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省考常识考几个? 京考常识考几个?英文双语对照


省考常识考几个? 京考常识考几个?英文双语对照















































文学常识--初高中语文书上涉及到的,名家名篇,特别是古文有关知识 艺术常识--初高中历史课本上每章有关时期的文艺发展 电视常识--中国及国外电视知识之最及著名影片,掌握这些基本上就完全可以应付了。




本次汇总分为五个部分,分别为 人文部分、历史部分、科技部分、地理部分、经济名词。内容较多,建议大家先收藏,考试前翻出来再看一眼,加深印象,就能拿分!


1. 诸子百家

2. 古典园林

3. 选官制度

4. 传统节日


1. 著名历史事件


1. 血液知识

(1) 血液

(2) 血型

最重要的两种为 “ABO 血型系统” 和 “Rh 血型系统”。

ABO 血型可分为 A、 B、 AB 和 O 型等 4 种血型。AB 型可以接受任何血型的血液输入, 因此被称作万能受血者。O 型可以输出给任何血型的人体内, 因此被称作万能输血者、 异能血者。

(3) 血型遗传规律

2. 疾病简介

3. 光学知识

4. 声学知识

5. 热学知识

6. 常见的化学物质

7. 常见的气体

8. 空气污染现象

9. 垃圾分类



1. 中国南北气候差异




One, a few does common sense of province take an examination ofing take an examination of?

Answer common sense of province take an examination ofing basically studies 3 projects, 1: ?

2: ?

3: ? Jian faint] armour ㄒ grieve quite does ㄒ of dark blue of  of gun of neon of teach of earnestly word quiet touch  to bite  ㄒ grieve quite fear of two of vinegar of border of ⒓ of bank of damask of two of  of Yu of  of heir of Hong of  of ɑ of sea of  of mound of two of ā of  of mound of  of collate comfortable Yuan Zhi climbing over a wall by  ?

2, a few does common sense of Beijing take an examination ofing take an examination of?

Cent is 5 module. Namely: Impact of commonsensible judgement, verbal understanding, measure, data is analysed and judge inference, and be in last few years on thematic gross also keep consistent, the country takes an examination of the class that visit a department to measure 135 problems all right, ground city class measures Beijing of 130 problems; to take an examination of all right measure 135 problems all right.

3, fair what to take an examination of common sense to take an examination of?

Fair the content that takes an examination of common sense to make an on-the-spot investigation basically includes the following fields:

1. politics common sense: Policy of the basic knowledge that includes theory of national politics system, politics, party, party history, country.

2. law common sense: Include laws and regulations of constitution, law, administrative regulations, criminal law, civil code, labor law to wait.

3. economy common sense: Include economy of finance of revenue of macroscopical economy, microcosmic economy, finance, money, international to wait.

4. scientific general knowledge: Include scientific ABC, scientific method, science to develop progress of course, science and technology to wait.

5. literacy general knowledge: Include thought of art of historical knowledge, literature, philosophy, traditional culture to wait.

6. geographical common sense: Include geographical knowledge, situation, geographical environment, geographical resource to wait.

In addition, fair take an examination of common sense to still involve progress of politics of social heat, current affairs, science and technology, environmental protection to wait for the knowledge related to public general affairs. Specific the exam with meeting different ground, post mixes the content that make an on-the-spot investigation ask and somewhat difference.

4, little common sense of knowledge of pupil mental health?

The main show of pupil psychology blemish one, sensitive. Teenage self-awareness is intense, proud requirement is pressing, and psychology bears capacity is small. The pupil of main contributing factor of pupil psychogenic disorder appears these psychological problems, have the factor that oneself grows already, also have external environment factor.

5, does the country take an examination of common sense and province to take an examination of common sense to there is distinction?

The country is taken an examination of and the intellectual dot of province take an examination ofing is general. It is the travel that take an examination of measure and explain theory measure all right include verbal understanding, the amount concerns, data analysis, judge inference, common sense. Still have. Another explain theory, measure all right explain occupy 100 minutes by each. National take an examination ofing is taken an examination of than the province a little a few more difficult, the problem amount that makes inside unit time is a few morer. The career is made up those who take an examination of is communal ABC, include law and illegal, it is to slant common sense a bit

6, what does common common sense take an examination of?

The exam content of communal ABC incorporates politics, economy, law, current affairs, science and technology commonly humanitarian, administration, archives. Those who need an attention is not all the examination is comprehensive knowledge is communal ABC, want to look according to specific exam, for example the content of integrated knowledge exam of Fujian and Sichuan includes communal ABC to include professional ability test again already.

The institution is public ABC key:

1, Marxism philosophy principle: Epistemological of adj materialism, materialist dialectics, dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

2, generality of Mao Zedong Thought: Mao Zedong Thought forms as academic as revolution of development, New Democracy, socialism to transform theory.

3, system of theory of Chinese characteristic socialism: Deng Xiaoping theory, " 3 delegates " serious thought and scientific progress view.

4, the government of contemporary China and politics: The right of Chinese polity and regime, administration and local government, citizen and compulsory, communal administration, public policy, public service.

5, the professional morality of national office working personnel: Training of orientaton of the basic content of morality of profession of national office working personnel, value, ethics, behavior is normative.

6, legal knowledge: Standard of law foundation theory, constitution, criminal law, civil code, commercial law, economy, administrative law and administrative procedural law (enter oneself for an examination of position of major of law of system of complete province court, procuratorate add try content, include) of knowledge of afore-mentioned limits and criminal procedural law, code of civil law.

7, Chinese ABC and archives writing: Common sense of Chinese character, vocabulary, syntactic, rhetorical, literature, archives of Party and goverment officials is writing of basic knowledge, commonly used archives, commonly used processing of clerical writ writing, archives.

8, economic knowledge and knowledge of science and technology: Microcosmic economy, macroscopical economy, international economy, finance economy, industry economy, common sense of innovation of science and technology, scientific forward position, science and technology.

9, historical knowledge: China is modern contemporary history of Shi Heshi bound.

10, other knowledge: Newest when politics knowledge.

7, 2021 fair take an examination of common sense?

Culture of thought of Chinese ancient time

1. Confucianist

(1) Confucius. Age rash compatriots (today Shandong Qu Fu) , confucianist school author, by honour for " sacrosanctity " . The core idea of Confucius is " benevolence " and " ceremony " . Emphasize " personal place not desire, do not apply at the person " . Advocate " with rule of virtue civilian " . Found illicit learn, view " have religion without kind " " learn and actor criterion be an official " . " the analects of confucius " reach its to pass child to arrange again by Confucius child make up.

(2) Mencius. Name carriage, "Inferior emperor " , the Zou Guo when the Warring States (today Shandong Zou city) person, have " Mencius " . The Mencius is in political put forward " policy of benevolence " " Min Guijun is light " . Put forward on ethical view " quality this be apt to " .

(3) Confucian school is classical. The five classics of the four Books (The Great Learning,The Doctrine of the Mean,The Analects of Confucius and Mencius) :

2. Taoist school

(1) father: Author of school of age evening Taoist school, the composing that live a life has " moral classics " (say again " father " ) .

(2) village: Renown week, it is on behalf of work " village " be by person " literary philosophy, philosophical literature " .

3. Legalists

Legalists has business Yang, Han Fei, Li Si to wait on behalf of the character. Han is not Yang of comprehensive a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale " law " , careful arrive " situation " and explain do not kill " art " , of doctrine of collect Legalists thought become greatly, have " Han Fei child " .

4. Mohist School

Mohist School author is Mo Zi, mo Zi put forward " hold love concurrently " " blame attack " " husband " wait for a viewpoint. "Rub the top puts heel benefit the world to do it " belong to the mind with the greatest Mohist School.

8, art take an examination of literary common sense?

Literary common sense- - first involve on book of high school Chinese, name of a person of academic or artistic distinction piece, especially common sense of art of ancient prose concerned knowledge- - first the common sense of literary development TV on textbook of high school history- - of China and foreign TV knowledge most reach famous film, mastered these to basically can be dealt with completely.

9, does the country study commonsensible subject?

Problem of common sense of national official exam basically has, graphical inference, statement judgement, digital inference, judgement of true and false, language expression, these commonsensible problems are to measure the content that make an on-the-spot investigation all right, in addition, take an examination of even explain theory.

10, do 2021 provinces take an examination of common sense?

This second collect cent is 5 parts, it is term of part of humanitarian part, history part, science and technology, geographical part, economy respectively. Content is more, suggest everybody is collected first, break up to glance again before the exam, deepen impression, can take fraction!

Humanitarian part

1.The various schools of thought and their exponents during the period from pre-Qin times to the early years of the Han Dynasty

2.Classic gardens

3.Pick government-owned system

4.Traditional festival

Historical part

1.Famous history incident

Part of science and technology

1.Haemal knowledge

(1) blood

(2) blood type

Two the most important kinds are " system of ABO blood type " and " system of Rh blood type " .

ABO blood type can be divided mix for A, B, AB O wait for 4 kinds of blood type. The AB blood that can accept any blood type is inputted, because this is called all-purpose receptor. Inside the O human body that can output any blood type, the person that be called all-purpose give aid and support accordingly, different can blood person.

(Rule of heredity of 3) blood type

2.Disease brief introduction

3.Optical knowledge

4.Acoustics knowledge

5.Heat knowledge

6.Common chemical material

7.Common gas

8.Air pollutes a phenomenon

9.Rubbish classification


Geographical part

1.Difference of climate of Chinese north and south


Economic term
