collaboration.

Fiftieth 6 this city encourages other area representative project is in this city inheritance, transmission. Accord with the fixed position of capital city strategy, other area that can promote culture confluence to develop provincial above is representative project, can enjoy this city according to the regulation the relevant and favourable policy of representative project.

Responsibility of law of the 6th art of composition

Fiftieth the staff member of concerned branch of 7 culture and etc of travel director branch is protected in immaterial culture bequest, there are one of following actions in saving the job, give lawfully punish; Make crime, investigate criminal duty lawfully:

(One) violate statutory requirement and order, evaluation, hold person of representative project, representative inheritance or the project protects an unit;

(2) the legitimate rights and interests that encroachs citizen, legal person and other organization, cause serious consequence;

(3) hold back, divert, corruption is immaterial culture bequest protection, save funds;

(4) other the behavior of fraud of derelict, misuse of authority, practise favouritism.

Fiftieth 8 violate this byelaw regulation, in the proposal, application, practise fraud in recommending person of representative project, representative inheritance, project to protect an unit, cancel participating qualification by culture and travel director branch. Already included representative project directory, give by the people government that publishs this directory cancel; Already maintained what protect an unit for representative inheritance person, project, give by culture and travel director branch cancel, instruct its to return inheritance funds allowance, project to protect capital.

Fiftieth 9 violate this ordinance fiftieth 3 regulations, development uses immaterial culture bequest, have misrepresentation, derogate those who wait for behavior, instruct by culture and travel director branch stop to violate act, remove an effect; Undertake false or misdirect sex conduct propaganda, make unfair competition, false ad, violate the act such as consumer rights and interests, concern the formulary punishment of law, code according to the country.

The 60th violates this byelaw regulation, " People's Republic of China is immaterial culture bequest law " etc already had punishment to set about law, code, set from its.

Supplementary articles of the 7th chapter

This the 61st rules applies since June 1, 2019.

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