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悠闲文案? 悠闲造句?英文双语对照


悠闲文案? 悠闲造句?英文双语对照








近义词: 安适 comfortable

adj. 舒适的,舒服的

n. 盖被Your comforts make me feel comfortable now.


I have a comfortable house and two dogs.


I feel a little sleepy under my comfortable.


My bed is very comfortable, so I don't wanna get up.




1. 外观设计:悠闲18比悠闲28更加小巧轻便,采用了半入耳式设计;而悠闲28则采用了头戴式设计。

2. 降噪效果:虽然两者都拥有Bose标志性的主动降噪技术,但是悠闲28相比于悠闲18使用了新一代的QuietComfort技术,降噪效果更好。

3. 电池续航:由于体积大小等因素影响,两者在电池续航方面也存在一定差异。悠闲18单次充电可达6小时左右,而悠闲28则可以连续使用10小时以上。

4. 其他功能:除了上述区别之外,在其他功能方面,例如语音助手、多点连接等等都存在一些不同。例如,悠闲28支持语音助手操作,并且可以同时连接多个设备进行切换;而这些功能在悠闲18上可能并不存在或者较为简化。









悠字的写法笔顺: 撇、竖、竖、撇、横、撇、捺、点、斜钩、点、点、。















Carefree article table?

Had liked the sort of carefree and comfortable life but still need to make arduous efforts now ability is OK

Carefree sentence-making?


The life of holiday always is so good, so carefree.

I feel among life should carefree living, the life that does not let oneself is in one overmuch, only carefree ability brings to his life very good enjoy.

Carefree close justice word?

Close justice word: Easiness Comfortable

Adj. Comfortable, comfortable

N. Build by Your Comforts Make Me Feel Comfortable Now.

Your comfort make I feel comfortable now.

I Have A Comfortable House And Two Dogs.

I have a comfortable house and two dogs.

I Feel A Little Sleepy Under My Comfortable.

The quilt that building warmth I am a bit drowsy.

My Bed Is Very Comfortable, so I Don't Wanna Get Up.

My bed is very easy, so I do not remember a bed.

Is Bose carefree 18 and carefree the distinction of 28?

Bose is carefree 18 and carefree 28 it is earphone of two when Bose rolls out blue teeth, the distinction between them basically is in the following respects:

1.Exterior design: Carefree 18 than carefree 28 more cabinet and light, used design of type of half pleasant to hear; And carefree 28 used a Dai Shi to design.

2.Fall effect of a confusion of voices: Although both has Bose of mark sex fall actively technology of a confusion of voices, but carefree 28 photographs compare Yu You spare time the 18 QuietComfort technologies that used new generation, fall effect of a confusion of voices is better.

3.Batteries add boat: Because the element such as bulk size is affected, both also put in certain difference in side of batteries add ship. Carefree 18 sheet second charge can amount to 6 hours or so, and carefree 28 can use 10 hours of above continuously.

4.Other function: Besides afore-mentioned distinction, in other function respect, for example many bits of speech assistant, join exists etc a few different. For example, carefree operation of assistant of 28 support speech, and can join many equipment undertake switch at the same time; And these functions are in carefree 18 on the likelihood does not exist or relatively simplify.

Those who need an attention is, when buying earphone should according to oneself effective demand, budget and the cognitive degree to earphone brand and model undertake considering to choose.

Is summer carefree article table?

1. July is carefree, yu Hechu bursts return be ashamed, summer cool breeze and wine, drunk like that drunk hind.

2. is small are brought small cool, leisurely summer is long.

3. lamp and river plain, summer world, future is like bright and beautiful, encourage with gentleman.

The rural landscape between 4. hill, carefree and halcyon. However we made a mistake. Carefree and quiet landscape and carefree and halcyon person are different. At least I just had not encountered a carefree and halcyon person in this cultivate land.

5. you are summer demarcate, also be there will be ample time.

How to write leisurely?

The order of strokes writing a law of leisurely word: Cast aside, perpendicular, perpendicular, cast aside, horizontal, cast aside, right-falling stroke, dot, inclined hook, dot, dot, .

The order of strokes writing a law of idle word: Dot, perpendicular, horizontal stroke is folded, hook, horizontal, perpendicular, neglect a point.

Carefree ramble the second line of a couplet?

Stroll leisurely, free Chang Huaifeng forest.

Stroll leisurely, changjiang Delta in March the divide evenly at the beginning of rain.

Stroll leisurely, the Yang Huafei on road is like snow.

Stroll leisurely, east wind indissolubles send from the person.

Stroll leisurely, shallow sing croon comfortable body.

Table of manorial and carefree article?

Natural world is such beauty at the moment: Radiating everywhere beautiful sunshine, showing off everywhere 5 colour colour, flying upwards everywhere euphonic bird calls bug to cry, the aroma that drifting to make a person be intoxicated everywhere. This is the ocean that green world spends.

Reside a carefree article table?

Weather is so big, can wait for in room of house home air conditioning only, get online at the same time brush nearsightedness frequency to hear music at the same time, now and then see a movie, have a meal midday time arrived, oneself one individual bittern makes a beef, him red wine matching a feature drinks a cup, such life is carefree and content... ...

Table of carefree picture article?

Loosen oneself namely leisurely, be careful when situation is serious, put down all trouble, regression this true, become the manner of opposite work, person and thing more good-tempered. Picture article table can convey so: Loosen, make oneself more carefree, discover the happiness in the life, experience more fun, let oneself be full of a hope, become oneself life more wonderful!
