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森林环境多样性森林生物与环境之间、森林生物之间相互作用,并产生能量转换和物质循环的统一体系。可分为天然林生态系统和人工林生态系统。与陆地生态系统相比有以下特征: 生物种类丰富,层次结构较多,食物链较复杂,光合生产率较高,所以生物生产能力也较高。在陆地生态系统中具有调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙等方面的功能。[1]



1.生态:温度、湿度、光照的适宜。热带雨林- -般温度较高,年积温高于温带,更多的种子可以适宜,发芽。湿度也相对温带森林高。-般热带雨林处于赤道附近,日照时间充足。2.历史: 在冰川期热带森林受冰川影响较温带森林小,留下很多孑遗物种,同时热带雨林相对封闭,经过千万年的不断演替进化出许多新物种,所以生物多样性就高。


























中文名亚热带森林带外文名subtropical forest zone植被常绿阔叶林

英文:subtropical forest zone位于亚热带的沿海和近海地区。在亚欧大陆东岸,由于受季风影响,夏季高温多雨、冬季稍冷,天然植被以常绿阔叶林最为典型,北部含有较多的落叶树种,我国秦岭淮河以南、南岭以北的广大地区属于本带范围,乔木以壳斗科、樟科、竹林与针叶林(如马尾松、杉木林)为主;在亚欧大陆西岸受地中海气候影响,夏季炎热干燥,冬季温暖多雨,以橄榄、忍冬、冬青等硬木常绿林为代表;在北美大陆,亚热带森林分布在美国东南部与西部加利福尼亚沿海;在南半球,分布于澳大利亚的西南部与东南部、非洲南部以及南美西部的部分地区。


One, the diversity concept of silvan environment?

Silvan environment diversity is the biology community that gives priority to body with arbor (include plant, animal and microbial) reach its to be not biology environment (smooth, hot, water, gas, soil) the ecosystem that comprises integratedly. It is the natural zoology science that undertakes corporeal exchange, energy flows between biology and environment, biology and biology.

Between biology of forest of silvan environment diversity and environment, between silvan biology interaction, produce energy changeover and the unity that material circulates to fasten. Can divide for system of system of state of natural Lin Sheng and state of artificial Lin Sheng. With terrestrial ecosystem photograph comparing has the following feature: Biology sort is rich, hierarchy is more, food chain is more complex, smooth accrete yield is higher, biology productivity is so taller also. Shift is had in terrestrial ecosystem the fountainhead of section climate, self-restraint, function that maintains the respect such as sand of natural environment, windbreak solid. [1]

2, the characteristic of diversity of biology of Asian intertropical area?

Selva is located in selva climate area, hydro-thermal condition is good, plant sort is rich, biology diversity is so rich.

1. zoology: ? Dew takes ⑹  to take H of excuse me of room of neon of small cup of ⒐ arm spread however the temperature like  Gui? - is higher, year accumulate temperate zone of lukewarm prep above, more seeds are OK and appropriate, gemmiparous. Humidity is opposite also temperate zone forest is tall. - kind selva is in equator around, sunshine time is enough. 2. The history: forest of glacier period tropics suffers glacier to affect relatively temperate zone forest is small, leave hangover of a lot of lonely to plant, at the same time selva closes relatively, the ceaseless succession evolution that passes thousand all ages gives a lot of new species, biology diversity is so tall.

3, is the forest with colorful nature main content?

Beautiful beauty of the forest is in need not decorate, silvan sea Na Baichuan, countless birds sing for its, rotate of the four seasons is ineffable also gorgeous

4, is China's oldest tropical virgin forest?

Virgin forest of aiguille mountain tropics.

Aiguille mountain area still saved the tropical virgin forest with China is whole the largest area at present, the diversity of the integrality of its vegetation and biology species ranks countrywide front row, river of no less than Amazon, Congo reachs southeast Asia selva. Park forest is enclothed rate 96% , gu Mu is very tall, cirrus winds around, chan of brook water Chan, cloud and mist winds around, big hill of be in harmony, the sea, old forest at an organic whole.

Altitude of aiguille mountain the highest peak in a mountain range 1412 meters, altitude of forest zone lowest only 200 meters, the complex landform of more than 1000 meters tall difference, formed system of zoology of 7 kinds of plants, have dimension to run a plant 2800 a variety of, animal 4300 a variety of (contain insect) , be known as " the library of natural species gene of intertropical north Jin " .

5, park of China's biggest intertropical diamond forest?

Park of China's biggest tropical virgin forest is on the west park of virgin forest of tropics of double edition accept, on the west double edition accept, archaic Dai language is " Meng Balanaxi " , means " ideal and magical Elysian " , here is famed with magical selva nature landscape and minority amorous feelings.

On the west double edition accept virgin forest park, be located in river of dark blue of scene Hong Yidong, billows with north, 8 kilometers are in seat of the government office that be apart from a city, it is a virgin forest with entire the closest from Jing Hongcheng administrative division. This garden is in 25000 mus of intertropical channel found on the foundation of Gu Yu forest, the forest inside garden is enclothed rate more than 98% , be a natural big oxygen. There is channel cereal rain forest, peacock to flutter inside garden, folk-custom singing and dancing, cate, sprinkle water orgiastic wait for a project, be on the west one of tourist attractions of omnibus zoology travel with double edition the biggest offer. Wait for the fashionable life concept that is main element with natural, zoology, environmental protection, recreational, health, the nation that opens winter season year the season of rain forest culture of the common culture season, peacock culture season of spring, summer and the ethical dress season of autumn give reflect.

6, the composition home that copy writes a forest is nature?

bird is the musician of nature! They are wearing the dress of multicoloured. The concert began.

Azalea " cluck clucks... cluck clucks... " ground sings a song, birdie listened, also do not want to lag behind, then ground of birdie " chirping " also was sung.

An arrogant expression was on the cockerel arena, cockerel " " the ground also was sung. such, a lot of puppy sang wonderful singing.

7, the what that the forest is nature is compared sentence?

A large tree of a branch numerous Xie Mao inserts the sky continuously, stand firm like each the giant that defending a country.

Look downward in the plane, shiny green woods resembles green sea, wind has been blown, have green wave like extensive.

8, the reason that Hainan visits the treasure house of diversity of biology of the tropics that be called?

 Hainan is the treasury of diversity of our country biology and genetic resource, provide most in protection of Chinese biology diversity value and have latent capacity most, also have special place in global selva and biology diversity protection. As a result of special situation, hainan species is much

9, inferior the culture of park of forest of Long Wan tropics?

Inferior park of forest of heaven of dragon bay tropics covers an area of a face to accumulate 1506 hectare. Have here natural gigantic Buddha, have mind of the hill that be called by local farmer " bibcock stone " , have more piece into piece selva!

Inside the park fly booth of stone, Pan Long hole, a thousand li, flying Long Shi, be promoted stone, get rich garden of foot of stone of door of tree, dragon, celestial being, litchi, wear empty Suo Qiao, rain forest tens of office such as a plank road built along a cliff, empty Shan Ting are new.

In inferior the different height of park of forest of dragon bay tropics, different point of view will admire inferior Long Wan, it is the depth of field that has feeling of richer administrative levels, nearly green jade cultivates safflower, far have undulating hills; 2 it is to have broader and extensive view, go up one day Gao Yun is weak, there is field green mattress below, the place of look as far as one can has the sea and long day more monochromatic, true unrestrained and far -ranging, true " day Gao Rendiao flies, sea broadness is jumped by the fish " , let exclaim of your from the bottom of one's heart this is " the world the first seascape " . "Mountain of red glow of climb a hill, look down at inferior Long Wan, sea of China of look as far as one can, heart flying Pacific Ocean, annals all over the world! Annals all over the world!!

10, of world semi-tropical forest basically distributing area?

Semi-tropical forest is taken

Semi-tropical forest belt is located in semi-tropical mix littoral coastal waters area, vegetation is Chang Lukuo Xie Lin.

Semi-tropical forest bears Chinese name foreign language name Xie Lin of Chang Lukuo of vegetation of Subtropical Forest Zone

English: Subtropical Forest Zone is located in semi-tropical mix littoral coastal waters area. Be in Asia-Europe mainland east bank, because suffer monsoon effect, summertime high temperature rainy, winter is a bit cold, natural vegetation with Chang Lukuo Xie Lin is most typical, north contains more hardwood to plant, river of the Huaihe River of mountain of our country the Qin Dynasty with south, the vast area with north belongs to Na Ling to bring range originally, arboreal with cupule division, camphor tree division, Zhu Lin and needle Xie Lin (like masson pine, fir forest) give priority to; In Asia-Europe mainland the bank suffers Mediterranean climate effect on the west, the summer is burning hot and dry, winter warmth is rainy, with the hardwood such as Chinese olive, honeysuckle, Chinese ilex Chang Lulin is a delegate; Be in North America mainland, semi-tropical forest distributings in the southeast of the United States ministry and western the California is coastal; In the Southern Hemisphere, distributing south of the southwest ministry at Australia and southeast ministry, Africa and South America the partial area western.
