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幼儿生活常识? 幼儿园生活小常识?英文双语对照


幼儿生活常识? 幼儿园生活小常识?英文双语对照






1、预防中暑 夏天气温高,人体排汗较多,不能及时补入水分、盐分。


3、预防皮肤病 幼儿夏天常发生的皮肤病有痱子、疖子、脓疮,蚊虫叮咬皮肤引起感染等。










3.陌生人强迫带你走时大喊救命并赶快逃走。 4.不要去偏僻的被空置的空屋和僻静暗处。







1. 饮食习惯:幼儿时期是吸收养分的关键时期,应多食用新鲜水果、蔬菜、谷物等食品,少食用油炸食品、糖果等高热量食品,在每餐上要注意荤素搭配,注意保持饮食清淡、多样化。

2. 个人卫生:教育幼儿养成良好的个人卫生习惯,定期洗手、刷牙、洗澡,穿透气、舒适的衣服,经常更换贴身衣物和床单被褥,保持身体清洁。

3. 安全意识:培养幼儿的安全意识,教育孩子学习交通安全、室内安全、避免接触危险物品或危险场所。

4. 学习能力:建立健康的学习习惯,让孩子适当地接触到各种不同的学习资源,如书籍、音像资料、游戏、拼图等。

5. 社交能力:在幼儿园或者家庭中培养孩子良好的社交能力、团队合作能力和沟通能力,让孩子从小习得尊重他人、表达自己的能力。


















3~5岁的孩子 应该是上幼儿园的年龄 ,是 从小班往中班里转化的过渡期 ,这个年龄段的孩子 应该会干一些力所能及的 事情,自己会穿衣服 ,自己吃饭 ,也能自己大小便 ,但是孩子应该在父母的监护之下,做某一件事情 需要家长来提醒 ,甚至他自己的作业 他自己都会完成 ,幼儿园的老师会教孩子自己的事情自己做 。








Child life common sense?

About cheeper life common sense includes a lot of fields, like food, Morpheus, excrete, safety. For example, cheeper should dine on time, food wants balanced; Want to assure enough Morpheus time, assure healthy; Want to notice clean sanitation when excrete; Want to notice safety in the life, if be not climbed,climb electric equipment of not altitude, optional feeling to wait.

Little common sense of nursery school life?


Child life little common sense basically has:

1, precautionary heatstroke summer enrages Wen Gao, sweat of human body platoon is more, cannot fill in time moisture, salinity.

2, diarrhoea of prevention and cure, diarrhoea is the frequently-occurring disease of summertime cheeper, serious when, affect the alimentation of cheeper and health.

3, the skin disease that summer of precautionary dermatosis cheeper often produces has prickly heat, furuncle, abscess, mosquito bite skin causes infection to wait.

How to enhance the life common sense of cheeper?

Enhance the life common sense of cheeper, main can from proceed with of the following respects:

1. adult sets an example and explain: A lot of experience of life of cheeper come from bring up a person at theirs, at ordinary times the behavior manner that their can a lot of more beautiful time and energy observation raise a person, if want,enhance their life common sense so, bring up a person, accompany cheeper time to bring up a person at most especially, OK and special attention brings common sense of child learning life, had done set an example with explain;

2. practice: Carrying out a genuine knowledge is lasting truth, had seen adult set an example with after listening to adult to explain, cheeper often wants him to try, for example the child sees parents pours water, pull the land, wash the dress, also can undertake imitate and trying, and the angle that a lot of adults are in protective cheeper, often can want to do sth for sb, actually this moment just is the superexcellent opportunity that cheeper carries out, once the adult receives the message that means an attempt to cheeper, after evaluating security, ought to give cheeper adequately the chance of practice, in encouraging cheeper to participate in the time of daily life, come;

3. tries repeatedly: Anybody anything never can attend a meeting, need the attempt that experiences for many times, this is not had among them can avoid to be able to have failure, adult ought to timely give encourage, let cheeper have the idea that continues to try and opportunity, try repeatedly so, till the ability that wins some respect till them.

On put together, it is me to raising a few superficial view of child life common sense, offer reference, learn.

Does cheeper sow a newspaper to live is little common sense brief?

1. cannot go alone comfort station, by the bus, see a movie substandard gives an activity.

2. does not tell stranger the address in the home, telephone number.

When 3. stranger forces to take away you, cry to help and run away at once greatly. 4. Do not go devious by the empty house of empty buy and quiet shadow.

5. cannot accept the gift of stranger.

6. does not promise the request of stranger.

7. cannot enter the home of others alone.

It is breakneck that 8. meets the animal such as the dog, do not cause a dog to notice to yours, do not see it, leave slowly, do not run.

What does child life little common sense have?

It is little common sense of life of a few child below, the hope can help the parent and children live better:

1.Dietary habit: Cheeper period is the crucial period that absorbs nutrient, should much edible is fresh the food such as fruit, vegetable, cereal, the high fever such as food of little edible deepfry, candy measures food, want to notice element of meat or fish is tie-in on every eat, the attention maintains food delicate, diversification.

2.The individual is wholesome: Teach the individual sanitation with cheeper good nurturance to be used to, wash his hands regularly, brush one's teeth, bathe, penetrable gas, comfortable dress, often change underclothes content and sheet bedding, maintain body cleanness.

3.Safe consciousness: Foster the safe consciousness of cheeper, it is safety of liaison man of educational child learning, indoor safety, dangerous to avoid to contact article or man-trap.

4.Learn ability: Build healthy study to be used to, let the child appropriately bring into contact with all sorts of different study resource, if book, sound resembles data, game, spell a graph to wait.

5.Gregarious ability: In nursery school the child perhaps is reared in the family good gregarious ability, group collaboration ability and communication ability, let the ability that the child reviews so that respect other, him expression as a child.

Above is little common sense of life of a few child, the hope can bring a few helps to you.

Does Xiaochang know safety of nursery school life?

1, cheeper does not carry toy and keen appliance to come field, should not put it in mouth, nose, ear more, harm in case;

2, educational cheeper cannot take toy and companion to fight noisely, cannot catch more, bite, make a companion;

3, fluctuation stair relies on right to go, do not slip downward from stair armrest, do not make dangerous motion;

4, to public attend visit, go out take a walk or when outdoors activity, educational cheeper should be far from the dangerous place such as transformer, construction site, listen to a teacher (perhaps Your Excellency) if, do not leave collective casually, occupied should tell a teacher;

5, the arrangement that educational cheeper is moving or the teacher should listen to when game, abide by discipline, orderly activity, avoid to be chased after each other dozen, run in disorder collision;

Does Xiaochang of nursery school life remember content?

Child life little common sense:

1. uses water security: Do not drink the beverage that stranger gives, not do sth without authorization leaves guardian line of sight;

2. uses electric security: Need not damp hand feels electric equipment, do not receive electrical wiring in disorder;

3. fire control is safe: Do not play with fire, do not enjoy combustible article;

4. transportation is safe: Abide by traffic regulation, cross a driveway to walk along zebra crossing;

5. provision is safe: Do not eat cankered and degenerative food, notice dietetic hygiene.

Cheeper of content of clew of a day of life?

Education of nursery school convention basically includes: Convention of convention of a day of life, education, education. Nursery school teacher should be met science, reasonably formulate each are groovy, want patience meticulous, perservingly educational cheeper abides by each convention, in order to make nursery school convention teachs the action with due play.

3-5 year old interlocution of child life common sense?

3~5 year old the child should be to go up the age of nursery school, be transfer toward what change in middle shift from Xiaoban period, this age paragraph the child should be met the business that does a few in one's power, oneself can wear the dress, oneself have a meal, also can him relieve oneself, but the child should be under parental custody, do some its need parent will remind, even his own exercise he himself can be finished, him thing that the teacher of nursery school can teach him child is done.

Does Xiaochang of nursery school life know simple article table?

 1. safe knowledge writes down a heart, I do not do dangerous thing, ego protection is the most significant, I am mom's chickabiddy.

     2. Child, want vigilance, the eyewinker does not put Piao bazoo in, swallow have risk into abdomen, the platoon does not go out really anxious.

     3. I small know, discover hellion wall bulletin is accused. Constabulary uncle comes quickly, hellion each runs to be not dropped.

     4. Red light stops, green light goes, you prepare Huang Deng, stand firm footstep lamp look, traffic regulation should be written down prison.

     5. Small passageway brilliant, in the center of darling station queueing up, ordinal walk have order, do not push not crowded look at ahead.
