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火车宠物押运流程? 火车宠物托运需要的证件?英文双语对照


火车宠物押运流程? 火车宠物托运需要的证件?英文双语对照


托运步骤如下:1. 到出发地的火车站行包房查询去往目的地的火车是否有行李车,若有则记下火车车次;

2. 买好第一步查询到的有行李车的火车票;

3. 到当地动物医院办理宠物免疫证明,如果已经有了,此步跳过;

4. 拿上动物免疫证明到当地的动物卫生防疫站办理检疫证明和消毒证明,这两个证明有效期都比较短,建议在乘车前一两天去办理;

5. 出发当天,带上免疫、检疫、消毒证明及车票,到车站行包房办理托运手续;因办理托运可能耽误时间,建议至少在开车前两小时到达车站,以免误车;

6. 以上手续全部办理完,就可以候车了,宠物由车站工作人员送上车,当然宠物是在行李车,不可以和你本人在一起。到站后凭托运证明到到站的行包房领走宠物即可。


















1、疫苗费:20~50元 (图片 参配 口碑)







乘客可以带宠物乘坐火车去外地,但必须办理自押手续。 宠物不能和主人一起坐在座位上,相反, 主人还要和宠物一起待在行李车厢里。

在出发前,宠物主人应持在法定的防疫点注射疫苗后颁发的免疫证, 带着宠物到法定的动物检疫机构, 南京城区范围内可到位于七里街的南京市畜牧兽医站做健康检查, 检查合格后,可获得检疫证明。

对于笼具也需要做消毒处理, 并获得消毒证明。

获得防疫证明后,宠物主人可到火车站托运部门办理自押手续, 需要注意的是,这个证明的有效期最长只有7天,而且, 在宠物到达目的站的时候,这个证明仍应该在有效期内。


通过行李托运的方式携带宠物, 宠物所需的费用根据它的重量和火车的路程而定。 例如从南京到成都为每公斤4.7元。此外, 宠物主人必须要和宠物一同待在环境简陋的行李车厢里, 并要自己携带食物,给宠物喂食。 对于那些只能坐长途汽车回家的人来说, 长途汽车站对携带宠物上车有什么具体的规定呢?

记者从长途汽车总站了解到,对于能否带宠物上车, 车站方面并没有明确的规定,但由于车厢内并不宽敞, 一般情况下是不主张乘客携带宠物上车。

但如果对方一定要带宠物上车, 车站方面会要求宠物主人自行准备好笼子或者纸箱, 并放置在不影响其他乘客通行的地方。

此外,在路途中, 宠物主人也要保证宠物的各种行为不会对其他旅客产生影响。

但这样的情况只适用于京巴等小型犬,而对于中型犬、大型犬, 车站方面是坚决不允许其上车的



1.你先去火车站的咨询台问你的那趟列车有没有货箱,有才能带的。而且托运宠物,是必须要主人跟着一起走的哦。  火车对笼子的要求不是很高,买个普通的铁笼子就行了。我不知道,我那次买了个航空箱,虽然说也透气啊,但是在货箱里很闷热的,还是普通的笼子更透气,更敞亮些。  

2.托运宠物,需要两个手续,一个是免疫证明(打过预防针的证明),这个可以在社区的宠物医院叫他们帮忙开。其实对宠物医院没有特别的要求的,我的办理才用了10块。另一个,是检疫证明,这个需要火车站的检疫部门开。  在火车站附近都会有那种办理行李托运的快递公司,他们对这些业务很熟悉的,他们可以帮忙办理检疫证明,但是会收几十块钱的劳务费。我家泰迪,办那个检疫证明,收了我90。  你要是不怕麻烦,也可以自己去办检疫证明,是在火车站货运的哪里办我不知道。你去问那些快递公司的人,他们会告诉你的。  那个检疫证明是3天之内有效,所以,你得先买了票,再提前3天去办。  


4.货箱一般都在火车的头部或者尾部,你可以久不久去看它,喂它东西的。我上次是坐票,要穿过卧铺,人家没给我过去,我找到车长说了才让我过去的。  想到的就这些了,想起来其他的再给你补充。































One, flow of train pet escort in transportation?

Consign measure to be as follows: 1. Whether inquiry has luggage barrow toward the train of destination to the room of railway station luggage of ground setting out, if have,note next train number;

2.The has luggage barrow train ticket that the first pace inquires try to win sb's favor;

3.Deal with pet immunity to prove to local animal hospital, if had had, this pace has jumped;

4.The animal sanitation and antiepideic station that takes animal immunity to prove place deals with quarantine proof and alexipharmic proof, period of efficacy of these two prooves is shorter, the proposal is dealt with in before taking a car 9 days;

5.Set out that day, the immunity on the belt, quarantine, disinfection proves to reach ticket, deal with to station luggage room consign formalities; Consign a likelihood because of dealing with lose time, the proposal reachs a station in before driving two hours at least, lest by accident car;

6.Above formalities is dealt with entirely, can wait, pet serves a car by station staff member, of course pet is be expert at Li Che, can not be together with you yourself. Get pet by the luggage room that consigns a proof to arrive to the station to station hind can.

2, the certificate that train pet consigns need?

Train animal consigns the certificate of need, shift to an earlier date one day to take pet to arrive veterinary station, animal quarantine station goes affix one's seal, open an alexipharmic proof, still have should install inside basket, shift to an earlier date 9 days to take oneself pet and epidemic prevention testimony, the veterinary station near goes doing a check-up, treat pet healthy, let a doctor open a healthy proof next, with this healthy proof changes a pet to leave the country quarantine proof, this proof period of efficacy is the longest have 7 days only, and when pet reachs destination, this proof should be valid

3, take train pet to consign a strategy?


1, proof of conduction pet immunity

The pet that proves you namely is safe, it is healthy proof. When going to pet hospital commonly, can open such proof, if do not have, can spend low case to go the pet shop seek of accessory a piece. Next, you need to go to the place that animal quarantine serves dealing with the proof of the proof that install check and disinfection.

2, pet had better not take food inside a few hours before go out

Because some pet take a car rarely, after taking a car so, may have some incommensurate. If had taken food much, very incidental vomiting. Period of time suits after can waiting for the car on dog dog so, next master again oneself were fed to them in the past feed.

Want to make sure railroad car has better ventilated sex, because dog dog is to be put in goods railroad car, itself thing is so more, had better not decorate basket accordingly too too airtight, assure good ventilated sex. May let dog dog appear otherwise unwell.

4, is train pet consigned how does conduction flow reach charge?

The train consigns pet flow:

1, ahead of schedule 1~2 week is taking pet to make vaccine, can obtain evidence of pet epidemic prevention next. Had had epidemic prevention card and did not expire need not hit again.

2, the card of pet epidemic prevention that has handled on 9 days of belts ahead of schedule and pet arrive veterinary station, give pet check-up, obtain its healthy evidence thereby, the pet health evidence that repass obtains exchanges the quarantine proof of pet.

3, it is OK to give profession day to taking pet quarantine card and pet to arrive deal with consigned window to do pet to consign formalities -- fill odd, pet to say to weigh, pay fee.

4, after ticket of check of train pull in, enter goods railroad car together with pet, put away pet, can return him railroad car then.

5, the train arrives after the station, get off, the sheet of pick up the goods that when consigning formalities, keeps is dealt with to receive pet on the belt. The need when receiving pet notices the reaction of pet, if pet has unwell reaction, the proposal takes pet to go to a hospital immediately.

The train consigns pet charge:

1, vaccinal cost: 20~50 yuan (picture ginseng matchs public praise)

2, bale cost: Big in little container bales cost parts corresponding 7 yuan, 4 yuan mix 3 yuan; Add additionally bale take charge, 1 yuan one, at least 3.

3, consign cost: Basket + the weight of pet, 1 kilogram 0.5 yuan reach 2 yuan, specific will in order to consign a distance decide.

4, support value cost: 5% of statement price, can not want.

5, is Shanghai train pet consigned want house property proof?

Do not need, need your Id information nevertheless

6, the formalities that where Guangzhou train pet consigns to do place to need?

The passenger can take pet to take the train to go other place, but must deal with from detain formalities. Pet cannot sit on the seat together with host, contrary, host is waited for together with pet even in baggage car.

Before set out, pet host should hold the immune card that issues after legal epidemic prevention nods inject vaccine, taking pet to arrive orgnaization of legal animal quarantine, the veterinary station of Nanjing city pasturage at 7 lis of streets can reach the designated position to do checkup inside limits of Nanjing the city zone, after the examination is eligible, can obtain quarantine proof.

To basket also need to do alexipharmic processing, obtain alexipharmic proof.

After obtaining epidemic prevention to prove, pet host can consign a branch to deal with to the railway station from detain formalities, those who need an attention is, the period of efficacy of this proof is the longest have 7 days only, and, when pet arrives at a purpose to stand, this proof still should be inside period of efficacy.

In before train actuate two hours, the luggage that carries pet the railway station consigns place scale can.

The means that consigns through baggage carries pet, the cost that pet place requires is decided according to the distance of its weight and train. It is every kilograms to Chengdu from Nanjing for example 4. 7 yuan. In addition, pet host must want and pet is waited for together in the baggage car with pallet environment, want oneself to carry food, feed to pet feed. Can sit only to those for the person that long-distance car comes home, the provision with specific what does long-distance station have to carrying the car on pet?

The reporter understands from long-distance car terminal, to whether take the car on pet, station respect does not have specific provision, but as a result of railroad car inside not capacious, it is not to advocate the passenger carries the car on pet usually.

But if the other side must take the car on pet, station respect can ask pet host prepares basket by oneself or paper box, place the place that affecting other passenger to pass through.

In addition, in journey, all sorts of action that pet host also wants to assure pet won't produce an effect to other fare.

But such circumstance applies to Beijing only cling to wait for small-sized dog, and to medium-sized dog, large dog, station respect does not permit the vehicle on its stoutly

7, what is Harbin train pet consigns specific flow? Need what to card handle?

When I just put summer vacation, ability took my home Tai Di to come home. Specific flow is as follows:   

You go to 1. first that time of train that the advisory stage of the railway station asks you has packing box, ability is taken. And consign pet, be to must want what host goes together accordingly. The train is not very tall to the requirement of basket, bought a common iron a large box or chest to go. I do not know, I bought an aviation box that, although say,also breathe freely, but very fuggy in packing box, common still basket more breathe freely, more clear some.   

2. consigns pet, need two procedure, one is immune proof (the proof that has called precautionary needle) , this can call them to help in the pet hospital of community. Do not have special requirement to pet hospital actually, my conduction ability used 10. Another, it is quarantine proof, this quarantine branch that needs a railway station leaves. In the railway station around metropolis has the express company that the sort of conduction baggage consigns, they are very familiar to these business, they can help conduction quarantine proof, but the service fee that can receive a few fund. My home Tai Di, do that quarantine proof, received me 90. If you take trouble, OK also oneself go doing quarantine proof, it is to be in the where of railway station freight to do me not to know. You go asking those express the person of the company, they can tell you. That quarantine proof is 3 days in effective, so, you preemptive ticket, shift to an earlier date 3 days to do again.   

3. formalities does appropriate later, you must shift to an earlier date that day 1, the appearance of 2 hours has to reach a railway station. Consign the arrangement of the member that the railway station labour such as place is an upright person to that. I need not check ticket, the goods passage that follows dog dog to go all the way goes in, waited for it to install packing box I just board the train.   

4. packing box is in commonly the head of the train or rear, you are OK long go seeing it, feed its thing. I am to sit last ticket, want to cross sleeper, the someone did not go to me, I find a car to grow those who said to just let me go. Think of with respect to these, think other complement to you again.

8, can the train take pet?

Cannot carry pet by train, can deal with to pet only consign formalities.

If the passenger is carried pet is centipede or the beast of prey such as the snake, these cannot be carried take the train. When conduction pet is consigned, weight can not exceed 20 kilograms, and return need to ensure the train lists the start of the car and terminus, both between have enlightened consign a service.

9, does the train consign pet?

Consign: Deal with to the station carry, the person bestows favor on departure.

Escort in transportation: Follow the luggage barrow on pet, hospital nurse by oneself.

Carriage distance does not need those who feed to feed in 200 kilometers less than, midway, can not deal with escort in transportation. If need escort in transportation to buy ticket ahead of schedule please, deal with formalities of escort in transportation by ticket.

How is pet consigned / escort in transportation?

The 1st pace: Say to weigh to pet

Weight of dog of feline cat dog is less than 20 kilogram ability to deal with;

The 2nd pace: Ensure whether open luggage service

Call 12306 seek advice set out, reach a city whether open luggage carries business;

The 3rd pace: Qualification of conduction animal quarantine proves

Carry the certificate such as card of pet immunity proof, mastership, take pet to go qualification of quarantine of conduction animal of branch of animal sanitation quarantine proves;

The 4th pace: Shipping container of provide for oneself

Prepare ahead of schedule ventilated breathe freely, strong and firm container: The lock shuts device, watering trough, bottom has the gasket that prevents leakage of animal excrement and urine, cannot be paper box.

The 5th pace: Deal with formalities to the station

To the station by the car conduction pet was consigned that day / formalities of escort in transportation.

Before escort in transportation needs to drive in train at least 2 hours deal with formalities to the station. If what multiply train to was not made up,hang luggage barrow, can seek advice from the number with station luggage equal room.

How to get pet to station hind?

Escort in transportation or arrive at with the car with pet, after getting off, to luggage the room gets pet.

If pet is consigned alone, should according to train schedule arrival time, get to station luggage room. When meeting train running behind scheduled time, can ask station staff.

10, is pet train consigned?

When conduction train pet is consigned, need goes dealing with animal quarantine proof, still need to carry corresponding container to install it.

1, the animal quarantine proof that railroad consigns pet to must what railroad branch approbates move plant quarantine unit to leave, basically be the animal quarantine proof that offers branch of quarantine of sanitation of prefectural class above to issue, after agreeing via railroad branch next, conduction pet consigns formalities.

2, the iron that pet should carry with passenger oneself pledges container has been installed, requirement basket is structure of reinforcing steel bar, there should be the tray that fills excrement and urine below chassis, perhaps use gunny-bag or the cushion that cotton makes is bound below chassis, the purpose pollutes other goods to do not make relieve oneself is divulged, the two side of basket need what to use when extraction climb a hand (can make) with lead wire, the mouth of basket gives need galvanized wire to plunge into close.

3, in before train actuate two hours, the luggage that carries pet the railway station consigns place scale can. The means that consigns through baggage carries pet, the cost that pet place requires is decided according to the distance of its weight and train.

4, set out that day, it is OK that the place that the car of relevant proof reduce internal heat that before be being taken, has handled consigns deals with formalities, had better go to a railway station for some time ahead of schedule, bring the solid food of good pet, water is waited a moment.

5, the train arrives after the station, the member that accompany a person is mixed by proof of pick up the goods after half hours Id can deal with formalities of pick up the goods
