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小东江湖旅游攻略? 东江湖漂流旅游攻略?英文双语对照


小东江湖旅游攻略? 东江湖漂流旅游攻略?英文双语对照


小东江湖是江苏省苏州市吴江区的一个名胜风景区,以其独特的水乡风光和悠久的历史文化而闻名。以下是小东江湖旅游攻略的一些建议:1. 游览东山岛:东山岛坐落在小东江湖中央,是湖区最大的岛屿,有浓厚的水乡风情。可以乘船前往岛上,游览古老的村落和传统的水乡建筑。2. 参观东山岛文化村:文化村是东山岛上的一个景点,保留了明清时期的建筑风格,可以欣赏到传统的江南水乡文化和民间艺术表演。3. 漫步小东江湖畔:可以沿着湖岸漫步,欣赏湖光山色和湖区特有的自然景观。湖畔还有许多茶楼和餐馆,可以品尝当地的美食和茶文化。4. 饮茶赏花:小东江湖周边是著名的茶叶产区,可以参观茶园,品尝当地的名茶。在春季和夏季,湖区的花海景观也非常美丽,可以欣赏花海和赏花。5. 参观周边古镇:小东江湖周边有许多历史悠久的古镇,如同里古镇和同里古玩市场等,可以感受到江南水乡古镇的独特魅力。6. 欣赏湖区夜景:小东江湖的夜景非常迷人,可以选择在湖边的茶楼或餐馆品茶或用餐,欣赏湖光山色和夜景的美丽。以上是小东江湖旅游攻略的一些建议,希望对您有帮助。在游玩时,请注意景点的开放时间和安全事项。



1. 准备:

- 穿着:穿着轻便、舒适的衣服和鞋子,避免穿着过于紧身或易浸湿的衣物。

- 防晒保护:涂抹防晒霜以及戴上帽子和太阳镜,以防止阳光灼伤。

- 防水装备:准备一套防水袋,用于存放贵重物品并保持干燥。

2. 到达:

- 自驾车:如果您是自驾前往,可以使用导航寻找到东江湖漂流的准确路线,并寻找合适的停车场。

- 公共交通:如果您选择公共交通,可以乘坐火车或长途客车前往清远市,在清远市内换乘到东江湖漂流的交通工具。

3. 安全须知:

- 注意听从工作人员指示,并提前了解漂流的注意事项和安全规定。

- 佩戴救生衣是必要的,确保自己的安全。

- 如果您不会游泳或者不太擅长水上活动,可以选择搭乘双人气垫船或其他安全设备。

4. 注意事项:

- 保护环境:请勿乱丢垃圾或破坏周围的自然环境,尊重当地的生态和文化。

- 拍照留念:可以携带防水相机或手机防水壳,拍摄漂流过程中的美丽景色和回忆。

- 尊重他人:在漂流途中,请互相尊重其他游客和工作人员,保持良好的行为礼仪。

5. 其他活动:

- 探索周边景点:东江湖周边还有许多自然风光和旅游景点,例如观音山、百丈岩等。您可以安排时间探索这些景点。

- 品尝当地美食:清远市以其美食而闻名,不妨在漂流后品尝一些当地特色菜肴,享受美食盛宴。




交通:您可以从福州乘坐轮渡前往东礵岛。在码头乘坐轮渡,大约需要一个小时的时间。此外,您也可以选择乘坐飞机前往厦门,然后转乘轮渡前往东礵岛。食宿:东礵岛上有很多美味的海鲜,您可以在当地品尝一下当地的特色美食。此外,您还可以在岛上享受大自然的美食,例如野生的水果和蔬菜。景点:東蓮寺是東碶島的著名景點,也是福州地区最大的寺庙之一。这里有许多古老的建筑和文物,值得一游。此外,您还可以参观东礵山国家森林公园,那里有美丽的自然景色和各种户外活动,如登山、徒步旅行等。购物:东礵岛是一个美丽的小岛屿,没有太多的购物场所。但是,您可以在这里购买一些特色的纪念品或手工艺品。5. 注意事项:在 东礜岛旅游时需要注意防晒、防蚊虫叮咬等问题。此外,您还需要注意晕船的问题,因为海浪较大,容易导致晕船。建议您在乘坐轮渡前咨询一下是否会出现晕船情况,并携带相应的药品




东下村是位于中国福建省龙岩市上杭县的一个小村庄,拥有优美的自然风光和独特的乡村文化。以下是东下村的一些建议和旅游攻略:1. 交通:乘坐公共汽车或开车前往。从龙岩市区大巴站有前往上杭县县城的班车,然后再转乘当地村巴或出租车前往东下村。2. 乡村体验:东下村保留了许多传统的农村风貌,你可以在村庄里漫步,欣赏农田和山脉的美景,体验当地村民的生活和农耕文化。3. 美食:尝试当地的农家菜,例如有机蔬菜、山野小猪肉和农家土鸡。你可以在村庄的农家乐或小餐馆品尝到地道的乡村美食。4. 民俗文化:参观村内的传统古民居,了解村庄的历史和文化。还可以参加村民举办的传统民俗活动,如庙会、婚嫁仪式和乡村音乐演出等。5. 自然景点:东下村周边还有许多自然景点,如九霄岩、谢坂岩和郊北山等。你可以租辆自行车或徒步前往,欣赏大自然的美景和呼吸清新的空气。6. 农耕体验:如果你对农业有兴趣,可以参与当地的农耕活动,学习种植蔬菜、采摘水果或参加稻田耕作等农村体验项目。7. 住宿:东下村有一些农家乐供游客住宿,你可以选择在村子里的客栈或农家乐中过夜,感受乡村的宁静和舒适。8. 购物:在村庄里有一些小商店可以购买当地特产和手工艺品,如土特产、手工纪念品和农村土特产等。总体来说,东下村是一个适合放松身心、感受乡村文化和自然景观的好地方。无论你是想远离城市喧嚣,体验农村生活,还是想近距离接触自然美景,东下村都值得一去。






1. 九华山:九华山是湖南省的一座著名山脉,有着壮丽的自然景观和丰富的人文历史。游客可以欣赏到奇峰、怪石、古树、清泉等自然风景,还可以了解到古代道教文化的历史和文化。

2. 衡阳:衡阳是湖南省的一个历史文化名城,有着丰富的文化遗产和历史古迹。在这里可以游览衡阳古城、南岳衡山、西山公园等多个景点。

3. 常宁:常宁也是湖南省的一个历史文化名城,有着丰富的文化遗产和历史古迹。在这里可以游览常宁古城、南岳庙等多个景点。

4. 东江湖:东江湖是湖南省的一个著名旅游景区,有着壮丽的自然风景和丰富的水上活动。在这里可以进行游泳、划船、垂钓等多种水上活动,还可以欣赏到美丽的湖泊和周围的自然风景。


1. 岳阳:岳阳是湖南省的一个历史文化名城,有着丰富的文化遗产和历史古迹。在这里可以游览岳阳楼、洞庭湖等多个景点。

2. 常德:常德也是湖南省的一个历史文化名城,有着丰富的文化遗产和历史古迹。在这里可以游览武陵山风景区、石门山景区等多个景点。

3. 桃源:桃源是湖南省的一个自然风景区,有着壮丽的自然风景和独特的人文历史。在这里可以欣赏到张家界的风景,还可以了解到土家族的文化和历史。

4. 东江湖:同路线一


1. 九华山:九华山豆腐、九华山蜜饯、九华山糕点等。

2. 衡阳:衡阳糖粥、衡阳米粉、衡阳腊肉等。

3. 常宁:常宁豆腐、常宁腊肉、常宁莲蓬饼等。

4. 桃源:桃花鱼、野生菌类、桃花酒等。




1. 清江农家乐:郴州东江湖附近有近60家清江农家乐可供选择。这些农家乐提供舒适的住宿环境,让您能够亲近自然,感受田园风光。您可以选择适合自己需求的农家乐,享受宁静的乡村生活。

2. 蒋小东风景区:蒋小东风景区是郴州东江湖的一个景点,这里有超大的房间布满落地窗,可以欣赏到东江水景和夜景。您可以选择在蒋小东风景区内的酒店或民宿住宿,享受图像最大化的视觉体验。

3. 木鸟短租:如果您喜欢自由行和独立空间,可以考虑在郴州东江湖附近租用木鸟短租的房源。木鸟短租提供位置在郴州东江湖大门附近的房源,价格相对较为实惠。您可以选择适合人数的房源,享受家一般的舒适和便利。

4. 酒店和度假村:在郴州东江湖附近还有一些酒店和度假村可供选择。这些酒店和度假村设施完善,提供各种服务和设施,让您能够尽情享受旅行的乐趣。


















- 了解当地天气情况,选择合适的时间前往;

- 准备好必要的装备,如防晒霜、墨镜、帽子等;

- 选择适合自己的游玩路线,如步行、骑行、自驾等;

- 注意安全,遵守当地规定。



1. 主要景点:光东村以其美丽的自然风光和朝鲜族文化而闻名。您可以参观光东村的主要景点,如光东村风景区、光东村民俗文化村和光东村朝鲜族民居。在这些地方,您可以欣赏到壮丽的山水风光,了解朝鲜族的传统文化和生活方式。

2. 美食体验:光东村也以其美味的朝鲜族特色美食而闻名。您可以品尝到各种传统的朝鲜族菜肴,如辣白菜、炸酱面、石锅拌饭等。此外,还可以尝试当地的特色小吃和饮品。

3. 民俗表演:光东村经常举办朝鲜族的传统民俗表演,如舞蹈、歌曲和乐器演奏等。您可以观看这些表演,感受朝鲜族的独特文化和艺术形式。

4. 自然探索:光东村周围有许多自然景观和户外活动的机会。您可以参加徒步旅行、登山、野餐等活动,探索周边的山林和湖泊。

5. 购物:在光东村,您还可以购买到一些朝鲜族的手工艺品和纪念品,如传统的织锦、陶瓷制品和木雕等。



Small east strategy of travel of all corners of the country?

Small east a all corners of the country is Wu Jiang district of city of Jiangsu province Suzhou scenic spot beauty spot, famed with scene of its distinctive a region of rivers and lakes and long historical culture. It is small below east a few proposals of strategy of travel of all corners of the country: 1. Visit east hill island: Hill island is located in east small east in the center of all corners of the country, it is the islands with lake the largest area, have amorous feelings of grumous a region of rivers and lakes. Can head for an island to go up by ship, visit old village and structure of traditional a region of rivers and lakes. 2. Look around east village of hill island culture: Culture village is east a tourist attraction on hill island, retained the structure style of period of bright Qing Dynasty, can enjoy culture of traditional Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes and folk art performance. 3. Ramble is small east bank of all corners of the country: Can stroll along lake bank, admire the natural landscape with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains and lake peculiar area. Lakefront still has a lot of tea buildings and cafeteria, can sample local cate and tea culture. 4. Drink tea admire the beauty of flowers: Small east periphery of all corners of the country is famous tea produces a division, can visit tea plantation, sample local well-known tea. In spring and summer, the beautiful sea landscape of lake area is very beautiful also, can admire Hua Haihe to admire the beauty of flowers. 5. Visiting periphery ancient town: Small east periphery of all corners of the country has the ancient garrison post with a lot of long histories, as in Gu Zhenhe is the same as li of antique market to wait, can experience the distinctive glamour of ancient town of Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes. 6. Admire lake area night scene: Small east the night scene of all corners of the country is very attractive, can choose to taste tea or have dinner in the tea building of lakefront or cafeteria, appreciate the beauty of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains and night scene. Above is small east a few proposals of strategy of travel of all corners of the country, the hope is helpful to you. When amuse oneself, notice the open time of the tourist attraction and safe item please.

Does all corners of the country travel adrift east strategy?

All corners of the country is project of a when Chinese Guangdong visits remote town clear famous travel adrift east, it is below east strategy of travel of float of all corners of the country:


- dress: Wearing light, comfortable dress and shoe, avoid to wearing the clothings that soaks too tight or easily.

- prevent bask in protection: Daub is prevented bask in frost and wear cap and sunglass, in order to prevent sun burnable.

- waterproof equipment: Prepare a waterproof bag, be used at depositing valuable and keep dry.


- drive oneself: If you are,go to, can use navigation to be searched east the exact course with seaborne all corners of the country, search appropriate parking lot.

- public traffic: If you choose public traffic, can take the train or remote town is gone to clear before intercity bus, inside quiet remote town change arrives east the vehicle with seaborne all corners of the country.

3.Safety instructions:

- the attention complies with staff member directive, understand seaborne note and safe provision ahead of schedule.

- adorn airjacket is necessary, ensure oneself safety.

- if you won't swim or not quite be good at the activity on water, can choose to take two-men hovercraft or other safety.


- protect an environment: Please not litter or destroy the environment all round, respect local zoology and culture.

- take a picture accept as a souvenir: Can carry waterproof camera or mobile phone waterproof carapace, film the beautiful scenery in seaborne process and memory.

- esteem other: In seaborne road, respect other visitor and staff member each other please, the action that keeps good is formal.

5.Other activity:

- explore circumjacent tourist attraction: Periphery of all corners of the country still has a lot of natural scene and travel tourist attraction east, for example cliff of avalokitesvara hill, 100 a unit of length. You can arrange time to explore these tourist attractions.

- sample local cate: Quiet remote town is famed with its cate, might as well sample after float dish of characteristic of a few place, enjoy cate sumptuous dinner.

Enjoying east in the process with seaborne all corners of the country, ensure oneself is safe please, enjoy this stimulation and interesting travel project to the top of one's bent. Wish you play happily!

Does Dai island travel east strategy?

Dai island is located in the horsetail area of Fujian Province the Fuzhou City east, it is a beautiful islands, be known as " maritime garden " . It is below a few east the travel strategy of Dai island:

Traffic: Before you can take ferry from Fuzhou, go to east Dai island. Ferry is taken in dock, need the time of a hour about. In addition, you also can choose to take a plane to head for Xiamen, turn to be headed for by ferry next east Dai island. Board and lodging: East there are a lot of delicate seafoods on Dai island, you can sample in place characteristic cate of place. In addition, you still can enjoy the cate of nature on the island, for example feral fruit and vegetable. Tourist attraction: San temple is the well-known view Zuo of Chu , also be one of cloister with Fuzhou the largest area. Here has a lot of old buildings and cultural relic, be worth to swim. In addition, you still can look around east park of forest of Dai hill country, the natural view that there is beauty over there and all sorts of outdoors activities, if mountaineer, hike etc. Shop: Dai island is a beautiful small islands east, without too much shopping place. But, you can buy the souvenir of a few characteristic or handicraft to taste here. 5. Note: In east the need when Dai island travels notices to prevent bask in, prevent the problem such as mosquito bite. In addition, you still need to note seasick problem, because ocean wave is bigger, bring about easily seasick. Suggest you seek advice to whether can appear before taking ferry seasick circumstance, carry corresponding drug


. Still have, if you plan to be here pass the night, suggest you select a comfortable accommodation site, be like a hotel or civilian constellation. Anyhow, Dai island is a beautiful islands east, a lot of interesting tourist attractions and activity can experience. Hope my answer plans to be helped somewhat to your travel!

Does village travel strategy lay east?

Next villages are to be located in on city of Longyan of Chinese Fujian Province east a little village of Hangzhou county, have beautiful natural scene and distinctive rustic culture. It is below east a few proposals of next villages and travel strategy: 1. Traffic: Before take a bus or driving, go to. The upgrade before from bus of Longyan urban district the station has the regular bus of Hangzhou county town, turn again next by local village cling to or the taxi is headed for east next villages. 2. Rustic experience: Next villages withheld a lot of traditional country view east, you can stroll in the village, admire the beautiful scenery of farm and mountain range, the life that experiences local villager and farming agrarian culture. 3. Cate: Try farmhouse dish of place, for example flesh of piggy of organic vegetable, Shan Ye and farmhouse earth chicken. You are OK happy in villatic farmhouse or the rustic cate that chophouse tastes savor tunnel. 4. Folk-custom culture: The traditional Gu Min inside visiting village is resided, understand villatic history and culture. Return the traditional folk-custom activity that can enter the villager to hold, wait like ceremony of temple fair, marriage and rustic music show. 5. Natural tourist attraction: Next village periphery still have a lot of natural tourist attractions east, wait like 9 clouds cliff, cliff thanking slope and outskirt north hill. You can hire a bicycle or pedestrian head for, admire the air with the beautiful scenery of nature and fresh breath. 6. Farming agrarian experience: If you have fun at to agriculture, can participate in place farming agrarian activity, study is cultivated vegetable, picked fruit or attend the country such as rice field cultivation to experience a project. 7. Accommodation: Next villages have a few peasant family east happy lodge for the tourist, you can choose the hotel in the village or farmhouse happy in pass the night, those who feel country is halcyon and comfortable. 8. Shop: There are a few small shops to be able to buy local special local product and handicraft to taste in the village, wait like local speciality, manual souvenir and rural local speciality. Overall for, next villages are one suits to loosen the body and mind, good place that experiences rustic culture and natural landscape east. No matter you are to want to be far from a city blatant, experience the country lives, still think close quarters contacts natural beautiful scenery, next villages are worth to go east.

Does bay town travel east strategy?

Travel strategy is as follows, the first station goes first dock of sea musical instrument, the 2nd station goes again Seoul maple scene encloseds ground for growing trees, the 3rd station goes calabash island looks around, native place of Hua Tuo of the 4th station, these places are east the place with bay better town.

Does Changsha arrive east strategy of travel of all corners of the country?

It is Changsha arrives below east strategy of travel of all corners of the country recommends:

Course one: Changsha - 9 Mount Hua - Heng Yang - Chang Ning - east all corners of the country

1.9 Mount Hua: 9 Mount Hua are a of Hunan Province famous mountain range, having magnificent natural sight and rich humanitarian history. The tourist can admire the natural scenery such as strange peak, strange stone, Gu Shu, Qing Quan, return the history that can know archaic Taoism culture and culture.

2.Heng Yang: Heng Yang is the famous city of culture of a history of Hunan Province, having rich culture legacy and historical place of historic interest. Can visit park of Heng Shan of Heng Yang ancient city, Nayue, west hill to wait for many tourist attractions here.

3.Chang Ning: The famous city of culture of a history that also often is Hunan Province rather, having rich culture legacy and historical place of historic interest. Can visit temple of constant Ninggu city, Na Yue to wait for many tourist attractions here.

4.East all corners of the country: All corners of the country is area of scene of a of Hunan Province famous travel east, having the activity on magnificent natural sight and rich water. Can undertake natant here, row, the activity on a variety of water such as go angling, what still can appreciate beauty is laky with the natural scenery all round.

Course 2: Changsha - Yue Yang - Chang De - peach source - east all corners of the country

1.Yue Yang: Yue Yang is the famous city of culture of a history of Hunan Province, having rich culture legacy and historical place of historic interest. Can visit the many tourist attractions such as lake of front courtyard of Yue Yang building, hole here.

2.Chang De: Chang Deye is the famous city of culture of a history of Hunan Province, having rich culture legacy and historical place of historic interest. Can visit area of scene of hill of beauty spot of fierce hill hill, Shimen to wait for many tourist attractions here.

3.Peach source: Peach source is a natural beauty spot of Hunan Province, having magnificent natural sight and distinctive humanitarian history. Can admire the scenery of Home Zhang group here, return the culture that can understand the Tujia nationality and history.

4.East all corners of the country: Line of go the same way one

Cate recommends:

1.9 Mount Hua: Cake of confiture of bean curd of 9 Mount Hua, 9 Mount Hua, 9 Mount Hua.

2.Heng Yang: Bacon of ground rice of congee of Heng Yang candy, Heng Yang, Heng Yang.

3.Chang Ning: Cake of bacon of Chang Ning bean curd, Chang Ning, Chang Ninglian bitter fleabane.

4.Peach source: Wine of minnow, feral fungus, peach blossom.

Above is Changsha arrives east strategy of travel of all corners of the country, hope to be helped somewhat to you.

Chen city east strategy of accommodation of travel of all corners of the country?

Chen city east the travel tourist attraction that all corners of the country is a beauty, offerred a variety of accommodation alternatives. It is the travel accommodation strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Clear river farmhouse is happy: Chen city east there is peasant family of nearly 60 clear rivers near all corners of the country happy can offer an alternative. These farmhouse are happy provide easy accommodation environment, let you can be close to nature, experience rurality. The farmhouse that you can choose to fit him requirement is happy, enjoy halcyon rustication.

2.Jiang Xiaodong beauty spot: Area of scene of Jiang small east wind is Chen city east a tourist attraction of all corners of the country, have here exceed big room to cover French window, can admire east Jiang Shuijing and night scene. You can choose the hotel inside Jiang Xiaodong beauty spot or civilian constellation accommodation, enjoy image the biggest the visual experience that turn.

3.Mu Diao weak point hires: If you like free travel and independent space, can consider to be in Chen city east hire wood bird is short near all corners of the country the room source that hire. Mu Diao weak point is hired offer the position to be in Chen city east the room source near gate of all corners of the country, the value is relative relatively substantial. You can choose to suit the room source of the number, enjoy the home general comfortable with advantage.

4.Hotel and go vacationing village: In Chen city east there still is a few near all corners of the country hotel and go vacationing the village can offer an alternative. These hotels and go vacationing village establishment is perfect, offer all sorts of services and establishment, let you can enjoy viatic fun to the top of one's bent. ?

No matter you choose way of which kinds of accommodation, the proposal undertakes booking ahead of schedule, in order to ensure you can get satisfactory accommodation experiences. Additional, still can need budget of sue for peace to undertake choosing according to his, so that best experience is gained in the journey. Wish you journey is happy!

East circuitry of all corners of the country 2 travel strategy?

In the morning, you can go first east the Song Bailing of bank of all corners of the country watchs scene station, appreciation the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, experience the glamour of nature. The air here is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, it is a place that suits to take a picture very much. You can film here a lot of beautiful photographs, keep good memory.

Then, you can be headed for east the Eden on water of all corners of the country, enjoy enter the water on recreational fun. Have here a lot of + + project, wait like seaborne, slippery water, motorboat, suit all sorts of ages paragraph tourist. If you like + + , so might as well come to + + seaborne brigade, experience aquatic speed and + + .

Midday, you can go east the small town of bank of all corners of the country samples local cate. The dietary culture here is very rich, have a lot of distinguishing feature fastfood with cate, be like east meal of bamboo slip of Jiang Yu, clear far bacon, Song Bailing. You can ramble on small town, sample the cate of a few place, experience local local customs.

Afternoon, you can be headed for east park of forest of all corners of the country, explore this mysterious forest. Here has thick woods, clear brook and grand fall, it is a place that suits to hike very much. You can stroll here, those who experience nature is magical and wonderful.

In the evening, you can be headed for east the hot spring hotel of bank of all corners of the country, enjoy the fun of bubble hot spring. The hot spring water quality here is good, temperature is appropriate, can alleviate fatigue, slow body and mind. You can loosen heart of one private parts here, enjoy the benefaction of hot spring.

Sample the following day cate

In the morning, you can be headed for east the Yu Jiale of bank of all corners of the country, sample characteristic cate of place -- east Jiang Yu. This kind of cruelly oppress is qualitative delicious, nutrition is rich, it is a tradition cate that Guangdong saves. You can sample here authentic east Jiang Yu,

Then, sample local bacon. Clear far bacon is a tradition cate that Guangdong saves, the flesh is qualitative delicious, mouthfeel is distinctive. You can taste the clear far bacon with authentic savor in the cafeteria on small town,

Midday, you can head for restaurant of Song Bailing bamboo slip, sample bamboo slip meal of place. This kind of meal is to use bamboo slip to evaporate is made and be become, mouthfeel is distinctive, nutrition is rich. You can taste the meal of Song Bailing bamboo slip with authentic savor here,

Afternoon, sample chicken of polished glutinous rice. This kind of meal is to use polished glutinous rice and chicken to evaporate is made and be become, mouthfeel is delicious, nutrition is rich. You can taste the chicken of polished glutinous rice with authentic savor in the cafeteria on small town,

In the evening, sample of place fastfood. Here has a lot of fastfood vendor's stand, wait like fruit of fried chicken, chips, thin pancake made of millet flour, mouthfeel is distinctive, flavour is delicious. What you can taste a few place in fastfood booth top grade is fastfood,

All corners of the country is one suits to drive swimming place oneself very much east, here has distinctive natural scene and rich humanitarian history, it is the place with a special false grade of fit. If you plan to come here amuse oneself, so might as well the strategy of referenced article, exploration beautiful scenery, sample cate, spend a happy vacation.

Strategy of travel of Mi Dongtian village?

Village of day of Mi Dong area is village of the administer below town of channel of ironworks of Mi Dong district of city of Urumqi of The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Here is having beautiful natural view, mountain range of the mountain that be like a day, Hua Haitian, still having rich humanitarian history and culture, if the countryside of day village promotes practice,wait.  

If you think village of day of area of amuse oneself Mi Dong, OK and referenced the following strategy:

- situation of understanding place weather, choose right time to head for;

- prepare necessary equipment, if prevent,bask in frost, sunglasses, cap to wait;

- the amuse oneself route that chooses to suit oneself, if walk, ride travel, drive oneself etc;

- the attention is safe, abide by local regulation.

Extend strategy of travel of Ji Guangdong village?

Delaying Ji Guangdong village is Chinese Jilin province tourist attraction of a when delay autonomous prefecture of edge the Chaoxian nationality to delay auspicious city famous travel. It is the travel strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Main tourist attraction: Smooth east the village is famed with its beautiful natural scene and culture of the Chaoxian nationality. You can see light east the main tourist attraction of the village, be like light east village beauty spot, smooth east village of villager common culture the Korean people of He Guangdong village civilian house. Be in these places, you can admire magnificent landscape sight, know the traditional culture of the Chaoxian nationality and way of life.

2.Cate experience: Smooth east village also famed with cate of its delicate characteristic of the Chaoxian nationality. You can sample dish of all sorts of traditional the Chaoxian nationality, mix like boiler of face of hot Chinese cabbage, fried bean sauce, stone the meal. In addition, the characteristic that still can try place is fastfood with drink.

3.Folk-custom performance: Smooth east the traditional folk-custom show that the village often runs the Chaoxian nationality, if dancing, song and musical instrument are performed,wait. You can watch these shows, experience the distinctive culture of the Chaoxian nationality and artistic form.

4.Natural exploration: Smooth east the opportunity that there are a lot of natural landscapes and outdoors activity all round the village. You can attend hike, the activity such as mountain-climbing, picnic, the mountain forest that explores periphery and laky.

5.Shop: In light east village, the handicraft that you still can buy a few the Chaoxian nationality is tasted and souvenir, wait like traditional brocade, ceramic and woodcarving.

Ask an attention, above is the travel strategy of a few proposals, specific scheduling and mobile choice can be mixed according to your interest time will decide. Go to afore solely east before the village, suggest the weather situation that knows place ahead of schedule and travel serve establishment, so that arrange the route better.
