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1, the mobile phone date that remembers father mother well, home address.

These are the child is going up be about to remember well before nursery school, the child falls ill suddenly or go in case when losing can the family that contacts oneself for a short while.

2, do not talk with stranger.

The child's heart is pure, he does not know to there still is a kind of person to be called on the world " hellion " . Want to teach the child not to talk with stranger as a child so. Go to a park playing together with mom like the child, before perhaps can the person that does not know goes up, greet sb with the child, if the child not utter a sound or word when, mom must not scold the child not to know courtesy, because the child does not know him, it is very normal to do not greet sb, if mom just lets the child greet sb, be in later encounter this kind of situation, although you are not beside, the child also meets what greet sb with him, very dangerous!

3, abide by traffic regulation.

Present car is increasing, traffic accident is increasing also. So mom often also follows the child to mention in daily life " red light stops ' green light goes " , let the child know to abide by traffic importance. Be far from old freight car.

4, be far from water, fire, report

Floods and fires have no mercy for anybody, mom should teach the child to be far from extreme misery report. The child was full of curiosity to outside thing as a child, whats want to move move look, mom should give the child to pointing to these in the life about report, of fire, it is absolutely immobile, want to let the child know these things are very dangerous.

5, privacy place other people cannot be touched

Teach the place that enclothes to child vest, underpants not to let others touch as a child, include acquaintance, kin, teacher to wait cannot, once somebody is touched, want to tell father and mother instantly.

6, be far from a thermos flask

The thermos flask is the place that holds boiling water, when the child just learned to walk, must put the thermos flask to the place that the child is less than quite, the child is not sensible, like to be moved in disorder, this moment mom must point to a thermos flask with one's own hands, this thing is not active, can iron you.

7, fingernail cannot be cut too short

Some nursery school are afraid of to fight between the child, what trim the child's nail is very short, is the fingernail that you know the child cut very short get paronychia easily? Want to let the child know so, if the teacher gives the child to trim nail, do not let her cut too short.

8, polybag cannot be the first on

A lot of child plays game to like to be the first polybag on, cause darling very easily to choke so actually, so mom must let the child know, polybag cannot be worn toward the head.

9, desiccative cannot eat

Contain in a lot of food desiccative, the harm of desiccative is very big, the composition inside it can cause blindness. So mom should let the child know, desiccative cannot eat.

10, elevator is not a toy

Present elevator incident is increasing. Mom should tell the child elevator cannot oneself a person is taken, want to let adult playing a hand, where is the lash-up pushbutton that tells the child elevator, let the child know elevator is not a toy, cannot above running to play back and forth.

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