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一、西餐餐具的分类 广义的西餐餐具包括刀、叉、匙、盘、杯、餐巾等。其中盘又有菜盘、布丁盘、奶盘、白脱盘等;酒杯更是讲究,正式宴会几乎每上一种酒,都要换上专用的玻璃酒杯。






二、餐具的摆放 餐具的摆放是根据上菜先后顺序从外到内摆放。有的菜用过后,会撤掉一部分刀叉。刀叉放的方向和位置都有讲究。刀叉放在垫盘上呈八字形,刀口朝内,叉尖向下就表示你还要继续用餐;刀叉平行摆放在垫盘上刀口向处,叉尖向上则表示你不要用餐。

汤勺横放在汤盘内,匙心向上,也表示用汤餐具可以収走。 垫盘放在餐席的正中心,盘上放折叠整齐的餐巾或餐纸(也有把餐巾或餐纸拆成花蕊状放在玻璃杯内的)。




如有面食,吃面食的匙、叉则横放在前方。 1.餐巾2.魚叉3.主菜叉4.沙拉叉5.汤杯及汤底盘6.主菜盘 7.主菜刀8.鱼刀9.汤匙10.面包及奶油盘11.奶油刀 12.点心匙及点心叉13.水杯14.红酒杯15.白酒杯 此外,刀叉的摆放形状可以表明你是否已经用餐完毕,例如盘子中还有食物时,把刀叉分开放,大约呈三角形表明你还想继续用餐,而当你把刀叉平行依靠于盘子侧沿时,则表明你用餐已经完毕;盘子已空时,把刀叉平行斜着放好,表明请服务员将收拾空盘。 三、餐具的用法 1、刀 是用来切割食物的,不要用刀挑起食物往嘴里送。记住:右手拿刀。


2、叉 左手拿叉,叉起食物往嘴里送的,动作要轻,捡起适量食物一次性放入口中,不要拖拖拉拉一大块,咬一口再放下,这样很不雅。


3、勺子 在正式场合下,勺有多种,小的是用于咖啡和甜点心的;扁平的用于涂黄油和分食蛋糕;比较大的,用来喝汤或盛碎小食物;最大的是公用于分食汤的,常见于自助餐。切莫搞错。

4、刀叉持法 用刀时,应将刀柄的尾端置于手掌之中,以拇指抵住刀柄的一侧,食指按在刀柄上,但需注意食指决不能触及刀背,其余三指则顺势弯曲,握住刀柄。


持叉应尽可能持住叉柄的末端,叉柄倚在中指上,中间则以无名指和小指为支撑,叉可以单独用于叉餐或取食,也可以用于取食 某些头道菜和馅饼,还可以用取食那种无需切割的主菜。 5、餐巾用法 进餐时,大餐巾可折起(一般对折)折口向外平铺在腿上,小餐巾可伸开直接铺在腿上。注意不可将餐巾挂在胸前(但在空间不大的地方,如飞机上可以如此)。拭嘴时需用餐巾的上端,并用其内侧来擦嘴。绝不可用来擦脸部或擦刀叉、碗碟等


One, the classifies broad sense Western-style food tableware of Western-style food tableware includes knife, forked, spoon, dish, cup, napkin. Among them dish have food again dish, flummery dish, grandma dish, take off in vain dish etc; Goblet is more exquisite, formal dinner almost on every one kind of wine, want to change appropriative glass goblet.

The tableware of narrow sense points to knife, forked, spoon only 3 big.

Knife cent is edible knife, fish knife, flesh knife (blade has toothed, in order to cuts beefsteak, pork chop to wait) , butter knife and fruit knife.

Forked cent is fork of edible fork, gaff, flesh and shrimp fork.

Spoon has spoon of spoon, sweetmeat, teaspoon.

The norms of public knife, forked, spoon is more than eat to use knife and fork apparently.

2, of tableware put dinner service putting is a basis serving early or late ordinal from outside to inside put. After some dish had been used, can remove one part knife and fork. The way that knife and fork puts and position have exquisite. Knife and fork is put on saucer to show splay, inside blade face, forked needle states you continue even downward have dinner; Parallel of knife and fork is put in the blade on saucer to place, forked needle states you do not want have dinner up.

Spoon horizontal stroke is put inside soup dish, spoon heart up, it is OK to also express to use soup dinner service goes. Saucer puts in meat place in the middle of heart, dish on put the napkin with orderly fold or food paper (also a napkin or food paper tear open stamen shape to be put inside glass) .

The knife of two side, forked, spoon discharges orderly parallel, if have chair card, put in the ahead of saucer.

All case knife put in saucer on the right side of, edge front saucer. All sorts of spoon kind put in case knife right, on spoon heart face. Eat fork is put in the left of saucer, on forked tine face. Banquet puts third mate knife and fork only commonly.

Biscuit dish is put in the guest's left hand side, go up buy biscuit knife (namely butter knife, use for wiping butter, conserve, is not to use tangent plane to wrap) , of all kinds goblet and water cup are put in west the front.

If have cooked wheaten food, horizontal stroke of the spoon that eats cooked wheaten food, fork criterion puts forwardly. 1. Napkin 2. Zuo is forked 3. Entree is forked 4. Salad is forked 5. Soup cup and soup batholith 6. Entree dish 7. Entree knife 8. Piscine knife 9. Spoon 10. Biscuit and butter dish 11. Butyric knife 12. Mug-up spoon and mug-up fork 13. Water cup 14. Red wine cup 15. Liquor cup in addition, of knife and fork put appearance to be able to make clear you whether already have dinner ends, when there still is food in dish for example, put knife and fork apart, show a triangle to show you still want to continue about have dinner, and when relying on parallel of knife and fork at dish side edge when you, show your have dinner has ended; When dish is empty already, parallel of knife and fork sideways put away, make clear ask a clerk to will be cleared away empty dish. 3, the usage of tableware 1, the knife is to use cut alimental, do not instigate with the knife food sends in past mouth. Remember: The right hand takes a knife.

If when have dinner, the knife that has 3 kinds of different specifications appears at the same time, general and proper use is: The band is small one toothed that is used cut the flesh to make provision; The uses will big vegetable of moderate volume cuts flake; And the sort of cabinet, point of a knife is the penknife that obtuse, coping becomes warped on some, it is to use incision bun, carry besmear of some of conserve, butter to be above biscuit with it next.

2, forked left hand takes fork, fork food goes to what send in the mouth, the movement wants light, pick up is right amount food is one-time in putting the entrance, not dilatory one chunk, bite to be put down again, such very indelicate.

When food of broach pick up enters the mouth, the tooth comes up against food only, do not bite fork, also do not let knife and fork is on tine or dish in give out noise.

3, ladle falls in formal circumstance, spoon has a variety of, smally is use at coffee and dessert; Use compressedly at besmearing butter and cent eat cake; Bigger, with will drink boiling water or fill broken small food; The biggest is public eat soup at cent, common at buffet. Do not make a mistake.

4, when knife and fork holds a law to use a knife, should in the palm of tail end park knife handle, reach a side of knife handle with big toe, forefinger is pressed go up in knife handle, but need to notice forefinger can touch anything but the back of a knife blade, the others 3 point to a take advantage of an opportunity to bend, handholding knife handle.

If fork is not use with the knife, forked tine should up.

Hold fork to should hold the fag end of forked handle as far as possible, forked handle leans on middle finger, it is with ring finger and little finger among prop up, fork can be used at forked eat alone or take feed, also can use at taking to eat dish of certain head path and pie, still can use take feed the sort of need not the entree of cut. 5, when napkin usage dines, big napkin can tuck up (general and 50% discount) fold an outward tile to be on the leg, small napkin but outstretched and direct shop is on the leg. Before the attention cannot hang napkin in the bosom (but be in the place with not great space, go up like the plane OK and such) . Those who use napkin need to go up when mop mouth upright, brush the mouth with its inside. Cannot use absolutely brush facial ministry or brush dish of knife and fork, bowl to wait
