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求助红海湾旅游攻略? 春节潮州旅游攻略?英文双语对照


求助红海湾旅游攻略? 春节潮州旅游攻略?英文双语对照




来到潮州 当然就是先去西湖公园玩 里面有可以划船的湖和游乐园 第二就可以去凤霞公园玩 那里有许多美丽的风景 第三 到晚上时 就可以去牌坊街逛 逛完牌坊街 出去就是湘子桥 每天晚上都要特别的灯光秀 潮州可玩的地方数不胜数 慢慢玩





























1. 交通方式:

- 自驾车:从晋江出发,沿G324国道向东行驶,经过汕头市即可到达潮汕地区。整个行程约为3-4小时,路况较好。

- 公共交通:可以乘坐火车或长途客车前往潮汕地区。从晋江汽车站或火车站乘坐前往汕头或潮州的车辆,然后在目的地下车。

2. 行程安排:

- 潮州古城:潮州是一个有着悠久历史和丰富文化的城市,可以参观潮州古城,欣赏传统的建筑和文化遗产。

- 潮汕美食:潮汕地区以独特的美食文化而闻名,可以品尝潮汕牛肉火锅、潮汕粥品、潮汕糖水等当地特色美食。

- 潮州文化博物馆:了解潮州的历史和文化,参观潮州文化博物馆,了解潮州的传统手工艺和文化传承。

- 潮州广济桥:参观潮州广济桥,这是一座古老的石拱桥,是潮州的标志性建筑之一。

- 汕头海滩:如果喜欢海滩和海边活动,可以前往汕头的海滩,享受阳光、沙滩和海水。

3. 注意事项:

- 行程安排:提前了解景点的开放时间和交通信息,合理安排行程,避免高峰期和拥堵情况。

- 当地气候:注意潮汕地区的气候情况,带好合适的衣物和防晒用品。

- 特色美食:尝试当地的美食是一种很好的体验,但也要注意食品卫生和个人口味。















Appeal strategy of red thalassic travel?

Area of red thalassic travel is located in to the south of Shan end urban district 18 kilometers place, there is the beach that is in white softness more inside the bay, still have several beautiful islands such as mysterious island, chelonian age island. Passenger station of traffic Guangzhou the Milky way has fast bus of express bus and general to go back and forth between Shan end. Express bus route makes an appointment with, fare 120 yuan, meet integral point sets out; Common bus needs 4 hours about, fare 80 yuan, but get off in high speed crossing, want to hit after. Shan end urban district has 20 minutes every to the bus of bay of the Red Sea, fare 5 yuan; Head for like what hit from Shan end city, the price makes an appointment with 40 yuan. Entrance ticket of bathing place of entrance ticket red bay 10 yuan / . Accommodation: Hotel of home of the know exactly about sth on block billow peninsula and go vacationing village, some hotel endure beach closely, off-season the price between a mark is controlled 150 yuan. The triumphant guesthouse condition of subordinate of maritime motion club is better, samSung class, off-season 300 multivariate between a mark. Lodge in Shan end urban district very convenient also, 100 yuan can live on the hotel with pretty good condition. Both sides of path of main stem of town of cate block billow is big archives completely, be sold besides seafood or seafood, price petty gain, and taste is good. As to Shan end urban district, that more fastfood heaven. After at nightfall of old the city zone, archives of the booth side the street is bristly, meal of polished glutinous rice, dish? ? , meat of steamed dumpling, seafood, dog, all sorts of cate have everything that one expects to find. The piscine doing of place of special local product, salty shrimp is long negative great reputation. Special introduction must not be in bay of the Red Sea so buy special local product, because there eat, those who live is particularly expensive, come back from bay of the Red Sea ability of Shan end the city zone 30 minutes of distance, come back the city zone still has a lot of amused.

Strategy of travel of Spring Festival current state?

Lai Dao Chao Zhou Dang Ran Jiu Shi Xian Qu Xi Hu Gong Yuan Wan Li Mian You Ke Yi Hua Chuan De Hu He You Le Yuan Di Er Jiu Ke Yi Qu Feng Xia Gong Yuan Wan Na Li You Xu Duo Mei Li De Feng Jing Di San Dao Wan Shang Shi Jiu Ke Yi Qu Pai Fang Jie Guang Guang Wan Pai Fang Jie Chu Qu Jiu Shi Xiang Zi Qiao Mei Tian Wan Shang Du Yao Te Bie De Deng Guang Xiu Chao Zhou Ke Wan De Di Fang Shu Bu Sheng Shu Man Man Wan

Strategy of travel of current state tall iron?

Traffic: Current state city stands without nonstop Gao Tie, the closest tall iron station is Shan head station and Jie Yang station. You can choose to take bus, taxi to perhaps make an appointment from these two sites special heads for current state urban district.

Cate: Current state dish is one of 8 big vegetable departments of Chinese, famed with its delicious taste and distinctive cooking method. You can taste the famous dish of savor current state, if current state burns chaffy dish of beef of fish of evaporate of goose, current state, wet Shan,wait. In addition, current state still has a lot of fastfood with characteristic mug-up, syrup of fruit of pink of the city that be like tide, current state.

Tourist attraction: Current state has a lot of historical culture tourist attractions, like bridge of Chen academy of classical learning, extensive aid, open yuan of temple to wait. You can visit these historic site, understand the history of current state and culture. In addition, current state still has a few natural landscape, hill of park of the article that be like Han, phoenix, can appreciate natural view.

Shop: The handicraft that current state has a few traditions is tasted and characteristic commodity, pottery and porcelain of woodcarving of the city that be like tide, current state. You can be mixed in the characteristic block of current state the market buys these goods, market of if current state is ancient city market, current state.

Anyhow, current state is a town that fills historical culture and cate, you can be mixed according to your interest timeline journey, experience local local customs and characteristic cate.

Does Nanjing travel to current state strategy?

Nanjing parades to current state force Cheng An is discharged

Can choose to take motor-car, the expenses of such whole is relative for also do not meet many special, and the time look that takes motor-car place need is a lot of briefer than be being met at common train. Control in nine hour probably. Went to that place. Place's very much when travelling tourist attraction scenery is particularly marvellous, recommend in the first station go glen ease Lin Na natural scene of the place is pretty good very. Recommend when choosing tourist attraction of the 2nd station go phoenix day pool. Recommend next go the humanitarian picture that that ground chooses Mei Lin lake and natural scene are worth to have a look very much.

Does current state travel to Xiamen strategy?

There are rich natural scenery and humanitarian landscape between two ground. It is the strategy that current state travels to Xiamen below:

1. traffic: Have a variety of traffic kind to Xiamen from current state optional. You can choose to take the train, long-distance car or plane. The train and long-distance car are the choice that compares economic material benefit, and the plane is the quickest way. According to individual be fond of and budget, the choice fits his traffic pattern.

2. scheduling: Travel in Xiamen, can arrange the following tourist attraction:

Rouse billow island: This is one of tourist attractions with the famousest Xiamen, having beautiful seascape and distinctive building color.

Xiamen university: Xiamen university is one of China's famous advanced institution of higher learning, campus environment is beautiful, be worth to swim.

South general Tuo temple: This is the Buddhist temple with the biggest Xiamen, having long history and grandiose building.

Annulus island road: This is one surrounds the littoral highway of Xiamen island, can appreciate beautiful seascape and urban view.

3. cate: Xiamen is having rich cate culture, not allow to miss include:

Seafood: Regard a seaside as the city, the seafood of Xiamen is very fresh and delicate, can sample the seafood arrange such as all sorts of fish, shrimp, crab.

Fujian is fastfood: The Fujian of Xiamen is fastfood also have distinguishing feature very much, for instance soup of decoct of Li of sanded tea face, sea, earthnut.

4. shops: Xiamen has a lot of shopping places, the handicraft that can buy local characteristic is tasted, product of tea, sea. Be worth what carry is the characteristic local speciality of Xiamen, if rouse the handiwork of billow island fastfood, south the Buddhist culture product of general Tuo temple.

5. note:

Prepare suitable costume and shoe, in order to get used to different weather and travel activity.

Understand the open time of each tourist attractions and entrance ticket situation ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey.

Take a car from current state how to go does bay of Shan end the Red Sea travel?

Current state urban district, wet Shan stands, Shan end stands, bay of the Red Sea

Does Jin Jiang travel to current state strategy?

It is the strategy that Jin Jiang travels to wet Shan below:

1.Traffic means:

- drive oneself: Cong Jinjiang sets out, edge G324 country eastwards travel, through Shan head city can reach wet Shan area. Whole journey is 3-4 hour about, road condition is better.

- public traffic: Can take the train or wet Shan area is gone to before intercity bus. The car of past Shan head or current state before from Jin Jiang station or railway station are taken, get off in destination next.


- current state ancient city: Current state is a city that having long history and rich culture, can visit current state ancient town, admire traditional structure and culture bequest.

- wet Shan cate: Wet Shan area is famed with distinctive cate culture, can sample congee of chaffy dish of wet Shan beef, wet Shan is tasted, the local characteristic cate such as wet Shan syrup.

- museum of current state culture: Understand the history of current state and culture, visit museum of current state culture, understand the traditional handicraft of current state and culture inheritance.

- bridge of current state extensive aid: Visit bridge of current state extensive aid, this is an old stone arch bridge, it is one of mark sex buildings of current state.

- Shan head beach: If like beach and seaside activity, can head for the beach of Shan head, enjoy sunshine, beach and seawater.


- scheduling: Know the open time of the tourist attraction and traffic news ahead of schedule, reasonable arrangement journey, avoid fastigium and have a case.

- local climate: Note the climate case of wet Shan area, the clothing and other articles of daily use with very proper belt and prevent bask in things.

- characteristic cate: The cate that tries place is a kind of very good experience, but also should notice food sanitation and individual taste.

Above is brief Jin Jiang to strategy of wet Shan travel, specific journey and tourist attraction choice decide even according to the individual's interest and time. Before the journey, the proposal makes good journey program ahead of schedule, know the traffic of destination, accommodation and tourist attraction news, what travel in order to ensure is successful and happy.

Strategy of travel of current state festival of lanterns?

Current state festival of lanterns can view battalion bureaucrat in the morning, still have show show, can eat wet Shan cate to look midday swim divine parade sb through the streets, can go in the evening extensive aid bridge watchs lamplight show and firework show

Does Shanghai give strategy of travel of become damp city?

Shanghai sets out go current state travel can sit D2287 Gao Tie goes current state, tourist attraction of current state travel basically has market of extensive aid bridge, memorial archway, it is the tourist attraction that goes surely, of course, go what current state must not miss place is fastfood.

Does current state drive Xiamen travel strategy oneself?

Current state drives Xiamen to travel oneself is a right choice, it is the strategy of a few proposals below:

The course plans: Set out from current state, can choose from wet Shan freeway or freeway of G15 Shen Hai head for Xiamen. The proposal examines traffic situation and way ahead of schedule besides, choose likely course and time.

Accommodation choice: Xiamen has a lot of hotels can offer an alternative with civilian constellation, can select appropriate accommodation site according to his budget and demand. Suggest to be booked ahead of schedule, have appropriate room in order to ensure.

Tourist attraction choice: Xiamen has a lot of famous tourist attractions, if rouse billow island, south university of general Tuo temple, Xiamen. Can undertake choosing according to oneself interest and time, reasonable arrangement journey.

Cate experience: Xiamen has a lot of cate, be like seafood, Fujian south fastfood etc. Can try characteristic cate of place, sample local gust.

Traffic goes out row: Xiamen has the subway, public transportation wait for vehicle with the taxi, can select a right travel kind according to his demand. The proposal examines traffic situation and fare ahead of schedule, so that arrange the route better.

Note: In driving a process oneself, want to notice transportation is safe, abide by traffic regulation. In the meantime, notice custodial good car and valuable, avoid to produce accident situation. Hope above strategy is helped somewhat to you, in wishing you drive the journey of Xiamen oneself in current state, play happily!
