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什么时间段健身最好? 健身在什么时间段最好?英文双语对照


什么时间段健身最好? 健身在什么时间段最好?英文双语对照












一般运动最好的时间是在早上8点-9点晨练的时间,下午的15点-17点以及晚上19点-21点,这些时间运动可以有效提高锻炼效果。 锻炼的最佳时间





1. 健身增肌最好的时间段是早上和晚上。2. 早上是因为此时身体经过一夜的休息,肌肉和关节都处于放松状态,进行锻炼可以有效激活身体,提高代谢率。晚上是因为此时身体已经经历了一天的活动,肌肉已经被激活,进行锻炼可以更好地促进肌肉生长和恢复。3. 此外,早上和晚上的时间段相对较为宽裕,可以有足够的时间进行全面的健身训练,包括热身、力量训练和拉伸等。同时,早上锻炼还可以帮助提升精神状态,晚上锻炼则可以缓解一天的压力和疲劳。总之,早上和晚上是健身增肌最好的时间段,因为此时身体状态较好,时间相对充足,可以更好地进行全面的训练。







早上和晚上\n 因为早上锻炼可以加速人体新陈代谢,提高身体的代谢率,这样在整天的生活中可以消耗更多的热量。晚上锻炼则可以帮助人们缓解一天的压力,放松身心,同时晚上锻炼也不会对上班或学习时间产生影响。\n 然而,锻炼的时间也要根据自己的生活习惯和身体情况进行合理安排。如果在早上锻炼会觉得疲倦,或者在晚上锻炼会影响睡眠,那么还是选择其他时间段进行锻炼比较好。同时,在锻炼前一定要做好热身运动,避免运动受伤。





健身没有什么最好的时段,选自己有空的时候坚持锻炼就好。甚至可以不用去健身房的,有空的时候多动动,跳绳 慢跑 快走 都是极好的!有研究表明,每天集中一个小时的运动然后平时不动的,还不如服务员那种每天端盘子走来走去的低强度活动减脂效果好。









When is Duan Jian body best?

Fitness of left and right sides of dusk 5-8 dot is best, because of this time paragraph air is more appropriate, air contains oxygen the volume is higher, carbon dioxide content is compared again low.

Besides, also be people in moment of first-rate of condition of system of a day of go-between, after taking exercise, can alleviate mental pressure reduces fatigue conduce Morpheus.

When is fitness paragraph best?

The choice of gymnastical time because of the person different, basically depend on the body state of the individual's life and working arrangement and individual and habit. It is a few OK and referenced proposals below:

1. in the morning: A few people think in the morning is first-rate fitness time, because this moment body is in sober condition, metabolization rate is higher, conduce to combustion adipose. And the promotion that takes exercise to still can bring daylong vigor and psychosis to you in the morning.

2. midday: A few people like to be in fitness of noon break time, because of this time paragraph easier to them arrangement, still can help them ease pressure.

3. in the evening: The gymnastical time in the evening fits the person of those workaday business quite, they can go after come off work gym loosens body and mind, untangle exhaustion of a day.

Whenever, gymnastical key is to maintain last and the rule, choose a kind of time that suits oneself and way, hold on, ability harvests healthy body and favorable gymnastical result.

When is fitness of room of Duan Qujian body best?

Gym fitness is best time is

The time with general best campaign is in the morning at 8 o'clock - the time with experienced at 9 o'clock morning, afternoon at 15 o'clock - at 17 o'clock and in the evening at 19 o'clock - at 21 o'clock, these while movement can rise effectively exercise the effect. The optimal time that take exercise

Everyday gymnastical time when paragraph best?

Everyday gymnastical time is in the morning with the time in the evening paragraph better, it is in the morning above all, can breathe fresh air, strengthen take exercise to have profit to the body.

After eating dinner namely in the evening, lie between on half hours to undertake taking exercise, energy won't remain inside such body, make body get fat.

When does Duan Jian add muscle personally best?

1.Fitness increases the time with best flesh paragraph it is to be mixed in the morning in the evening. 2. Because right now the body is passed,in the morning is of one night rest, muscle and joint are in loosen condition, undertake exercising body of OK and effective activation, raise metabolization rate. Because right now the body had experienced activity of a day,night is, muscle has been activationed, make taking exercise stimulative muscle grows and can restore better. 3. In addition, mix in the morning the time in the evening paragraph opposite relatively bounteous, can enough time undertakes comprehensive fitness trains, include training of warm up, force and drawing to wait. In the meantime, take exercise to still can help promotion psychosis in the morning, the pressure that takes exercise to be able to alleviate one day in the evening and exhaustion. Anyhow, mix in the morning night is fitness increases the time with best flesh paragraph, because body position is right now better, time is relatively enough, can undertake comprehensive training better.

Body of which time Duan Jian is best in a day?

The answer that this problem neither one secures, because the body state of everybody and gymnastical goal are different, the time that had better choose to suit oneself so according to oneself circumstance paragraph. Generally speaking, duan Ke of the following time can suit fitness more:

In the morning: It is the body in the morning when metabolization is the most exuberant, also be the body the time of the most recipient motion paragraph. In the morning sunshine and air are fresher, can let a person feel cheerful and loosen.

Afternoon: Afternoon is the time with body slower metabolization paragraph, but also be the body the time of the most recipient motion paragraph. The sunshine afternoon and air are fresher also, can let a person feel cheerful and loosen.

In the evening: Night is the time with body slower metabolization paragraph, but also be the body the time of the most recipient motion paragraph. The lamplight in the evening and music also suit to undertake motion and force train having oxygen quite. Those who need an attention is, no matter choose fitness of travel of which time Duan Jin, should note moderate campaign, avoid excessive exhaustion and get hurt. In the meantime, the time that the body state that also wants him foundation and gymnastical target will come to choose to suit his paragraph.

When is Duan Jian body good?

Mix in the morning in the evening because \n takes exercise in the morning can quicken human body metabolism, raise the metabolization rate of the body, such is in all the day more quantity of heat can be used up in the life. Exercise a pressure that can help people alleviate one day in the evening, loosen body and mind, take exercise to also won't produce an effect to go to work or learning time in the evening at the same time. \n however, the time that take exercise also wants to have reasonable arrangement according to his habits and customs and body circumstance. If take exercise in the morning,can feel tired, perhaps exercise meeting influence Morpheus in the late evening, still be a choice so it is better that Duan Jin exercises other time all right. In the meantime, good warm-up must be done before take exercise, avoid motion to get hurt.

Why to go everyday did gym still gain flesh? After all which time Duan Jian reduces weight personally best?

Above all, what is what you must make clear Hunan gains flesh first. If be muscle, be no problem completely, long muscle can raise basal metabolis rate. The system that can survey oneself surrounds change, more intuitionistic.

Next, if you are long adipose, whether is that is about to be analysed those who eat carelessly quantity of heat is absorbed too much, this is controlled with respect to need. The sentence that reduce weight is light food! Delicate food! Go up the notices protein please complement of gym!

What training do you do in gym? If your purpose is to reduce fat, need tie-in when fitness exercise having oxygen, for instance ran machine canters 40 minutes to arrive one hour.

Fitness does not have the period of time with best what, it is good to when choosing oneself to be free, insist to take exercise. Need not use gym even, when be free, move more, skip canters to go quickly is wonderful! Research makes clear, the campaign that centers a hour everyday next at ordinary times immobile, still be inferior to a clerk the sort of it is good to carry low intensity activity to reduce fat effect everyday.

When has been Duan Jian compared personally?

Exercising optimal time is afternoon to this time before sleeping in the evening paragraph. Because all sorts of organs inside this moment human body and sarcous temperature are highest.

Additionally articulatory flexibility also is in best condition, in this time paragraph take exercise the meeting is very few can injure joint and muscle, produce the symptom such as muscle ache.

What constitution fitness is best?

The person of embryo constitution is in inside gymnastical respect has definite advantage. Above all, inside more muscle cell is had inside the human body of embryo constitution, this can make they win more combustion quantity of heat in motion having oxygen, achieve the result that reduce weight more easily thereby.

Next, the person of embryo constitution has stronger staying power inside, they can last in gymnastical process long activity, achieve better gymnastical result thereby.

Finally, the person of embryo constitution has rapidder metabolization rate inside, this can make they use up quantity of heat more easily, achieve the goal that reduce weight thereby. Anyhow, the person of embryo constitution is in inside gymnastical respect has definite advantage, but also should arrange proper gymnastical plan according to the constitutional circumstance of oneself, in order to achieve first-rate fitness result.

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