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第三,对症治疗,有了心理压力到症状出现也不是一朝一夕的问题了,不过大家都很难发觉问题的严重性。学生本人也很难知道这些问题, 隐形杀手,一旦知道了,对症下药,是很快恢复健康的,方法很多,严重者寻求心理医生治疗,再寻求中医治疗,加强身体机能,加强体育运动锻炼,参加各种各样的群体活动。把长远的高大尚目标任务降低,积极做好每一天的任务,多与同学互动,主动联系老师沟通,多与家人分享心事,家人成员之间对学生的影响最大。望子成龙,盼女成凤,对学生压力山大,使学生走在精神崩溃的边缘,我们作为家长,要懂得自己的儿女心理变化,给于最有力的爱心,抱容心,理解心,引导儿女勇敢面对现实,同进退,少抱怨。多关怀,相信明天会更加美好。我觉得,心理健康应引起全社会的重视。






One, the question that interview mental health asks?

From the point of current condition, the psychological test in graduate student second-round exam basically involves 3 aspects: The evaluation of the concerned normal such as the affection that is pair of students, self-confident heart, character; 2 be to involve the dynamic aspect such as the mood; 3 it is the problem such as the psychogenic disorder that understands a student to whether be put in some respect.

For instance: Once the school has asked examinee such question in the second-round exam: "Whether had you had commit suicide idea " , " you are carried do not worry to faint in communal circumstance " , " when completing a work, are you to be willing to are you finished independently or be willing to be finished with person collaboration " " how do you evaluate yourself? " wait for the psychology with relatively modern nowadays to investigate a problem.

2, is summary student common mental health problem?

1, sensitive:

Teenage self-awareness is intense, proud requirement is pressing, and psychology bears capacity is small.

2, traitorous:

Because pupil is in,grow transfer period, its independence consciousness and self-awareness increase increasingly, pressing hope casts off the custody of the parent and teacher.

3, envious:

The advantage position that this is pair of other produces unpleasant feeling in the heart.

4, lose:

Pupil holds a lot of illusions, the hope turns into his reality, they can pay the pursuit with a variety of sedulous even effort.

5, self-abased:

Lack confidence to oneself, feel be inferior to a person in every respect, have the feeling of inferior to others.

6, alone:

Through investigating discovery some students often feel he are the boat of one leaf Gu on boundless and indistinct sea, disposition is dissocial, do not be willing to interact with the person.

3, how to handle mental health issue correctly?

Measure / means 1

If appear psychological problem, need looks for the psychological doctor that has experience to help to normal hospital solve, face psychological problem actively together, through the setback in the past experiencing in mentally, can come out oneself emotional drain, then OK and cognitive overcome psychological problem

Measure / means 2

Go to a hospital making an inspection: If psychological problem affects the body, medicaments can be used to treat below the doctor's guidance, can rise to alleviate quickly the mood is unwell, family is great at the same time company, can let a mood become more stable.

Measure / means 3

Ego adjustment: If appear,psychological problem can be mixed more family communication is communicated, also can do a few things that oneself like, ego psychology dredge, do not want kink a few things, can do a few recreational activities more, move more, perhaps read psychological book.

4, does rural cheeper mental health teach a problem?

Rural cheeper is called to stay behind children. The psychological problem of children staying behind has themselves to be experienced only. We should pay close attention to the psychological problem of children staying behind more, above all, grandfather grandma should give them regularly to tell about the father mother job outside and life, tell them, father mother loves them very much actually.

As father mom also should give the child to call more, know the child more, communicate with the child more, listen the child's think of a way more, help them solve a problem

5, how problem of mental health of child of scientific look upon?

The first, whether did the behavior that pays close attention to the child produce tremendous change. For instance, disposition is more optimistic, frisky before the child, become suddenly now tacit; The child likes to interact with the person before, do not come and go with the person gradually now... Peng Kai is smooth express, the change of such behavior, it is to be in actually we a signal: The child's body and mind and life produced the likelihood a few major change, need us to pay close attention to in time.

The 2nd, whether does attention child appear more serious Morpheus problem. For instance, often complain sleep to be not worn become aware, the spirit after getting up everyday is dejected.

The 3rd, whether does attention child appear more serious appetite change problem. For instance, often complain without appetite, do not want to have a meal, even weight also produced very big change.

The 4th, the mood that pays close attention to the child is stable. Peng Kai is smooth express, the parent is among the life is OK attention child whether often be angry, get angry, whether to produce intense conflict with the companion.

The 5th, whether does attention child have shrink back badly behavior. For instance, do not interact with the family member, disaccord people talks, niminy-piminy to the person beside.

6, does the cat get umbilical hernial problem?

Umbilical hernia is to show navel aperture closedown is not complete, because,be for the most part not good ill perhaps rational issue causes growth. Mother cat is pregnant from time to tome edible medicines is improper perhaps be in the mother's body not growth is good, because a few heredity ask the metropolis such as the problem,pose the problem of hernia of feline Mi hilum.

Also having one share is the umbilical cord after be born stays too shortly, internal pressure of umbilical infection, abdomen causes umbilical aperture enlarge too high to wait for a reason greatly, make abdominal cavity splanchnic take off a person hypodermic and formation colic.

7, how the mental health problem of child of scientific look upon?

The child's mental health is the important facet of their growing development, because this parent and society should take mental health problem of the child seriously highly. It is the proposal of problem of mental health of child of a few scientific look upon below:

The change that realizes child mood and deed is normal: The child's mood and behavior are met produce change as the change of the age and experience, this is normal. The parent should pay close attention to the child's mood and behavior change, but need not worry too or excessive intervention.

Build active domestic environment: Domestic environment is crucial to the child's mental health. The parent should create an active domestic environment, the domestic atmosphere that includes to provide security, proper attention and care, and reasonable expectation and pressure.

Encourage the child to convey affection and demand: The child needs to a safe channel will convey his affection and demand, this conduces to them building self-awareness and affection adjustment capacity. The parent should encourage the child to convey his affection and demand, understand as far as possible and satisfy the child's requirement.

Inchoate interpose and cure: Mental health problem of the child needs seasonable interpose and treatment. If the child appeared the symptom such as problem of affection obstacle, behavior or psychological disease, the parent should seek professional help in time, be like psychological doctor or children psychology expert.

Avoid negative effect: Mental health problem of the child may get negative effect, if pressure of domestic conflict, school, socialization is difficult,wait. The parent should avoid these negative effects as far as possible, help the child build the capacity that answers these questions.

Anyhow, need of mental health problem takes seriously of the parent and society highly and pay close attention to, need undertakes understand and intervening through scientific method. The parent should build an active domestic environment, encourage the child to convey affection and demand, inchoate interpose and the mental health problem that treat the child, avoid the measure such as negative effect, will protect the child's mental health.

8, the reason of problem of student mental health and countermeasure?

The reason of problem of student mental health has many sided, include school work pressure, human relation, tomorrow program, healthy wait for an element to cause an effect possibly to the student's mental health. To this, should adopt comprehensive measure to try to solve. Above all, the school should strengthen mental health education, let a student understand common psychological problem and its reason, offer corresponding psychology to seek advice from a service. In the meantime, the body that also should strengthen a student takes exercise and nutrient food, be beneficial to alleviate school work pressure and improvement mental health. Next, the student should take an active part in social activity, strengthen with classmate, family and friend communicate and communicate, can reduce psychological burden gentle to see psychological pressure. Finally, the student ought to answer difficulty actively, establish active up state of mind, with one one's heart endeavors, accomplish advance despite difficulties, Yong Yi and row, promote mental health the standard thereby.

9, how to solve problem of undergraduate mental health?

Mental health state of the undergraduate nots allow to ignore, present college school has special psychological assistant. Can seek a help, the first, because psychological pressure caused all sorts of symptoms,oneself have him student, be about to face it bravely, for instance insomnia, blue, anxious disease, depressed few is joyous, angst disease, do not have interest to what thing, was tired of, joy is not experienced, like to be in alone, to the group the life feels disgusted, the action is sluggish, unresponsive, the thing that him depression likes is waited a moment... . The person can have slight semiotic great majority, also not be what disease. The 2nd, if afore-mentioned symptoms are apparent, be about to seek an account, look for a counsellor to help, introduce oneself symptom in detail, yourself has the psychological pressure that dare not face the parent to be able to send word to family through psychological counsellor, time of bravely happy sound. Chat well with family. The parent must take this matter seriously, cooperate good counsellor actively to find reasonable countermeasure to help a student walk out of psychological shadow.

The 3rd, to disease cure, having psychological pressure to appear to the symptom also is not the problem of in one day, nevertheless everybody detects very hard the seriousness of the problem. Him student knows these problems very hard also, invisible killer, once knew, suit the remedy to the case, restore health very quickly, the method is very much, serious person seek psychological doctor treatment, seek a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to treat again, strengthen body function, strengthen athletic sports to take exercise, enter various group activities. Long-term lofty still goal assignment is reduced, had done job of each days actively, interact with the classmate more, active connection teacher is communicated, share worry with family more, the impact to the student is the biggest between family member. Hope children will have a bright future, long for female Cheng Feng, big to student pressure hill, make the student goes in the brim that spirit breaks down, we serve as the parent, the children psychology that should know oneself changes, give at the strongest love, hold look heart in the arms, understand a heart, guide children to face reality bravely, with advance and retreat, little complain. Much consideration, believe the meeting is more good tomorrow. I feel, mental health should cause the attention of whole society.

10, current situation of undergraduate mental health and problem?

Psychological problem of the undergraduate has a lot of, have basically the following so when:

1. mood is low, depressed, easy sullen. Some undergraduates are malcontent the environment at reality, the day of university and high school times is disparate, begin independent life, the meeting is a little at first incommensurate. Add lose control, the student that abstains power difference can feel aimless to mix motivation, accordingly the heart can feel special lose, the good university life that follows original imagination is disparate.

2. angst be agitated. The student that is about to graduate especially, should be faced with apply for a job, love gets along the problem that waits for each respect, because real pressure is too intense, cannot undertake handling inside short time, grow to fall for a long time formed not quite healthy psychology.

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