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第一条 车辆应遵循《汽车维护、检测、诊断技术规范》,GBT18344/2001,和《机动车运行安全技术条件》,GB7258/2012,的规定,按“保养为主,修理为辅”的原则进行车辆的维护保养,以降低设备故障率, 延长设备的使用寿命。

第二条 根据车辆的使用环境、使用周期及维护保养要求,车辆需进行日常维护、一级维护、二级维护与换季保养。在进行检维修保养作业时,应按规定进行上锁挂签。保养完成后应运转、检查车辆的性能,保持最佳的技术状态。

第三条 在用车辆每天应运转一次,运转时间不少于30分钟。

第四条 建立健全车辆的终身技术档案,及时填写“车辆运转记录” 、“驾驶员自检保养记录” 和“汽车技术档案”,车辆二级维护、大修和重要的修理作业内容应在“汽车技术档案”中记录详细并存档。

第二章 车辆完好检验基本技术要求

第五条 漏水检查


第六条 漏油检查


第七条 车辆外观



第八条 发动机


第九条 转向系

9.1 方向盘应转动灵活,操纵方便,无卡滞现象。



第十条 制动系



10.3气压制动,在气压升至600KPa且不使用制动的情况下,停止空气压缩机工作3min后,其气压的降低值应小于等于10KPa, 在气压为600KPa的情况下,停止空气压缩机工作,将制动踏板踩到底,待气压稳定后观察3min,其气压的降低值应小于等于20KPa。





第十一条 照明、信号装置和其它电气设备



第十二条 行驶系







第十三条 传动系




第三章 车辆维护保养规定

第十四条 日常维护,以清洁、补给和安全检视为中心,由驾驶员负责执行的车辆维护作业。维护周期为出车前、行车中和每次返回基地后一日内,收车后,,维护内容如下。





第十五条 一级维护,除日常维护作业外,以清洁、润滑、紧固为作业中心内容,并检查有关制度、操纵等安全部件,由驾驶员负责,必要时由维修企业负责执行的车辆维护作业。维护周期为车辆每行驶600公里,或台上设备运行50小时,或执行任务回基地后,维护内容见表1。

表1 一级维护作业内容

序号 项 目 作 业 内 容 技 术 要 求 1 点火系 检查、调整 工作正常

各滤芯应清洁无破损,上下发动机空气滤清器、空压机空气衬垫无残缺,密封良好;滤滤清器、曲轴箱通风系空气滤清2 清洁或更换 清器应清洁,燃油箱与油水器、机油滤清器、油水分离器和分离器无水或沉淀物,安装燃油滤清器 牢固 3 曲轴箱油面、冷却液液面 检查 符合规定

曲轴箱等各部通风装置、三元催4 外观检查 齐全、无损坏 化转化装置


垫、水泵、空压机、进排气歧管、各连接部位螺栓、螺母应紧5 输油泵、喷油泵连接螺栓、进气检查校紧 固,锁销、垫圈及胶垫应完



检查皮带磨损、老化程度,6 空压机、发电机、空调机皮带 符合规定 调整皮带松紧度。



直拉杆、球头销、转向节等7 转向器 符合规定 部位。检查紧固转向传动机



检查调整离合器,润滑分离操纵机构应灵敏可靠;踏板8 离合器 拨叉轴。 自由行程应符合规定

检查变速器、差速器液面及9 变速器、差速器、传动轴 符合规定 密封状况,润滑传动轴万向




检查紧固各制动管路、制动制动管路接头应不漏气,液分泵、制动总泵、分配阀,压管路应不漏油,支架螺栓检查调整制动踏板自由行紧固可靠,防尘胶套完好。10 制动系 程、制动器间隙;润滑踏板制动联动机构应灵敏可靠,销轴、制动凸轮轴轴承、制储气筒无积水、制动踏板自动调节臂;检查制动液油平由行程符合规定。 面、油质。

检查、紧固各部螺丝,润滑各部螺栓及拖钩、挂钩应紧11 车架、车身及各附件 车门铰销和驾驶室翻转机固可靠,无裂损,无窜动,

构 齐全有效


轮胎气压(包括备胎),并变形;轮胎气压应符合规12 轮胎 视情况补气;检查轮毂轴承定,气门嘴帽齐全;轮轴承


划伤情况;检查左右轴距 深度、轴距差符合使用规定



无断片、裂纹、漏油、漏气、13 悬架机构 无损坏、连接可靠




定,通气孔畅通,电桩夹头14 蓄电池、控制单元 检查 清洁、牢固;控制单元插接

件连接牢靠。 15 灯光、仪表、信号装置 检查 齐全有效,安装牢固 16 全车润滑点 润滑 各润滑安装正确,齐全有效

全车不漏油、不漏水、不漏17 全车 检查 气、不漏电、不漏尘,各种



第十六条 二级维护,除一级维护作业外,以检查、调整转向节、


第十七条 车辆换季保养

17.1 检查冷启动及发动机加热辅助设备。

17.2 检查发动机、变速箱前中后桥等润滑油油质和油量,并注意其粘度级别适合冬、夏季节使用。


17.4 车辆油品质量监控,定期对油水取样化验,作到按质换油。


The first car should be abided by " vehicle maintenance, detect, diagnostic technology standard " , GBT18344/2001, and " motor vehicle runs safe technology condition " , GB7258/2012, regulation, by " maintain give priority to, repair for complementary " the care and maintenance that the principle has car, in order to lower equipment fault rate, prolong the service life of equipment.

The 2nd use environment according to car, use cycle and care and maintenance ask, car needs to undertake be maintenanced daily, one class is safeguarded, 2 class are safeguarded maintain with change garments according to the season. Having check when maintenance works, answer to undertake by the regulation lock hangs an autograph. Maintain the function that car of movement, examination answers after finishing, hold first-rate technology position.

The 3rd is using car to should run everyday, locomotive time not less than 30 minutes.

The 4th establishs the lifelong technology record of perfect car, fill in in time " traffic movement is recorded " , " driver self check maintains record " and " car technology archives " , 2 class safeguard car, heavy repair and repair exercise content importantly to should be in " car technology archives " in the record files in detail.

Vehicle of the 2nd chapter is whole examine basic technology requirement

The 5th slack examination

In engine movement is reached when jockeying, lid of radiator, water pump, cylinder body, crock, heater and all join place all must not have apparent leakage appearance.

Oil of the 6th leakage is checked

Successive travel is apart from motor vehicle to not be less than 10Km, jockey the observation after 5min, must not have apparent leakage appearance.

Exterior of the 7th car

7.1 car exterior should neat, each component should in good condition, link is firm, without be short of caustic.

7.2 bodywork Ying Zhouzheng, difference of height of place of semmetry of left and right sides of the predestined relationship outside bodywork should is less than be equal to 40mm.

The 8th engine

Engine should dynamical performance is good, movement is smooth, idle fast stability, as good as is noisy, engine oil pressure and temperature are normal, the good performance that start.

The 9th turns to a department

9.1 steering wheel should turn agile, operate convenient, without phenomenon blocking sluggish.

9.2 car are in evenness, hard fact, dry sideslip does not answer when the cement with cleanness or travel of bitumen road surface, its steering wheel is not due sense of shimmy, logic is ineffective or other and unusual appearance.

9.3 turn to section and arm, turn to horizontal, straight pull rod and ball to sell must not have crackle and loss, and turn to a ball sell not Ying Songkuang. When undertaking change one's costume or dress and be repairinged to car, horizontal straight pull rod must not spell solder.

The 10th braking system

Apply the brake of 10.1 hydraulic pressure, pipeline of apply the brake should be not put in leakage, outside including, leak and inside leak, phenomenon. When maintaining footplate force to achieve 1min for 700N, footplate must not have slow and forward mobile appearance.

Apply the brake of drive a vehicle of 10.2 hydraulic pressure is in when achieving efficiency of formulary apply the brake, 3/4 what footplate journey should is less than or be equal to footplate total travel, and by be less than 120mm with the car, other car is less than 150mm.

10.3 gas suppress is moved, rise in atmospheric pressure to 600KPa and below the case that does not use apply the brake, after stopping 3min of air compressor job, its reduce a value baricly to should be less than be equal to 10KPa, below the circumstance that is 600KPa in atmospheric pressure, stop air compressor to work, step on footplate of apply the brake after all, wait for 3min of the observation after baric stability, its reduce a value baricly to should be less than be equal to 20KPa.

10.4 engine fall in the rated rotate speed of 75% , the demonstrative atmospheric pressure of the barometer inside 4min should come from 0 litres start baric.

Note, start atmospheric pressure is the car that shows car makes manufacturer indicate, after starting, it is normal to can be satisfied, apply the brake, the smallest receiver that the job asks is the smallest pressure.

10.5 air braking system should hold buy and grease depart unit of voltage limiting.

The capacity of 10.6 receiver should assure to be below the highest pressure of setting of pressure regulator valve, and continueing to aerate below the circumstance, car is after the total travel apply the brake that walks 5 times after all continuously, baric not under start baric.

Eleventh illume, pilot device and other are electric equipment

11.1 lamps and lanterns should be installed in good condition and firm, effective.

11.2 must not install keep out the device of exterior illume and pilot device transparent surface, must not undertake change one's costume or dress and be addinged installing to exterior illume and pilot device.

Dozenth a travel department

The tire norms on 12.1 same axes and decorative pattern should identical, tire norms should be accorded with truckload of the manufactory leave factory regulation.

Instrument truck of car of 12.2 special operation, project, by should install with the car with meridian tire.

12.3 should be more than by deepness of the decorative pattern on crown of the tire that use a car be equal to 1.6mm, other motor vehicle turns to deepness of round of the decorative pattern on tire crown to should be more than be equal to 3.2mm, deepness of the decorative pattern on crown of the others tire should is more than be equal to 1.6mm.

The tread of 12.4 tire and embryo must not have length to exceed 25mm on the wall or deepness enough reveals the crack that gives tire ply and cut.

12.5 tyre pressure should accord with this tire to bear the atmospheric pressure that provides when bear.

12.6 wheels nut and axle shaft nut should be over orderly complete, should press screw of formulary moment of force, originally closely every week at least.

Thirteenth transmission is

13.1 clutch, should joint is smooth, detached and complete, do not answer when the job discrepant noisy, shake and skid out of order phenomenon, free travel should ask to agree with this model technology.

13.2 transmission shaft, adjustable spline, over- the bridge is propped up and gimbal is flawless He Songkuang phenomenon, link is firm, catenary of transmission shaft protection is in good condition.

Bridge of 13.4 gear-box, transfer case, around is poor fast implement without be out of shape, crackle and leakage oil

Care and maintenance of car of the 3rd chapter sets

The 14th is safeguarded daily, count a center with clean, supply and safe check, the car that is in charge of carrying out by the driver maintains operation. Before safeguarding cycle to be dispatch a vehicle, drive a vehicle is counteracted after returning base every time inside a day, after stopping a car, , safeguard content to be as follows.

Each place such as sedan of batholith of 14.1 pairs of car, car, engine undertakes comprehensive cleanness, hold appearance of vehicle neat,

14.2 departmental to the car lube, fat, , all sorts of fluid of fuel, cooling fluid, brake, job medium, tyre pressure has postmortem supply,

Apply the brake of 14.3 pairs of cars, change direction, the safe place such as transmission, pensile, lamplight, signal and position and engine movement condition undertake postmortem and school are tightened, ensure drive a vehicle is safe.


The 15th one class is safeguarded, divide outside maintaining operation daily, it is work center content with clean, lubricant, close solid, examine concerned system, operate wait for safe component, be in charge of by the driver, the car that is in charge of carrying out by maintenance business when necessary maintains operation. Safeguard cycle to be car every travel 600 kilometers, or the equipment on the stage moves 50 hours, or after executive task answers base, safeguard content to see a table 1.

Express 1 one class to safeguard exercise content

It is normal that technology of content of exercise of serial number project asks fire fastened full employment of examination, attune at 1 o'clock

Ying Qingjie of each filter core does not have damaged, gasket of air of machine of filter of fluctuation engine air, pneumatics is not had misshapen, filter of sealed and good; , crankcase is ventilated department air filter is clear 2 cleanness or change clear implement Ying Qingjie, fuel box and grease implement, anhydrous or segregator of engine oil filter, grease and segregator are sedimentary, installation fuel filter is firm examinations of 3 face of crankcase fat face, cooling fluid fluid accord with a regulation

The departmental drafting apparatus such as crankcase, 3 yuan urge 4 visual examination all ready, nondestructive is bad change change unit

Around of case of radiator, oily base, engine is raised

Machine of mat, water pump, pneumatics, should tighten pump of 5 fuel feed pump, fuel injection into bolt of place of exhaust manifold, each join, nut officer of the join bolt, inspection that take energy of life originallies closely, the lock is sold, washerbed down the livestock and rubber mat should be over

System of conduit, supercharger, exhaust, fuel is very effective


Examination leather belt wears away, ageing degree, leather belt of 6 pneumatics machine, dynamo, air-conditioner accords with a regulation to adjust leather belt degree of tightness to spend.

Examine face of steering gear fluid and sealed record

Besides, lubricant gimbal cross axle, horizontal

Head of straight pull rod, ball is sold, turn to the 7 steering gear such as the section to accord with formulary place. The examination tightens solid to turn to transmission engine

Compose screw of each place join. The examination turns

Whether to have abnormal knocking to the system.

The examination adjusts clutch, ying Lingmin of lubricant and separate clutch operation is reliable 8 clutch dial; footplate forked axis. Free travel should accord with a regulation

Examination transmission, poor fast implement fluid face reachs 9 transmission, difference fast implement, transmission shaft accords with a regulation sealed state, lubricant transmission shaft is versatile

Section cross axle, intermediate bearing, school is close

Departmental join bolt and transmission shaft are protected

Protect catenary, cleanness connects vent plug each.

The examination originallies closely connect of pipeline of pipeline of each apply the brake, apply the brake of apply the brake should not flat, total pump of fluid cent pump, apply the brake, allocate a powerful person, press pipeline to should not leak oily, bracket bolt examination adjusts freedom of footplate of apply the brake to tighten solid all right reliable, dustproof glue is covered in good condition. Ying Lingmin of orgnaization of linkage of apply the brake of lubricant footplate of; of clearance of 10 braking system Cheng, brake is reliable, bearing of camshaft of bearing pin, apply the brake, make receiver do not have footplate of seeper, apply the brake oil of fluid of brake of examination of self-regulating arm; is smooth accord with a regulation by the journey. Face, oleaginous.

Examination, close solid is departmental screw, lubricant and departmental bolt and towing hook, link up with should tighten 11 frame, automobile body and bore with a reamer of each accessory door to sell turn over a favourable turn with cab solid is reliable, without crack caustic, move without change,

Compose is all ready and effective

Examination rim and rim of examination of; of layering back-up ring and layering back-up ring should be not had crack caustic,

Tyre pressure (include spare wheel) , be out of shape; tyre pressure should be accorded with compasses 12 tire inspect; of circumstance filling gas to check hub bearing to decide, spiracle mouth cap is all ready; annulus bearing

Deepness of decorative pattern of tire of clearance; examination and clearance do not have decorative pattern of tire of; of apparent Song Kuang

Cut circumstance; checks difference of deepness of or so wheelbase, wheelbase to accord with use regulation

Check bedspring of armor plate, air, gasbag,

The place such as barrel type vibrating absorber, torsional lever

Do not have attaint, join without orgnaization of oil of fractional, crackle, leakage, flat, 13 suspension reliable

Be out of shape and damage damage, school is close departmental join

Bolt, lubricant hanger is sold

Height of electrolyte fluid face should be accorded with compasses

Calm, blowhole is expedite, cleanness of examination of unit of 14 accumulator, control, firm; controls electric stake collet unit is inserted receive

Link firm. Examination of 15 lamplight, appearance, pilot device is all ready and effective, installation is firm 16 whole vehicles are bit more lubricant lubricate each installation is correct, all ready and effective

Whole vehicle does not leak not oily, slack, do not leak gas of examination of 17 whole vehicles, not leakage of electricity, do not leak dirt, all sorts of

Dustproof cover is all ready and effective

Note: ? Is ā of blind Suo of  of amine of copy of instrument of steel of exhaust of border ascend  our mound does  delicacy guide instrument of comfortable gown cover flinchs ā of Suo of discharge to bring up?

The 16th 2 class are safeguarded, outside maintaining operation except one class, in order to check, adjust turn to a section,

Change rocker, apply the brake to hoof piece, the course such as suspension is certain of time use wear away easily or metabolic safety component is given priority to, tear open check tire, undertake tire conversion, the examination adjusts engine operating mode and exhaust pollution control equipment to wait, the car that by maintenance the enterprise is in charge of carrying out maintains operation. Safeguard cycle to be car kilometer of every travel 12000-15000, or the equipment on the stage runs 500-600 hour, , safeguard content to press " vehicle maintenance, detect, diagnostic technology standard " , GBT18344/2001, the regulation is carried out. 2 class safeguard car finishing hind, you Chengxiu just opens car 2 class uphold certificate of approval, send Xiu Fangcun archives for future reference.

Change garments according to the season of the seventeenth car maintains

17.1 examinations cold start-up and engine heat auxiliary equipment.

Before 17.2 examinations engine, gear-box in the lube such as rear is oleaginous measure with oil, notice its viscosity level suits festival of winter, summer to use.

17.3 change the antifreeze with appropriate freezing point.

17.4 car oil tastes quality monitoring, be opposite regularly grease sampling assay, make by simple oil change.
