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山西临汾美食? 临汾美食广告语?英文双语对照


山西临汾美食? 临汾美食广告语?英文双语对照


山西临汾特产-让你垂涎三尺的吴家熏肉 ,用鸡或猪的心、肝、肠、肚、蹄、口条、头为主要原料,秘制而成。



康师傅方便面:好吃看得见  春都火腿肠:春都进万家,宾朋满天下  “只溶在口,不溶在手”----M&M巧克力豆  用我们的巧克力招待客人,定会赢得客人的芳心”。

-------德国夹心巧克力糖梦丝丽  麦当劳:“你理应休息一天。

”  麦当劳2003最新广告语: I’M LOVIN’IT (我就喜欢)  德芙巧克力:牛奶香浓,丝般感受  酒水饮料类  张裕红酒:传奇品质,百年张裕  孔府家酒:孔府家酒,叫人想家  人头马XO:人头马一开,好事自然来  鹿牌威士忌:自在,则无所不在  喜立滋啤酒-------“喜立滋啤酒是经过蒸汽消毒的

”  米勒牌淡啤酒:“美妙口味不可言传。

”  麦氏咖啡:“滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。

”  味道好极了------咖啡  麦氏咖啡:好东西要与好朋友分享  喝了娃哈哈,吃饭就是香  “要么喝鲜榨橙汁,要么喝华伦西那”。

-----“华伦西那”浓缩橙汁  可口可乐:“享受清新一刻。


比如说平阳广场, 鼓楼, 彩虹桥( 汾河大桥), 丽柏银泰, 锦悦城








































One, does Shanxi face Fen cate?

Shanxi copies Fen special local product - let your covet the Home Wu bacon of 3 feet, the heart that uses chicken or pig, liver, bowel, abdomen, hoof, pig's or ox's tongue, head is main raw material, secret is made and become.

Cuticular and bright, colour and lustre is golden, those who feed is fat and not be bored with, fly bug is not stuck, prolonged is able to bear or endure put

2, saying of ad of the cate that face Fen?

Health master is convenient face: Delicious look so that see spring ham bowel: Spring enter 10 thousand, bin Peng issues   all over the sky " dissolve is in mouth, not dissolve is in hand "----M&M chocolate beans receives a visitor with our chocolate, the fragrant heart that can win a guest surely " .

-------Chocolate of German with filling candy dream silk beautiful Mcdonald's: "Your behoove rests one day.

"   Mcdonald's saying of 2003 newest ad: I ' M LOVIN ' I like IT () chocolate of   heart Fu: Milk is sweet thick, wine water beverage experiences like silk kind piece of abundant red wine: Legend character, wine of home of government office of aperture of hundred years pieces of abundant: Wine of Home Kong Fu, call a person to think XO of family lead horse: Remy Martin, meddlesome nature comes cervine card whisky: Comfortable, omnipresent happy event establishs grow beer-------"Be fond of beer establishing grow is disinfected through vapour

"   rice straps card ale: "Wonderful taste is inexpressible.

" coffee of   wheat family name: "Drop drop is sweet thick, meaning still did not use up.

"   has tasted------Coffee of coffee wheat family name: Good thing should be shared with the good friend drank child to breath out, having a meal is sweet   " or drinks the fresh juice that extract orange, or drinks Hualunxina " .

-----"Hualunxina " condense orange juice Coke Cola: "Enjoy pure and fresh momently.

3, the place that the cate that face Fen centers quite?

Make the same score in relief square for example, drum-tower, rainbow bridge (Fen river big bridge) , li Baiyin peaceful, city of bright and beautiful Yue

4, face Fen which bazaar cate is much?

Face Fen to liberate bazaar of unripe dragon international 8 buildings cate is much

5, does Shanxi face Fen what to cate there is?

Shanxi faces Fen cate to introduce as follows

1, Home Wu bacon

Home Wu bacon achieves Yu Qing end by Wu Laoan, be apart from already passed to the 4th generation today. Come more than 100 years, manage solely, home Wu bacon, last long. The main raw material of the heart that its use chicken or pig, liver, bowel, abdomen, hoof, pig's or ox's tongue, head, secret is made and become. The cuticular and bright, colour and lustre of view is golden, those who feed is fat and not be bored with, grass is sweet provide alone, put, fly bug is not stuck, prolonged is able to bear or endure put.

2, face of beef a round mass of food

In the ave lane that faces Fen, most is face of beef a round mass of food, the facade of a shop is not big, belong to par fastfood.

Face of beef a round mass of food is the special local product that copies Fen. Face of beef a round mass of food is generalized with a word is " hot " , using two words to generalize is " sweet hot " .

3, lucky wonton face

Face of lucky wonton · has wonton of shelled fresh shrimps of wonton of fresh pork of wonton of 3 fresh shrimp meat, shelled fresh shrimps, yoke the wonton of shelled fresh shrimps of 3 kinds of taste, thirdly wonton of fresh shrimp meat wait to allocate and be become according to first-rate scale with shelled fresh shrimps, pork, leek, agaric, nutrition is tie-in, delicious and goluptious, and colour and lustre is inviting.

4, oil procrastinates

Weigh oil cake again. The making method of oil cake and deep-fried twisted dough sticks are same, just be to be done figure is differently. Become face pull out first yuan of cake shape, should be in above do a few holes, again the edible on besmear is oily, can put the bomb in boiler. Outside oil cake crisp in tender, oily and not be bored with, some people regard as breakfast edible.

5, oar surface

Surface of oar of Shanxi ala city and Shaanxi, Gansu Province is similar, but Shanxi always practice of aid oar surface is disparate, its oar water is to use the oar water that does bean curd to remain to ferment make it, have a kind of special acerbity sweet smell, with acetic acid (no matter be old mature vinegar, rice vinegar) have on taste differ apparently, have bit of likeness with the flavour of a fermented drink made from ground beans of Beijing.

When taking a side, add size water, lard, caraway, chopped green onion to wait, eat come special acid is sweet tastily, also calculate always aid characteristic is fastfood.

6, meal of glutinous millet evaporate

Meal of glutinous millet evaporate is Shanxi the characteristic of the tradition that face Fen is fastfood.

Making a way is meal of will fresh glutinous millet after 10 hours immerse in cold water, additional will red jujube, red kidney bean puts pot ripe reserve; Next glutinous millet fish out, iron Zuo is put on big iron bowl; Meal of the evaporate on the shop piece, a glutinous millet a kidney bean, shop of a red jujube is put, conflagration evaporate a hour is good. In magnetism face basin extruding becomes cake state finally, add edible of white sugar ability, mouthfeel is sweet soft.

6, the cate that faces Fen and Taiyuan which good?

I think the cate that faces Fen is delicious, say to face the cooked wheaten food of Fen, chow mien, the knife cuts an area, whistle face, the face that make stew in soy sauce is sweeter than what Taiyuan does, the range of beef a round mass of food that faces Fen is particularly famous also, a lot of foreigner is attracted, the big bellwether boiling water that faces Fen especially is fresh and not be bored with, famed and circumjacent villages and towns, before a lot of person wears a car, go to queue up, it is namely eat a bowl of appetizing sheep miscellaneous soup, appreciate everybody's support.

7, inn of old name of cate of the characteristic that face Fen?

Home Wu bacon, it is a kind of traditional cate of the churchyard that face Fen, already had the history of nearly hundred years. Home Wu bacon makes technology special fastidious, the heart of main pig, liver, bowel, abdomen, hoof, pig's or ox's tongue, head is raw material, when making, want to use pork bright fire burn to go downy, blow the knife changes to become big diamonds after be being washed clean, prepare old Tonga salt next, add water, spice, what had piled up fleshy piece puts the marinade inside the crock 7 days, the flesh that the root will bloated later piece boil drop of the fish out after rotting to do moisture with clear water, fume golden color with white sugar, sawdust finally, the desk on section. Finished product Home Wu bacon is brown in line is worn golden, there is grass in flavour sweet, fat and not be bored with, thin and not bavin, be in especially burning hot summer, place 3 days not corrupt.

8, before pop chart of cate of Lin Fenhua city 10?

10 names of Fen dish)

Is 10 names have Lin Fenhua state: respectively? 0 Can Piao breaks  buttock of ┛ of Wu Gong of  of fear Jin ⑶ sends eulogy of Jie of Xuan of ⒎ of Suan of Peng Miao Ling to shake ⒍ of  of Chinese catalpa of ヂ of ⒒ San Qia < ⒈ of Sha of Hao ship Luo bakes grand returns ⒑ of dirty  of a kind of reed of  ⒒ San to swim Bian of Xuan of ⒎ of Kun Ze a low bank of earth between fields; Banter of Ping of × of have a nightmare of artful litter of  of San Bi felt thanks San Fu instrument to suckle die young  ;

9, what is cate cate?

Hello, I am the P peach sauce that love eats, producer of video of domain of a cate.

Very glad to answer your question.

Cate- - just as its name implies, it is delicate food. Do not have an individual to differ to delicate definition so, the cate that he thinks is different, so the characteristic cate of the home town northeast that P peach lists peach of a few P to think:

Boiler includes the pork- - pork tenderloin, brawn flavour wrap on fried bean sauce, next boiler tick off Gorgon euryale to be made. Golden crisp, taste acid is sweet, love by the girl.

The chickling stews dawdle- - use evaporate steamed bun and chicken collocation to boil stew, flavour is delicious, what all show dawdle is full-bodied and delicate with chicken sweet tender.

Kill pig dish- - the dish that kill a hog is northeast country originally after year of hog is being killed when spending the New Year, the fresh pork, pickled Chinese cabbage, dish that black pudding stews together, very delicious, p peach is greedy. . .

The ground 3 delicacy- - the dish of traditional the daily life of a family that T3 delicacy is a northeast characteristic, hum, use aubergine potato and green pepper to match, taste not only Xian Nong, more nutrition is rich, xian Shuang is clinking.

P peach listed cate of northeast of a few distinctive, greeting someone else is compensatory, the hope can help you.

10, face Fen to get a name?

Be in when Northen Wei Dynasty face Fen urban district to build today " white Ma Cheng " , move the county that make the same score this world hereat. The Sui Dynasty opens emperor 3 years (583 years of) , di Yangjian of article of the Sui Dynasty is disrelished " smooth this world " with " Ping Yang " homophonic, change the county that make the same score this world to be the county that face Fen,

The history is long, one of important birthplace that are nation of an ancient name for China are mixed the cradle of Yellow River civilization, have " an ancient name for China the first " old say. Cattail city watchman's clapper, awe-inspiring gong and drum waits for a variety of folk art forms, be known as " the countryside of wintersweet " , " the countryside of paper-cut " and " the countryside of gong and drum " .
