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都市爽文小说推荐? 推荐几本爽文小说?英文双语对照


作品类别:都市异能 作者名称:柳下挥。。


作品类别:都市异能 3.《空速星痕》 三少的书 ,带外星科技,但是我认为你可以试着看一看。

4.《都是良人行》 禹岩的作品很不错,虽然比不上《极品家丁》,但是也是值得一看的好书。

5.《和空姐同居的日子》 作者:三十。普通生活的。很清纯很感人,也很搞笑。还有以下几我觉得一般般的《超级教师》《武林高手在校园》《十二生肖保护神》《张三丰弟子现代生活录》《市长千金爱上我》微微一笑很倾城 放弃你,下辈子吧






















美食的我看过两本,cheese《食灵契约》 顾十三 《早安,主厨大人》 还不错



























高干文:放弃爱你、黛色霜青、孰轻孰重、云去槿似霞、第三种爱情、只婚不爱、落落清欢、君子一诺 宠文:盛开、微微一笑很倾城、兔子压倒窝边草、你是我学生又怎样、唐老板,离婚请签字、医生,一生何求、火爆妖夫、潇然梦 穿越:绾青丝、谁动了宝贝的嫡娘、蔓蔓青萝、歌尽桃花、红颜凝眸处(清穿)、若爱只是擦肩而过、醉玲珑、独步天下、拈花一笑醉流景、寻爱上弦月、木槿花西月锦绣 虐文:白发皇妃、凤囚凰、瑾年绝恋醉流苏、琉璃般若花、再生缘我的温柔暴君、非我倾城王爷要休妃、殇璃、十年一品温如言、温暖的弦 仙侠:仙侠奇缘之花千骨、落花时节又逢君、重紫、诛仙、飘渺之旅 重生的:重生之不要爱上我、重生之再来一次、回到1987、重生小媳妇、恶毒女配身后的极品男人、重生之娱乐圈、重生之浅浅爱 耽美:强者无敌、媳妇难当、难言之欲、寝室美狼、凤于九天、重生之扫墓、重生之名流巨星、重生娱乐圈之清流 玄幻修仙:异界兽医、盘龙、酒神(阴阳冕)、恶魔法则、斗罗大陆、寸芒、盘龙、斗破苍穹 以上均是我看过的觉得蛮好看的小说




























One, is novel of city bright article recommended?


Work category: City different can author name: Willow issues command. .

2. " adjacent home has. Female blossom first "

Work category: City different can 3. " airspeed star mark " 3 little book, science and technology of the star outside the belt, but I think you can try to have a look.

4. " it is fine person travel " Yu Yan's work is very good, although be not a patch on " highest grade home is fourth " , but also be the good book that is worth to look.

5. " the day that lives together with empty elder sister " author: 30. Of average life. Very Qing Chun is very touching, also very do laugh. Still have the following I feel general like " super teacher " " Wu Lin ace is in campus " " 12 any of the twelve animalses protect an expression " " modern life records Zhang Sanfeng child " " mayor a thousand pieces of gold falls in love with me " laugh slightly very bend city abandons you, next all one's life

2, novel of article of a few bright to recommend?

Bright article novel: " information of unusual live thing records " author: Yuan Tong

Brief introduction: Hao Ren, person if name, it is a good person, ideal is to make the same score smooth An An to pass all one's life, become an end is not dead but the small landlord that also cannot send money -- at least piles in the occupy in his home is such. The big house of a devious stale, pile the biology outside the person with normal not very, still one comes from " deities " labor contract, 3 element add up let Hao Ren become the busiest landlord on this world and the most high-energy nurse, the story of the the the most confused, strangest, most abnormal lodger landlord begins at this point. "Hit on labor contract to press fingerprint to rose that day oneself, I know I am to go up pirate ship... "

3, sweet bestow favor on article novel to recommend?

Sweet bestow favor on article novel to have bloom, of renascence the door poison hind, highly skilled doctor abandons the wife of a prince of of lineal descent of female, flourishing age to wait.

One, bloom

" bloom " the big grey wolf that the author is long wing, telling about Fang Yicheng is to be hit into what visit the home to lie bottom, but lying bottom this paragraph of time he loved each other with Gu Yan, opened from now on from the back love hate of 7 years is pestered.

2, of renascence door poison hind

Men Di daughter, chastity Jing Rouwan, crazy love calm king, run quickly oneself for family dependant. 6 years of assist a ruler in governing a country, become mother appearance the world eventually. Accompany him to make land, promote land, experience danger becomes his compatriots to pledge, return 5 years, palace already did not have the place of shelter oneself after. He conceives medium beauty smile Ming Yan: "Elder sister, country was decided, you also should be retreated. " daughter die tragicly, prince is abandoned. Shen Jiaman Men Zhonglie, without one escape by sheer luck. Capsize of in one day, child funeral a group of things with common features dies! How cannot Shen Miao also think of, adversity husband and wife, give aid to each other, it is the jest of a join in the fun on occasion nevertheless! He: "Looked to follow me 20 years in you, grant you whole dead body, xie En. " below 3 feet white damask silk, oath of Shen Miaoli envenom: It is day when funeral, grant to all die with you! Renascence answers, tragedy is not unripe, the family member still is in, she or that tenderness is elegant static Men Di daughter. Highest grade kin contains evil intent, cousin cousin is evil-minded and merciless, take aunt woman newly eye covetously, still have broken bits does male appetent stock trick come again? Familial want to protect, old enemy wants a newspaper, country purple, also want to divide a cup of a thick soup. This all one's life, and see be fought so that who cross! But that thanks a Xiaohou to a form of a address for an official or rich man, the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty that carries a gun to hit a horse to pass as good horse teenager, slant stand in her the top of a wall loftily: "Bump imperial power stopped, remember, the world puts in you 's charge, you -- put in me 's charge! You -- put in me 's charge!!

3, the wife of a prince of flourishing age of lineal descent

One paper imperial edict, one is granted marriage. 3 without a thousand pieces of gold, useless material king as form of a address for an official or rich man. Common people all character: Match absolutely! She is shallow below happy handkerchief laugh at chant, life and death of all previous classics she wishs only this life is quiet good. His heart is cold on happy hall if put on the ice, suffer all kinds of humiliate, eventually a day of his meeting steps on the world at you. He is my husband, he Ren dare bully is killed! I divide surely! She is my wife, whose person dare hurt, I return surely!

4, highly skilled doctor is abandoned female

Xie Jia of 13 years old is foolish female, renascence of in one day! Sit embrace all-purpose god vessel, conceive clever establish space personally, she is the person sees the useless material of person bully is abandoned no longer female! Medical poison is incomparable, highly skilled doctor also wants station of keep to the side; Clever animal requests bond, feel embarrassed, animal god calls our old; Broken bits dad, dare cast wife abandon female, she lets him the family broke up; Common people, dare bully her disgrace she, she needs hundredfold is returned; Again world humanness, her Wang Zhe returns, expect offend went up he evil evil spirit is bloodsucking. He is the ghost emperor of the make a decision that reduce attack obviously, reincarnate however proton of enemy state of slow-witted bud hurtless.

4, bestow favor on novel of Wen Tianwen be over, beg recommend?

" laugh slightly very bend city " this is affection of net You Yan is classical, of Gu Man, up to now nobody is surmounted.

Push by force.






" why sheng xiao silent " " get drunk He Huan is cool " " warm spring " " fine Chen Ju can be waited for " this is the meet again after fastening, the process has bit of small cruel, but ending or very of Happy.

" marriage of flourishing age army " " guard " " major, marry " " the wing that you are me " " show the army marriage that come " this is army marriage, I confuse army marriage these days, exceed like.

" Ji Liang plain, loved you are so old " " fight love after all " " half ripe bride " " love each other again after marriage " " unexpected " " first senior officer of marriage deep love " " romantic heart " " romantic night " " my foolish girl " this is newly-married, very wonderful.

" it is love about " " gentleman difficult Qiu " " bunny is crushing brood of Bian Cao " " you are my student again how " " the most beautiful encounter you " " become famous overnight " " my neighbour very the abdomen is black " " spruce love is confused egg " " gold, those who exceed love, hope you can like.

5, the novel article about system of different bound cate?

I of cate had seen two, cheese " feed clever bond " consider 13 " good morning, advocate hutch Yours Excellency " pretty good still

6, is novel of article of cruel of interesting short story recommended?

" I wait for you to arrive 35 years old " , na Kangbai rises

Ever used pen name in city of advance river literature " Bai Qi " hind incognito " Kang Kang " , pen name is used in skyline forum " Na Kang "

" I wait for you to arrive 35 years old " it is well-known writer Nakang after Bai Qi and male friend part company, express to be willing to wait to male friend arrives 35 years old and be written. The male friend that is in love 7 years married, na Kang also chose to commit suicide this means, delimit for this paragraph of feeling a full stop.

Arrive from a very short time yin and yang, from what love each other that begins to should guess finish bureau momently. Praise after the flesh love but do not admit love however after the flesh, is He Wei wrong to He Wei? Na Kang, 35 years old too long, the water of Hunan river is too cool, be afraid that you are in alone only distant heaven, and he, still have a child probably with a woman, in domestic heaven. Na Kang, you wait can you regret?

It is its classical ana below:

I look forward to you more more eagerly than person of the any on this world can happy, just, remember this happiness does not have my portion, still be exceedingly can sad.

The future that misses each other is most the business that makes popular feeling painful, but the have no other way that how many we have to this? I want to say with you I wait for you particularly, can what can I take to wait for you again?

You treat this individual, say to like me in the mouth, make me so sad again.

Think of this article, with respect to heartbreak

7, article of a few presidents to recommend phonic novel?

① " house a person of extraordinary powers marries: Uncle VS is small wife " Ai Yiyao

This is the article of a president that at present I like most, have a lot of a hint foreshadowing later developments in a story, also have line of a lot of pairs of feeling, each feeling line is very good-looking, it is good outcome, especially 2 father's younger brother and happy elder sister this one, can look every time cry, feel sad touchs again the sort of, recommend strongly!

② " bud love giant star is young wife " cold hare

Female advocate it is recreation circle daughter matchs (from the back after counterattack becomes a movie, it is this covers a region) , male advocate it is a commander, this is recreation to encircle article of + senior officer. Female advocate disposition independence is very rational do not make have acting very clever, male Zhu Zhongzhen. There is a bit hyperbole from the back, for instance female advocate became the people of the whole country is admired after the queen of another country. Overall for very pretty good, recommend look!

③ " diamond shines of marriage bestow favor on small charming of be addicted to wife " the bewitching between the flower

This is a road of general president article, early days male advocate the feeling is very tall cold, but from the back slowly the feeling was less than, show hyperbole slightly, especially before a few, not bad nevertheless, accepting limits in, be worth to look!

④ " wife, hello! " every month butterfly shadow

Super like this one novel! Male without overmuch depict advocate have how rich but enemy state, basically be to be put in male advocate boundless seek wife way, female advocate very reason, very capable also. Whole novel does not have exaggerated depict, feeling and real world are same, do not have without misunderstanding small 3, arrange its nature is particularly good-looking! Recommend strongly! !

⑤ " the world husband of the first bud " Yue Wei

This is a Gu Yan, female advocate it is contemporary had passed through to go, but did not mention contemporary work too much. Female advocate disposition is happy-go-lucky, male advocate it is natural slow-witted, whole story rhythm is slow, each chapter is worth to be read well, the love of successive is particularly good. Edition of a paper quality bought before, looked for electronic edition to look on the net again later, do not have circumvent without Gong Dou, a very warm Gu Yan, recommend look! !

8, does divine article ban cuss novel to recommend?

Recommend to you.

" full grade reopen flees for his life game "

Brief judge: As once top class player the girl of network strong interest nowadays, female advocate Ruan Qiao Shouren is held in the palm, in entering a horrible game, wake up male advocate Ruan Qiao, with " kill him " means Ling Jijiang makes the story that get offline. Female advocate super and powerful, every carbon ghost of can follow one's inclinations cruel, find clew to enter close a success, male advocate tool person exists, small hotshot of appropriative hair candy. Gut advocate horror flows, contain suspense colour, hole of carbon seek novelty, head is distinctive, add happy direct seeding system and the netizen of a flock of sanded carve, bring nervous stimulation to the person gout reads an experience immortally.

9, [beg civil] is of all kinds novel begged recommend?

Senior officer article: Abandon loving you, blueness of black lubricious white, what whoes gently heavy, cloud goes Jin is like the 3rd kind of glow, love, marriage do not love, fall fall clear one Nuo bestows favor on joyous, gentleman civil: Bloom, laugh slightly very bend city, bunny is crushing brood of Bian Cao, you are my student how, the Tang Dynasty boss, the divorce signs please, doctor, why to beg all one's life, dream of hot bewitching husband, Xiao Ran passes through: Trailing plants of turnip of the woman of coil up black hair, of lineal descent that who used good-for-nothing or queer character, tendril, song uses up peach blossom, beauty to coagulate eye is in (Qing Dynasty wears) , if love to just brush a shoulder and pass, drunk exquisite, be without a rival, pick up the flower laughs drunk stream scene, find love: Feng4huang2 of the wife of a prince of white hair emperor, phoenix convict, Jin year love absolutely predestined relationship of flower, second birth is like like drunk tassel, coloured glaze father of king of city of bend of my tender oppressor, nonego wants to rest a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of Li of the wife of a prince, die young, bowstring celestial being that tastes Wen Ruyan, warmth 10 years: The flower of strange predestined relationship of celestial being a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct 1000 bone, fall beautiful season meets again gentleman, heavy of celestial being of violet, kill, wispy brigade renascence: Of renascence do not fall in love with me, of renascence come again, return 1987, renascence young son's wife, evil-minded female the shallow love delay of the recreational group of the highest grade man that matchs back, renascence, renascence is beautiful: Inapproachable, daughter-in-law becomes overmatch hard, of difficult character desire, dormitory beautiful wolf, phoenix unreal repairs the Qing Liuxuan that recreation of the distinguished personages giant star of the pay respects to sb at his tomb at empyreal, renascence, renascence, renascence encircles celestial being: Different bound vet, Pan Long, Bacchanal (crown of yin and yang) , diabolical law, fight Luo Daliu, Cun Mang, Pan Long, fighting broken canopy above all is the feels pretty is good-looking novel that I had read

10, book famine, the novel of type of system of a few cate to recommend?

1, cate supplier

Originator of cate article cut into a mountain

"In distant east, what existence wore several times to reject Mi Jilin SamSung to evaluate is strange small shop.

Over there the price is high, a bowl of egg matching soup fries meal 288RMB, oh forgot to still have dishful pickle, but it is so also a lot of people queue up to wait.

Do not accept over there book, accept him spot to queue up only, countless people are opening private plane to queue up on a special trip, do not offer of course stop seat number or parking space.

Serve over there abominable, let him client carry dish to clear away bowl chopsticks actually, was opposite brush a table even, oh! Sacred this boss simply mad. Sacred this boss simply mad..

-- " Mijilinmei feeds a magazine "

2, the epicure of different world

Article of different bound cate, black unreal edition feeds capable person, see hunger

In fierce person raise one's hand can crack mountains and rivers-land, in swinging a leg to be able to break the black unreal world of endless flow, existing a such chophouse.

Chophouse is not big, but the ground that is scramble for sth of countless top overmatch however.

Over you can taste savor to use the egg that phoenix egg and dragon blood rice fry to fry a meal.

Over you can drink the spring of life to match Zhu Guo to brew the firewater that make.

Over you can eat 9 rank deserve to go up to honour animal flesh black peppery barbecue.

What do you think to come home chef capture? Impossible, because there is an animal of 10 rank gods of guard the entrance at the door cafeteria, tartarean dog.

Oh, it is OK that that chef still has single hand is held dead 9 article assistant of imperial iron a knot in one's heart and a flock of was conquered mad wife of the stomach.

3, the cate dining-room that suckles pa

The Jia Luoli that suckle pa adds cate

In the confused city of Nuo orchid mainland, having a strange dining room.

Here, demon should go all out with atomy desk, animal person by forbidden and roaring, megalosaurus can surround the small square that sits before dining-room to go up only, devil needs him to take tailor-made bench even...

But namely so the dining-room of strange flower of a custom, the doorway is discharging cue everyday however.

Demon people the Lu that disregards bearing is strung together, megalosaurus people grasping strainer to surround before sitting in chaffy dish, diabolical people eating lovely doughboy...

"The cate here cannot find the 2nd on the mainland! This boss is a talent! " the guest is evaluated so, steal the direction that steals those who saw a doorway next: "Still have, must not want to catch a boss to perhaps eat food of Xiang Yu the Conqueror, your earthborn is very otherwise miserable. Your earthborn is very otherwise miserable..

"Have a meal, give money, otherwise all beats dead. " a Li of lovely young trailing plants is worn in doorway pace footstep, grandma sound suckles angry say, the look falls aside on megalosaurus body, 56 meters tall megalosaurus can'ted help hitting cold quiver.

4, super cate is Caesarean

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